Roll of quarters in a sock


I am watching the movie death wish right now. It reminds me of something a friend of mine has thought about doing. In the movie we see Bronsen taking a sock and filling it with two rolls of quarters to spring it from his pocket and club someone in the head. A friend of mine recently recalled this and said that while he wants to get a chl he can't afford it right now, but as a temporary alternative he has thought about using the quarters in the sock method.
Could this work? Or is it just hollywood?
I bet it would work, but then again just holding a roll of quarters/nickels in your fist would probably work too (a little less conspicuous too).

rationale: F = ma
I use a key chain coin holder in the form of a small, very cute, stuffed animal with a zippered pouch in its back that I keep 10 bucks worth of quarters in.

It is about as non-threatening as non-threatening gets, but you sure dont want to be punched in the head by someone my size holding it in their fist.

Its the only thing I have found that pass's without confiscation (even if discovered) through area's secured by metal detectors & pat down searches.

It might seem stupid - but its an edge, and I will take any edge I can get when it comes down to being forced to engage in armed or even unarmed combat.
A couple of old D cell batterys works to . Take two socks put one in side the other works best tie a knot above the batterys and you're good to go
my first self defense weapon

...was taught to me by a sheriff who did a self-defense class for a women's group in college. You take your keys in your hand and make a fist around all of them but one. That one key sticks out between your index and middle finger. You therefore have an effective knife and fist backing it up; the key in some attacker's eye would be pretty good.

Of course this was in the Old Days before every BG thought it was somehow required to shoot their victim....

Still, it's an alternative, you don't have to carry anything extra, and he said it would work.

Its illegal in California at least. I think its listed as a monkeyfist or sailors knot or some silly name like that. It's one of those laws that they only arrest and convict for when they feel like it. If you're walking down the street carrying a roll of quarters they're not going to throw the book at you. But if a homosexual communist black Phillipino Eskimo mugs you and you hit him over the head with it and kill him, your ass is grass if brought to media attention.
+1 Springmom...

Both being from Texas we were taught the same things...;)

My dad taught me the key thing years this day I carry my car keys like that whenever i am walking to my car. I don't even realize I am doing it, it is just a habit.

+ 1 to the keys trick. I was taught this in a self defense class I took some years back. Still carry my keys that way when I go to use them. Aren't good habits (like shooting) fun? LOL. :D
double up

I'd try it out on a tree first.

My guess is any adult that starts an adrenaline raged flailing with a sock full of quarters is going to end up spraying said quarters all over the place when the bottom of the sock promptly rips out. Not much you're going to do with a limp sock in your hand, but the mob of folks that attack the spinning quarters may break up the attack.

Are saps illegal? Or those spring loaded noggin sticks?

You could hang one of these allen keys off of your keychain for 'vehicle maintenance' :cool:

Working in a prison I can tell you this that this a weapon of choice when thugs want to send a message to other thugs. They don't use quarters per se but either a rock or a combination padlock. Let's just say when delivered it will leave a lump or two
...could this be the answer to airline security? :) A long, strong sock and a couple rolls of quarters, or for that matter bus/subway tokens for wherever you're travelling or travelling from, or a soup can, aftershave bottle i.e. Old Spice (ever try to break one of those things?), baseball, etc.
Couldn't help but jump on this one. A crushing squeeze to the groin can send a man into a coma within seconds and possibly kill him. That is if you're close enough to swing sox full of quarters.

Just be careful , and keep in mind, that if the authoritys decide that you have such a thing when a normal person would not, that it might constitute prior thought. Might not hurt you in criminal, but could be devestatind in civil. Just a thought for what it's worth.
Bags of marbles, ball bearings, pennies, washers were around long before the
fancy leather wrapped "saps" of modern times...

They work very well... :eek:

Make sure the sock is strong enough (doubled?) :D

PS... This is a lethal tool... so if you don't want to kill 'em, hit 'em low.
Pretty much anything heavy will work in a sock. I could spend hours going over what common items can be used for weapons, in fact I did to an airline security agent one afternoon...the pens in my pocket, my belt, my shoe laces, my briefcase, my carry-on case's pull handles, my credit cards, my socks w/anything heavy (soda cans, batteries etc.)...anyhow, he got the picture. We then went to a souvenier shop and I pretty much told him that it was a security nightmare in there. He said he totally agreed...but still could not help me get my Wine Bottle Opener back.
Its called a "slung-shot" its in the same catagory as the monkey fist/sailors' knot as well as blackjacks and saps. Pretty much illegal in LOTS of places, particularly if you tote it around with you like that.

Tell your friend to get a pocket knife if he wants a "weapon" that bad. Or even a leatherman, even left folded up and held in the hand it will make a punch very dangerous.
A crushing squeeze to the groin can send a man into a coma within seconds and possibly kill him.
Huh? Never heard that before. Have you seen it done, or provide some sort of reference for it?


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