Reports of "Militia Takeover" in Oregon

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Well, now he's not going to be able to legally buy guns in any state, or pot, for that matter.

I wonder if any of these guys considered the serious felonies they were talking themselves into committing weren't going to have serious ramifications for the rest of their lives? Seems to me the game wasn't worth the candle, here.

I didn't see anything they were considering as an unalienable right being destroyed by a tyrannical government that was anything more than a petty grievance or a chimera without foundation.
"A family member in Bunkerville, Nevada, Bundy daughter-in-law Briana Bundy, said Thursday she didn't think Cliven Bundy was committing a crime in trying to visit his sons."

This entire family has been beaten something awful with a stupid stick... no Briana, he wasn't arrested for trying to visit his sons.

And, of course, he's requesting a public defender. Mooching off the government he claims to hate to the bitter end.
Using a public defender is not mooching, it's a right.

I don't like these guys at all, but they're still citizens and still have rights.
Finally! Sick of these morons and the whole ridiculous episode. Pathetic losers, every one of them. I'm sure they will enjoy their time in another federal facility. On a lighter note, apparently according to the four wimpy thugs, they're not "surrendering", they're "turning themselves in". Frigging losers.

You tell 'em, Duster!
Criteria for a Court-Appointed Attorney The justices in Gideon unanimously held that "in our adversary system of criminal justice, any person haled into court, who is too poor to hire a lawyer, cannot be assured a fair trial unless counsel is provided for him." However, the Court later clarified this ruling, making it apply to cases where the defendant is charged with either a felony or a misdemeanor which could result in imprisonment from a conviction. - See more at:

Bundy has assets. He is looking for a freebie. Has his hand out looking for the government to give him free stuff and flipping the government off with the other hand.
Bundy has assets. He is looking for a freebie. Has his hand out looking for the government to give him free stuff and flipping the government off with the other hand.

Agree with this 100%. He has assets he can sell, like cattle, and likely has cash from the cattle he sold this past fall. He bought a plane ticket to Portland and was probably renting a car as well. Clive Bundy is a tool.
A federal judge has ordered Cliven Bundy held without bail.

Judge Janice Stewart's ruling echoed the warnings of federal prosecutors who said Cliven Bundy might skip bail, hole up with armed supporters and hope for a violent end in his conflict with the federal government.

Bundy, whose sons were among those recently arrested in connection with an armed occupation of an Oregon wildlife reserve, is being held on six charges stemming from a monthlong standoff with federal agents at his Nevada ranch in 2014.
Handled this deal with Bundy the smart way

The Feds handled Cliven Bundy the smart way. When his "militia" showed up at the ranch to interfere with the BLM trying to collect money they were owed, instead of going down the wrong path with force, the Feds backed off. Some of Bundy's supporters declared "victory" but they were unaware that the end of the incident had not yet happened. Bundy will get to go to court. He damn well should.

Not all of us believe that Gubmint=BAD and Gubmint hater with gun = good. The rule of law is what separates us from all the other species on this planet.
The federal grand jury in Nevada has returned indictments against Bundy and some of his followers. More participants will be indicted.

Ammon Bundy, of Idaho, Ryan Bundy, of Nevada, Ryan Payne, of Montana, and Peter Santilli of Ohio, were also indicted by the Nevada grand jury Wednesday.

The charges against them and Cliven Bundy include: conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, conspiracy to impede or injure a federal officer, weapon use and possession, assault on a federal officer, threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction, extortion to interfere with commerce, and interstate travel in aid of extortion


Five counts of criminal forfeiture are also included in the indictment which would require the forfeiture of property derived from the proceeds of the crimes totaling at least $3 million, as well as the firearms and ammunition possessed and used on April 12, 2014
The rule of law is what separates us from all the other species on this planet.

Make that the rule of lawyers...

And, in general, "the rule of law" is only for the good of those making the laws, which isn't a whole lot different than the principle of the law of the jungle, where the strongest rules.

Virtually every amendment to our Constitution, and especially the 2nd, has been twisted, manipulated and otherwise perverted to achieve ends that are the complete opposite of the true meaning of each of them by lawyers.

And, God forbid, if that absolute shrew of a lawyer gets elected as our next "president," you ain't seen nothin' yet.

I really don't agree with the way these yahoos went about trying to make their point, but I can sure as heck understand their frustrations.
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Virtually every amendment to our Constitution, and especially the 2nd, has been twisted, manipulated and otherwise perverted to achieve ends that are the complete opposite of the true meaning of each of them by lawyers.

Thats your opinion.
Without the rule of law (or lawyers if you prefer) the way we would settle the argument is my wife would intentionally run you over with her van on her way to church. Note this is completely different than currently where she merely accidentally runs over things on her way to church. But, as she has noted, curbs are merely guidelines. :eek:
Dismissed because the prosecutors were incompetent jerks. That does not mean the Bundys are innocent. They are also jerks and not worthy of our support, in my opinion.
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