Results of gun care product evaluation

Rather than posting the day of the failure on the thumbprint portion of the indoor plates I have waited to lump the recent failures into a single post. Here they are. Again this is only in the thumb print area of the plate.








As for the outdoor boards. Board #2 has now had every product show corrosion at 29 days. Board #1 is at 30 days with the same remaining products still fighting off corrosion.

Here is an update on the corrosion boards after 43 and 42 days outside.


The last three samples on board #1 are about to give up.


Board #2 samples are all finished. Every sample is showing corrosion.


The indoor samples (after 41 days) are showing more failures. (Only in the thumb print area)

Rust prevent, WD 40 regular), Militech1, Strike hold, Archoil, 3 In One iol, Kroil, Hoppe's MDL. Mil Poro 7 have now failed along with the others that had failed earlier.
As mentioned earlier I put together a device to capture the dynamic coefficient of friction for all the products I have previously evaluated (including a static friction evaluation)

Ive tabulated the results and they are similar to those of the static coefficient of friction evaluation.

Here is a video showing how the evaluation was conducted and how excess lube actually worsens or confounds our attempts to make metal slide easier against one another. The video will show that only in the absolute minimalist state do the gun lubes actually reduce the friction/drag forces.

All the products were run through the friction device and the chart below shows how each product performed in comparison to one another as well as dry steel (no lube at all)

Ingenious set up and time consuming too. Thanks for all your work. It has reenforced my newfound confidence in one shot dry lube
After 62 days the outdoor evaluation has concluded. This past June was one of the rainiest on record. I did not post the failure date of the last three products on the date of the failure so I could lump them together. Here are the final products to show corrosion.

Frog Lube after 54 days

Hornady One Shot after 58 days and

WD 40 Specialist at 62 days.




The indoor evaluation is still on-going.
Someone on a forum I am on posted this link and a bit about it. My first thoughts was here is another guy dreaming up some testing which has no validity whatsoever and the results will be exactly what he happens to use.

I spent some of my time in R&D as a test engineer. Testing is neither easy, simple and it has to be approached without my years on various public forums (since the late 70's when I was on ARPANET) its been a rare occasion I saw a test worth reading past the first few statements.

I am not for sure who the OP is or what he does for a living, but I can honestly say this is the best testing procedures I have seen come out of a public forum. Granted its not a control lab experiment but I would not hesitate to say his results would parallel that of a testing lab. It was not only a well developed test, excellent procedures, but the write up actually made sense and followed a well developed logical discussion of what he did.

I registered just to make this comment.

Whether you are an engineer or not you have done a fine job by any standard or measure. Thank you for your work...
Well done !

I found this thread on TapaTalk, and it is easier to follow along on that as the images show up in the post. Hard to get the jist of this, with only links posted in Vbulletin.

For members wanting the most of this information, get tapatalk for your smartphone, and view it on there.
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Is there a plausible explanation why Ballistol, Hoppe's oil w/ moistureguard, and Corrosion X all show greater friction/drag force than the dry, no lube sample? Very bizarre
I've been using froglube for the past couple years and have been very pleased with how well it performs. There are so many negative threads on it in this forum that I have second guessed myself many times, so I was glad to see this post.

Thank you for this outstanding evaluation.
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Amazing resolve to follow through with this test. The results are undeniable and has really made me think about the guns in my safe that I don't use that often. I need to get the silicone socks on my guns that don't get used very often. That of course would be after a good cleaning with Frog Lube.