Roll of quarters in a sock

+1 on the MagLite. I prefer C cell because it fits my hand better. I like the 6-cell because held normally, it covers all the way back to my elbow for blocking. Some folks might like a shorter one.
Do you not see how this is silly? Do you think this thread puts gun owners in a good light? Seriously, get him some OC spray and help him budget his finances in order to get his CHL.

Well, personally, I would feel kinda silly walking around with a sock and quarters in my pocket. :D But this guy is looking for an effective but legal means (even if it isn't Politically correct or look lovable to DAs) of defending his life. That, in my view, is the most important point here. You do want to work within the law if that is possible. (but practically speaking, who is going to walk through a bad area of town home every night if they have to without a gun, even if they don't have a CHL. Some people have to do things like that) Face it, CHLs are quite expensive and some people can't legally get them even if they can afford them (may have something on their record in their past, they may not be a citizen, etc.) These kinds of people are not looking for trouble or trying to be violent revolutionaries but just want to stay alive and protect themselves.
OC spray, in my view, can be effective but a potentially lethal weapon would be more ideal in stopping an attacker. OC spray has been known to be more resistant with some people than others. OC spray might blow back in your face if the wind is against you. I'm not certain a roll of quarters in a sock would be MY first choice but I suppose it could be effective (which is why I posted the question to begin with)
I had a pipe wrench that I used to keep behind my truck seat. One night when I was going home from visiting a relative a couple of young punks passed me up and blocked the road ahead. put my lights on high beam since they were facing em and reached behind the seat for the pipe wrench...

When they saw the pipe wrench they decided they had better things to do.:D

another situation I was in was a domestic dispute where I had the ill fortune of being present. It involved an older person so I had no choice but to step in to prevent any immediate harm. Got lucky and got the guy on the floor with an arm behind the back after a good kidney shot. He got sick and looked finished so I told him to go the the bathroom then leave. he was back there for a few minutes. My wife was where she could see behind me and down the hall. She screamed I looked around and he was coming with an axe handle. Luckily the chairs at the kitchen table were wrought Iron. I picked one up and was ready. I explained to him that if took a swing with the axe handle and missed I was going to wear him out and then take his temperature rectally with the axe handle. He decided he had somewhere else he needed to be.

Point being look for anything in reach that can be used a a weapon.. car keys, belt, walking stick, rock, sue stick, cue ball....ect.

With few exceptions, I believe anyone with a job can shave off some cash to save up $140 for a CHL, even if it means sacrificing other luxuries or hobbies for a period of time. There is also the option of a part-time job. So, for myself, the "can't afford" excuse doesn't sit well with me.

How will this person afford the pistol? What about ammunition, and range fees associated with practicing to obtain proficiency – the responsibility of anyone who chooses to carry a weapon, with the potential to fire it in public.

You'll get no argument from me regarding the significance of one's right to self-protection.

But let us not meld the two topics together.

This thread is about someone considering a sock filled with a roll of quarters as a viable option for self-protection. You've since introduced what I take as a hint towards your friend’s situation. I could be mistaken, and this may not describe your friend’s situation whatsoever; but you said:
some people can't legally get them even if they can afford them (may have something on their record in their past, they may not be a citizen, etc.)

Not knowing your friends situation I still feel comfortable saying footwear and pocket change is about the last line of self-defense I would be willing to rely upon. Hell, if he's that worried have him wear an exposed tool belt (picture carpentry tool belt) filled with things such as screw drivers, chalk lines, utility knives, and tape measures. That's mostly tongue-in-cheek... but hey, that might be a legal option YMMV.
'60s junior high school joke:
"Female X calls Femaly Y a " two bit wh-word. Female Y then hits femaleX over the head with a bag of quarters."
End of joke- no forensic analysis.
If the person cannot have a firearm because of a criminal record or cannot afford it, then that person should assiduously avoid bad places. I sense - through the Force, Luke - that said person may not do that.

Since DOJ studies indicate that OC (which is legal in most places - that women quip is crap) is effective in 90% of cases - arguing for a contact weapon of limited utility seems drive more by some other factors - machoism, perhaps.

There's something fishy here about the story. One could buy a maglite and use kubotan techniques.
Curious question ...

... if, as I'm reading, the intent is to use these "Creative tools" as a weapon, has any jurisdiction so identified them as a "Concealed weapon" ... Kalifornia has been mentioned previously in this post, and comes quickly to my mind, as a possible candidate for so considering these improvised "Weapons of mass destruction".
Just so we are all clear here: 1) My friend does not have a criminal record or anything (in fact he is an attorney recently out of school). I was simply offering people with past records of varying degrees as one of several illustrations of why people might not be able to get CHLs.
2) Some of you might be surprised how difficult it is to come by $140 to take a class when other priorities such as apt rent, groceries, etc. are trying to be met. People in college or just out of college struggling with finances or even work have quite a time with such costs.
3) Yes the cost of a gun is also an issue with a lot of people (including a lot other of my friends), but not this one. He already has a 9mm Taurus handgun (but would rather have a Sig 380 as a pocket gun) that is a usable weapon that could conceal under a coat. Perhaps if guns weren't regulated and controled by state and federal governments then perhaps guns wouldn't cost as much as they do and more people would be able to afford them who need them (such as people who have to live in high crime neighborhoods) but that is another thread for another forum
4) Not only the cost of the course and gun, but time also is a factor with some people. Time is money for a lot of people. Some people can't afford 8 hours on a weekend. Some people have to put in extra time for work/money whenever they can.

So, again, this particular attorney friend of mine is seeking other temporary means to defend himself. He is a clean cut character, has no record that I know of, so I doubt that the police would see him as some dangerous punk out for trouble because he had a sock of quarters as a defense weapon.
Eghad wrote:

I explained to him that if took a swing with the axe handle and missed I was going to wear him out and then take his temperature rectally with the axe handle.

OUCH! That one made ME flinch! :D

Honestly though, to the guy asking the original question, there are many methods of self defense that I believe would work alot better than a sock full of quarters. Defense spray, personal taser/stun gun, ect. While a sock full of quarters may indeed injure, it is definately not the weapon you want to bet your life on. Too easily dodged, or rendered useless by stopping any part of the sock. And I don't think the police would take lightly to such a device.
If he is a clean cut character and with some smarts - he should figure out that an OC spray has much more utility than a makeshift impact weapon like a sock full of coins.

Also, places like the Y, school district continuing ed - have evening courses in self-defense that are not that expensive. I'm sure said attorney buys beer or has cable TV. A couple of months of watching those expenses would suffice.

Since I'm a college prof, I'm certainly aware of new graduates and expenses. It doesn't ring true. A Taurus 9mm revolver goes for around $259 where I live. A box of 9mm ammo can be gotten for $3.89 to $10.00 (HP) at WallyWorld.

The ridiculous nature of the suggested weapon vs. techinques and equipment for a responsible citizen is what makes the discussion troublesome.

Railing against the government is fine on gun lists but it is not an an excuse for Rube Goldberg weaponery.
Well, not that I am trying to close the discussion or anything, I am going to forward the link to this thread to my friend and he will be able to see all advice pro and con for this tactic. Might even decide to jump in with his own questions.
Its illegal in California at least. I think its listed as a monkeyfist or sailors knot or some silly name like that. It's one of those laws that they only arrest and convict for when they feel like it. If you're walking down the street carrying a roll of quarters they're not going to throw the book at you. But if a homosexual communist black Phillipino Eskimo mugs you and you hit him over the head with it and kill him, your ass is grass if brought to media attention.

This is by far one of the funniest posts I have ever read!

Yes, in some states "monkey fists" are illegal... In Georgia one of us GA cops would praise you for such an intuitive device :)
A few years ago at our local pub my brother grabbed a pool ball of the table and put that inside a sock and then started swinging it directly at the heads of the wankers trying to get me out definatly works.
Was the sock off of his foot?!? I would love to see somebody take their shoe off and continue to beat a guy with a pool ball in a sock with on shoe on!

Another weapon that is easily concealed and can be very lethal is a kubaton(sp) can be hidden as a keychain but at like 4-5 inches long and 1inch diameter it is pretty dangerous in the right hands.
All good ideas with the socks, but then you have to carry a sock around all day. I bought and "SAP CAP" and wear all the time. All it is, is a baseball hat with about one-two ounces of lead shot stitched into the back of the hat. A little wierd at first, but you get use to the weight.
I dont like the sock trick, if you miss you cant return it back fast enough, and plus it would be easy to grab if not a direct hit in the head.

also keep in mind that when using a weapon other than a gun for self defense is risky, how many times have you heard of someone taking a bat to a fight then losing it and gets beat sensless by his own bat ( happened to someone i went to school with). same thing with a knife.

its either bare hands or gun.
Have you seen how slow a pissed aussie is not to mention a pissed yank. Hand guns are illegal here. And work socks usually end up in your pockets, so it the best thing to use on hand and it can be quite quick, give it a try just roll your wrist for a second blow if you miss.

We dont wanna shoot anyone just having fun