RIP Benchmade Knives


New member
Benchmade Knives has been exposed as an anti gun company after social media posts of the Oregon City Police Department showed pictures of guns being destroyed by Benchmade.

The post was deleted, but some have screenshots saved of it.


Further revelations have come out that Benchmade overwhelmingly contributes to local anti-gun Democrats campaigns.

I was never interested in Benchmade knives, but now I'm plain shocked by this activity as I doubt it's the first time Benchmade has done this. It's sad and uncomfortable, but I'd rather know the uncomfortable truth over a fake facade.
From what I understand, the guns were from folks that didn't want them anymore or guns used in crimes. What other folks do with their personal property is their business. I don't see an issue with any company helping out a LE organization for free. I didn't see anything about Benchmade being anti-gun, only pro-cop.

So..........are you anti-cop?
Another reason to blame and sacrifice the firearm.


Thanks for the heads-up although I don't own any of their knives. …. :)

From what I understand, the guns were from folks that didn't want them anymore or guns used in crimes.

Once again, another reason to blame and sacrifice the firearm. I feel so much safer seeing these "Evil" guns, off the street. …… :rolleyes:

Once helped a buddy move and he gave me a couple of old SxS's. when he gave them to me, he stated that when he was 5yr's old, his mother had committed suicide with one of them but was not sure, which on. Always thought that his right to destroy it. …. :confused:

Both SxS's cleaned up very nicely ….. ;)

Be Safe !!!
Destroying firearms that are destined to be destroyed is a non-issue.
In many places, crime guns are required by law to be destroyed. As much as it may hurt to see or think about for gun enthusiasts, it is the law. Once a firearm is ordered destroyed, there's little (if anything) that can be done to save it. It's the way our world works.

If they are, in fact, contributing to anti-gun groups or candidates (which does appear to be the case, but only with meager donations), that could be another matter. ...But probably not.
The only reason I have owned Benchmade knives (and still have one) is because each and every one of them was given to me. I won't pay what Benchmade wants for their products. So, what they do with their money doesn't really matter to me.
Once again, another reason to blame and sacrifice the firearm. I feel so much safer seeing these "Evil" guns, off the street. …… :rolleyes:

What are the odds that any of those guns could be readily and easily bought at your local gun shop? I had an old semi-auto .22 that would fire in full auto when it got dirty. Destroyed it instead of letting it get into the hands of someone else. No blame or sacrifice. Again, what so many folks are upset about, is not that unwanted guns are being destroyed, but that they can't have them instead, even tho most are easily obtained otherwise. Again, what concern is it of yours if someone else want to destroy their property, regardless of their reasons? How does that hurt you? How does destroying unwanted guns hurt pro-gun folks? Does crushing old unwanted cars take away my right to buy a new one? Heck of a lot of other firearms out there readily available for me to get upset over a few, other folks don't want anymore.
Strictly Political !!

How does destroying unwanted guns hurt pro-gun folks?
The firearms in question were not private property and destroying them by any Government is strictly a political ploy to appease the Anti-Gunners. …… ;)

As far as being unwanted or seemingly worthless; well, that is not the case. Whether functional or not, there is still value. You just haven't figured out, HOW !!! Look into it ….. :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
The firearms in question were not private property and destroying them by any Government is strictly a political ploy to appease the Anti-Gunners. …… ;)

As far as being unwanted or seemingly worthless; well, that is not the case. Whether functional or not, there is still value. You just haven't figured out, HOW !!! Look into it ….. :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!

From the Oregon City Police.......

Read the line...."These guns were required to be destroyed"

....nuff said.:rolleyes:


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I think the outrage is stemming from the fact that they chose to participate in the destruction of the guns. If I personally ran a company and I didn’t agree with the firearms destruction I would never get involved. The fact that they did shows that they at least have no issue with dumb laws like that. Unlike other places that do not destroy seized firearms and instead sell them to help fund police departments.
FrankenMauser said:
In many places, crime guns are required by law to be destroyed. As much as it may hurt to see or think about for gun enthusiasts, it is the law. Once a firearm is ordered destroyed, there's little (if anything) that can be done to save it. It's the way our world works.
It is my understanding that it is NOT the law in Oregon that evidence guns must be destroyed. The Oregon City PD could have auctioned them off. This was a virtue signaling operation by all parties involved.
I don’t care either way really, but I do have to question why publicize it.
I’ve thought about forging gun barrels into trinkets and peac signs lol.
Read the line...."These guns were required to be destroyed"

Ahhh.. the 'we were just following orders' requirement. It would help if for once quoted 'policy' had an origin.

But no... its easier to say it was 'a requirement' instead of actually quoting a law, ordinance or policy-maker(with a name and face).

I loathe government and cops, or their spokespeople, who hide behind ambiguity.
Liberalism has creeped into a lot of brains, apparently.
Destroying guns is always a political ploy-required by law or not.
I have seen articles that state that Benchmade is a heavy Democratic contributor.
Being a knife designer, I have dealt with this company. The owner is a shrewd businessman that really cares nothing about knives-nor do his minions. They are simply "product" to them. Benchmade has tried to corner the market on US automatic knife production.
I wouldn't miss them if they disappeared.
Virtue signaling. Don't recall too many news stories showing illegal drugs or counterfeit money being destroyed.
PD went to a knife company for destruction of firearms instead of a local gunsmith because ...

Can’t think of a reason. Looks like a publicity stunt that backfired. If I was going to chop up guns I would first think of “who has tools to cut thick steel?” Like pipefitters. Gas line outfits. Probably the City public works sewer pipe crew. A knife maker would be quite a ways down my brainstorm list.
Any organization that is actually forced by (dumb) laws to destroy firearms is a fiscally ignorant organization if they aren't putting the effort in to separating all parts from the frame first and then de-milling the frame. There is real money here, and ANY organization that exists from taxing the population is ignoring that revenue stream and tossing money in to the toilet -- while continuing to take it from the tax paying public.

The number of parts kits of "required" de-milled guns sold daily on Gunbroker is merely the easiest example to be found.
Sorry but BM screwed up, their reply and the OCPD's reply was BS! They could've sold them per OR law, the sheriff is a big time anti gunner!

Plenty of info out there that the last time they used the cities tools to dispose of them. Why did BM feel the need to help them out? Specialized tools my ass, a chop saw and a grinder?! How about a torch?

Then look at BM's political donations, they've given thousands to anti gun politicians over the years! Again, all of this is online for anyone to look up for themselves.

If it was knives being chopped up or banned in OR, would they be crying foul or helping?

To bad, so sad, good bye BM!
Seems everyone wants to please Twitter nowadays.

Too bad we can’t see if proper PPE is being used, and I see one person with some jewelry on.
I’ve never bought a benchmade knife because of the high prices they charge. My $60 SOG Flash 2 is as good as any $150 benchmade. That being said , I’ve got better things to do with my time than giving a rip about what some knife company’s politics are.

Don’t like it , don’t buy it. Like it, buy it.