Reports of "Militia Takeover" in Oregon

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One of the Bundy bunch was arrested for the "unauthorized use" of a US government vehicle. The perp is presently out on bail for a previous federal charge.

Medenbach, 62, was detained outside a Safeway supermarket in Burns, Oregon, some 30 miles from the Malheur national wildlife refuge, according to a statement from the Harney County sheriff’s office.

He appears to have driven from the occupied compound to a local supermarket in a vehicle allegedly stolen from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which runs the refuge. The sheriff’s office statement said that law enforcement officers recovered “two vehicles stolen from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge”.
Things are getting dumber in Oregon

“It needs to be very clear that these buildings will never, ever return to the federal government,” said LaVoy Finicum, one of the leaders of the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
From MSN
These guys remind me of the Clanton boys back at Tombstone.
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If Bundy and his followers think the federal government has no constitutional right to manage the tax payers land, then they should get a good legal team and take it to court. All the way to the supreme court if necessary.

If they want to fight the government they should organize the ranchers and fight with lawyers, lobbyist, and election campaigns. That's the way its done in a civilized democratic country. An armed group taking over territory and dictating is the way its done in the Middle East.
An armed group taking over territory and dictating is the way its done in the Middle East.

You mean like when the U.S. government took over the Indian lands, and sent the population to "reservations?"

These guys aren't accomplishing anything other than making themselves look like unbalanced nuts. I think the government has shown extraordinary restraint in not resorting to drastic means to get them out of that building.

As was stated in a previous post, they need to get lawyers and fight this the legal way, in the courts.

If, God forbid, somebody should get trigger happy and create an incident, it's not going to go very well for us who love firearms.
I have no qualms about protesting.

I think the media turned this into an "Armed takeover"

It's a group exercising one right while exercising another right... I guess mix and match of rights isn't allowed.

Law enforcement hasn't bothered too much with them, because they apparently aren't too much of a risk/nothing threatened of value.

Not saying I support the group in any way.

But I think that Americans have the right to protest, I think it's dangerous to let citizen's only recourse is lawyers.
If they want to make a legal argument to the effect that the Patents to public domain land their grandfathers settled and claimed were invalid because the government had no ownership of the public domain under the Constitution, I'd like to see the video of the entire Supreme Court laughing at once.
I think the media turned this into an "Armed takeover"

It's a group exercising one right while exercising another right... I guess mix and match of rights isn't allowed.

Is that like when an intruder breaks into your home with a gun, you think to yourself, "He is just exercise his right to keep and bear arms"?

Right to protest is okay. There is no right to occupy a federal facility, breaking into the buildings, using the vehicles, etc. and there is no right to commit such criminal acts while armed.
All I'm saying is that law enforcement really doesn't seem to care. One guy was arrested for using a truck.
If it was serious then the place would be surrounded by now... It will all go away.

The only arms I've seen on the news locally is a few guys with pistols in holsters... Looks like they hiked up their shirt tails for the cameras.

Yes they are idiots, and if everyone had ignored them, they'd be gone by now. If no one had mentioned guns, there'd be no attention on it. Just a few guys sitting in an unstaffed ranger station.
To me it all seems weird.
I'm guessing they'll all get tired of it and eventually go home. Then, later, the .feds will come knockin' and arrest a few of them.
Law Enforcement cares, all right, no question about that.

It's that Waco and Ruby Ridge changed the entire response concept for this kind of thing, don't let them fort up and then go in guns blazing. Sit tight and wait it out, things will work out when they get tired of the game.

They're in the middle of nowhere, the only hazard is to the buildings at the facility and the contents of the buildings. That's not good, but it's not something you scale the ramparts over.

If the occupiers start moving to another location, things will change, until then, let 'em play.

The press is attempting to foment action, no doubt about it.

LEO's are more concerned about the loons trying to come into Burns and piggyback on this thing in the populated town site. That's why the BLM office there has been closed for two weeks, they don't want another facility occupied.
Yep, the Bundys attract some fine folks.

One of the Bundy bodyguards, Brian Cavalier, claimed to be a Marine who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Turns out he never served in the USMC. He's a former tattoo artist with arrests for DUI.

A second member of the Bundy bunch confessed that he lied about military service in the USMC.

But despite his self-styled military image and his heavy use of military phrases, we can reveal Cavalier is in fact a tattoo artist with a long rap sheet for DUI and theft, not a former soldier.


Shortly afterwards Cooper – who has been a prominent figure outside the occupied refuge dressed in full camo military fatigues - was forced to release a statement making clear that he had in fact not spent any time in the Corps.

Online research shows that Cooper was enlisted to join the Marines in what is called the 'Delayed Entry Program,' or DEP, but never attended bootcamp.

Cooper is a convicted felon:;_yl...c+imposter&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=fp-yie11&fp=1
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Yeah well now tell 'em about Pete Santilli , since we're getting this out in the open................."birds of a feather"........'eh.
Well, as I mentioned in an earlier post, no good will come of this, and that is exactly what has happened. We now have one fatality, a man who was involved in a shootout with the FBI. The FBI is also making arrests, one as far down as Peoria, AZ.
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