Republicans denounce attack on Smith


Staff Emeritus
Republican hopefuls denounce attack on Smith

Washington. Several candidates for the Republican presidential nomination criticized their own party Sunday for attacking conservative Sen. Bob Smith, who's expected to quit the GOP and run for president under a third party.

Gary Bauer and Pat Buchanan, both seeking the GOP nod in 2000, defended Smith's decision and they blamed the GOP for the defection, saying the party has abandoned conservative ideas.

A fourth contender, Steve Forbes, said the GOP "should stop running people out of the party" and "go back to our core principles."

All said they'd remain in the GOP.
-- San Antonio Express-News, 7/12/99; pg 4A

We are having an effect - the desired effect.

Currently we have only a one-party system - a Democrat-Republican oligarchy. We MUST return to a two-party system, or even create a multi-party system, if we are to have any chance of preventing total tyranny.

Keep up the pressure. The Republicans feel it and are beginning to realize they have no future as Democrat look-alikes.

With luck, we can save our Rights and our Way of Life at the ballot box - but only if we stop the gradual degradation of our Constitution through one-sided compromise and appeasement.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 12, 1999).]
Has anyone else here been contacted by Smiths campaign? Apparently he is trying to get the support of 1 million gun owners, to raise funds to start his campaign and be able to play ball with folks like George W.

I told them Id help. :) Heck, he ought to go for all 70 million :D

Even if he doesnt win, maybe it will put enough pressure on the Republicans to get them back on our side. Or is that wishful thinking? :(
The way I see it, we should try to change the system, not re-create it. The next presidential election is probably going to be between Bush and Gore. Any votes for a third party will essentially be for Gore as it was with Perot and Clinton. Let's get the liberals out of the race and work on changing the system. After eight years of Clinton I don't think this Country can stand four years of Gore.
Amen to what Doug said.

This is going to be a critical presidential election, as there is likely to be a number of Supreme Court nominations within the next four years. While I also am not entirely satisfied with the GOP, this is a bad time to be splitting the conservative vote.
I'd agree to vote Republican if the ticket were Paul & Smith (or Smith & Paul). Otherwise, when you vote Republican, you're still voting Democratic.

Why do you think the "good guys" are jumping ship? The Republicans are only Democrats by another name - and true Republicans are bailing out of a sinking, stinking ship.

A vote for Bush will be a vote for more gun control - so enjoy it if that's what you want. I choose to vote for the Second Amendment. But we've been through this before.

When NICS is expanded, when you must register your guns, when you can NOT give a gun to your child without going through an FFL dealer, paying sales tax on your gift and transferring registration to your child ONLY after he passes a background check, etc. etc. - I hope to be here saying, "I told you so!"

Anybody want to bet that does NOT happen within the next eight years if we stick with the Democrat/Republican agenda?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 12, 1999).]
Third Party, Third Party , Thirty! Yes , I say go for it Senator Smith.Bush is just a slicker version of the Demagogs. He is a one worlder and member of the Skull and Bones; truly sick part of the Illuminati crowd. We must try as hard as poassible to support a Nationalist Third Party like the Reform , Tax Party, or Libertarian Party. What we need is for these three parties to merge into ONE Nationalist Party whose platform would be: GET OUR INDUSTRIES BACK TO THE US,KICK OUT THE UN,RESTORE CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT <AND BRING OUR TROOPS HOMETO PROTECT OUR BORDERS! But we patriots have a big problem with the sheeple who are very, very DUMBED DOWN!
AND BRING OUR TROOPS HOME TO PROTECT OUR BORDERS! The REPUBLICRATS should go the way of the Whig Party. They used to be a nationalist ,tariff protecting party,but are now just as pro one world as the Demagogs. THe Republicrats have joined with the Demagogs in destroying our economic and political freedom. Both parties must be eliminated to make way for new nationalist parties who hopefully will drive the" money changers"( Federal Reserve System) from our government and restore a honest money system NOT backed by debt. I may be dreaming however!
Ok I am going to make this real clear (or at least clear to me ;} )

Vote for whomever you with in the primary, go to the pct convetion (just after the primary ) go to the county convetion but just remember that on election day it is WINNER TAKE ALL !!!! and GORE MUST NOT WIN !!

I repete it is WINNER TAKE ALL
if did not get it the last 2 times when Perot managed to get Billy Bob in office please git it this time.. if PEROT had not been there Bush would have won and there would be NO Brady or Assult Weapons ban (well I hope not at least)

Vote your heart in the primary

Vote your MIND in Nov.

Shew nuff said....

So are you saying we should vote for the candidate who has the best chance of winning?

Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, ain't it?

I will not vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination. I *definitely* won't vote for the Demonicrat.

I'm voting Libertarian. Period. Harry Browne is the *only* candidate who has our interests (and the Consitution) at heart. If Bush wins, we won't see an immediate repeal of unconstitutional laws; we'll just see slower encroachment. Losing your rights in 3 years instead of 1 month is still a loss.

If you don't think you can make a difference, fine. Sit back and vote for a compromiser, and congratulate yourself on not voting for a candidate who "can't win anyway."

But imagine the results if every gun owner voted for Browne... it *can* happen.

Like Dennis says, "Vote Libertarian, for a change."

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
I know what you mean GW is not my first pick but he is way better than the other VIABLE option, If you really supprot the Lib's good for you but until they can get there ducks in a row and maybe win a couple of gov's and Reps and Senators they are pointless in that even if H. Brown or R. Paul had won the pres. ( not lickly though) they would have had 0 nada zilch support in congress and as such would only have been able to rule by veto, that would quicly get old. Thats why I recoemed going to the convetions, if every pct. sends 1 delagete who will stand there ground and push for party planks we can make a diference. I was at the county level when bush won there was a minor attempt by some to change the party plank on aboration( and severla others but I remember that one) when the vast majorty of the members voted to keep the plank the way it was the party had spoken and every single candidate KNEW what was expected. No the 2 party system is not perfect but lets face it unless we get 4parties the progun party that splits its power between the GOP (not great but better) and what ever 3rd party will LOOSE !!! and the american LEFT (democrats/solicilst) will win and they will appoint all the judges and they will make all the laws... think about that. Please rember that it is the REGAN appoities that have at least not HELPED the American Left.

I hope no one has take offence at my comments but this is pretty much the way I see it.
Nest is right........... remember Perot. He stole votes from the Repubs and a da- - Dem won! Same things gonna happen this time around. The Dems are loving this! Seeing the Repubs breaking up whilst their party stays together gives them a much better chance in Nov even with boneheaded Gore. Its the divide and concur principle. So if you're gonna vote for anyone other than the Republican nominee,YOU will be giving the Dems the victory..............your choice,but DATS da fact,jack........
I think I see your point, Sportster...

The rest of the sheep will vote for the lesser of two evils instead of going for another option, so I must as well. Is that about right?

Horsefeathers. That's the kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place: being afraid to speak up against the conventional wisdom. Saying "I won't vote for someone unless everyone else does" is philosophical cowardice. You vote for the candidate who BEST represents YOU and YOUR interests. Voting for anyone else is lame and self-defeating.

I voted for Browne in 1996, and I'll vote for him again this time. Am I tilting at windmills? Perhaps, but I know I've done my best, and if you want to call that futility, then have at it.

Nestor: you say Browne would be ineffective even if he were elected, because the House and Senate would be stacked against him. I disagree. Once the sheeple finally get a man of courage and integrity in the Oval Office, don't you think they'd demand the same from the rest?

One more point: what do we have to lose? If Bush wins, we're screwed. If Gore wins, we're screwed. If Browne wins, we can breathe a sigh of relief.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Coinneach, you are 100% correct! We need a patriotic, nationalist minded President in the White House now! It would at least be a counter balance to the one world completely corrupt Senate and "Stewpreme Court" which in league with the present White House Crew are setting us up for UN control. Bush, like older evil Bush, is as tied into one world crowd as BIG Comrade now on the throne in DC. Texas, Bush's fiefdom, is heavily under the Federales gun right now. Urban warfare operations by the Delta force, thumb and retinal scans, camera survalience in neighborhoods(Austin),takeover of Temple Municiple Airport by Us and Czech troops, and other control operations are common in Texas. Bush was confronted by Alex Jones who wantedBush to answer questions on Un and other Subjects. Jones was detained for a half hour by Bush thugs! Guys , we must break free of the rotten two(actually ONE) party system which has worked together since 1913 to destroy our economic and political freedom! Alex Jones is a young investigaTIVE rerporter from Austin who has a TV and radio show. check which is his website. His latest video, Police State 2000, is excellent. It will show what the elites like Bush,yes Bush, have planned for us "right wingers" I sure as heck wont vote for someone who will put me in any detention camp or worse! I probably got off the subject a bit ,but I firmly believe time is running out for us all and we may never see anymore elections anyway! Martial law with Y2k coming up would end elections for good.
Well, you Demopublicans can keep voting for your greater or lesser evil, and the rest of us will continue to vote for the person who best represents our interests. Your pragmatism will be the death of the Bill of Rights, just as it has already caused all of the political problems we face today.

I'm trying right now to help get 1,000,000 folks to sign a petition to get L. Neil Smith to run for president.
Does he have a chance of winning? Of course not, because of the "realists" out there who refuse to listen not only to reason, but to their own minds. I do know that there is not a more staunch advocate of the individual's right to keep and bear arms in the country. There are very few who have written as much on the subject, including several novels, the most recent of which is "The Mitzvah" co-authored with Aaron Zelman of JPFO. And for those not familiar with Neil, he does not back down from his convictions in order to appease the fools.

IMHO, having a libertarian president that prevents congress from doing anything would be a dream come true. I'd love to see the Republicrats shouting and screaming about "presidential gridlock", embracing each other in a fight against the common foe, liberty. Maybe that would lift the scales from more than a few eyes.

I'll try to make this clear: if you vote for Bush, then you are as much a part of the problem as one who votes for Gore. In the long run the Republicans will give you the same overweaning gov't as the Democrats, but the Repubs will do it a little slower, and a little cheaper.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
I shall vote for the one who best represents the ideals that I believe in and stand for. That man is Senator Robert Smith.

Hell, even if he never makes the Alabama primary, or never gets on the Ballot in November of 2000, he'll still have my vote; I'll just write it in!

These lifelong political bastards are not going to get my support until they uphold those liberties as described in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Calmly now, without malice.

The argument for supporting Bush must be about the same as the argument supporting the English king back in the 1770s. The concept of voting for freedom is always difficult and involves some threat or danger.

I understand that if Bush had received all the Perot votes, then Bush would have been President. (I don't know the numbers, so I'm accepting that on faith.)

However, IF it is true that "Perot cost Bush the election", why have the Republicans made no overture to the Perot voters?

If the Republicans have become so unresponsive to "lost votes", then how responsive will they be to American voters?

I say, "Enough."

If I should vote against Gore, because he will revoke the Bill of Rights, why should I not vote against Bush? The Republicans have also forsaken us.

I refuse to be a modern-day Tory. I shall vote for the American way of life, our Bill of Rights, and Liberty.

To do anything else, is mere appeasement.
I have been lurking for a long time, because frankly I am just waiting for the fighting to start, ain't no election , letter writing, phone calling, marches, education of the masses or any other non-violent gooble-be-goop going to get us back to a constitutional government. IMHO but that is for another topic.
I really get the dribbling poops when I hear people say that Perot cost Bush the election. Bush caused Bush the election. If Bush had been a good leader the first term Jesus Christ himself would not been able to beat him. Bush just blew it. To explain it like Rush would. Let's say your out car shopping. You have 3 different vehicles to choose from. The 1st one is similiar to the one you now have, the second one is like one you had in the past but had nothing but trouble with and the third is a new car company never made a car before but they do make good sewing machines. Now if you had good luck with your present car you probably buy another one from the same company but, if you had problems with your present car you'd probably look real hard at the 3rd car. Get my point. I ain't voting for any career polititian I've had enough. "I've decided to live outside the law; it's better defined

"Solidarity is the Key"