Results of gun care product evaluation

I am amazed and very grateful for your report and study of this issue and products. I feel as though you should be compensated for your expense and time spent doing this report. I know a lot of people who would like to see this and will be sure they do. Thank you for the time and effort required to provide us with such a well done study.
I love the Frog lube grease for long term protection of firearms.
LPS 3 is also a superior product in a spray can but now pricey at about $12 bucks.
Blaster came out with a product very similar to LPS 3 but at half the cost.
I bought 6 cans from Home Depot under $6 bucks.
From your research one thing I gather is that the Frog Lube would be excellent for applying to internal areas of the gun when cleaning where you want specific areas treated, while the One Shot dry lub would be a good exterior spray on treatment. Would you agree?
Its been 20 days since I started board #3 which is the indoor board with the (hotdog) fingerprint.


The first (and only) sample so far to exhibit corrosion has appeared. The rust is only in the fingerprint area. The sample plate is the one coated with Eezox.


For all the positive comments about Eezox, it has been a complete disappointment.
Update on the two outdoors corrosion boards. Hornady One shot has finally failed on Board #2 Leaving Frog Lube and WD 40 Specialist but the Hornady product is still going strong on board #1.


Thanks for sharing that very useful information. That ongoing test obviously involves a lot of effort and no small expense.
I am in the process of designing an experiment, process and device to do further lubricity evaluations on these products. The first evaluation was for the coefficient of “static” friction but I fear it was lacking (even though it was a reasonable side by side evaluation) so Im working on evaluating “dynamic” friction forces. The long holiday weekend should provide me with time to get this going.

Static coefficient of friction was pretty straight forward with the weighted sled and the addition of water to eventually break free the friction forces between the two metal plates but I am devising a constant motion evaluation so I can capture the friction forces between two metal plates that are continually moving to gauge lubricity of the products as well as wear over a greater duration than the static friction evaluation I have already conducted.
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Amazing. I've gotten a whole new perspective on eezox. It's still great for cleaning, but all my guns are going to get the one shot.
I'll keep lookout for the wd40 also. What I've seen so far is really expensive, but appears to be worth it compared to rust in guns.
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Yes for all the praise of Eezox I read on all the forums (some posted Eezox, nuff said or don't bother, get Eezox and save your time doing an evaluation) Eezox has proven to be a big disappointment on a host of levels. I cannot recommend not use it on any of my gear based on a long list of reasons.
Ive completed the device I assembled and plan to use to measure dynamic friction forces. There are some refinements I need to make but I think the concept is pretty straight forward.






Here is a video of the dynamic coefficient of friction device in action. Its clear I need to work on the consistency of the smoothness of the big saw blade. You can hear and see the variations in smoothness.

In the coming days I will evaluate the friction reducing properties of the products I have previously evaluated for lubricity and corrosion resistance.
Your resourcefulness and creativity are phenomenal, sir. Besides that you obviously have too much time on your hands.;):D

It would be incredibly time consuming (or expensive) but I'd love to see a kinetic friction test after the products have dried for a couple of weeks.
So overall which gun products would you stay away from, and which ones do you think are good products?

Sorry, I haven't had the time to read the entire testing process!
First off it was not a test and 2nd, I am in no position to make up your mind for you. You really ought to invest the time to read it over and arrive at a conclusion that makes sense for your applications. I would not be so bold as to tell you what to use.
I have to tell ya, looking at your new testing device and I keep thinking we are lucky there are folks around like you with minds that work like yours does. Your efforts are appreciated! :D