remington shotguns

Remington Banlkri[

The combination of the recent high demand for guns and inevitable cost shaving implemented went a bankrupt company with solid products and good name is take over by folks with money that only care about squeezing the last cent out the assets the picked up for a dime or two on the dollar is to use the good name to sell cheap products to make a bigger markup before they run it into the found and have another bankruptcy sale 10 years later to be rid of the bills they want settle for 30 cents on the dollar when the next group of investors buy it.

Selling from on group to the next to avoid Serial Bankruptcy laws.

Years, following years, steal something every day;
At last they steal us from ourselves away. - Horace
The combination of the recent high demand for guns and inevitable cost shaving implemented went a bankrupt company with solid products and good name is take over by folks with money that only care about squeezing the last cent out the assets the picked up for a dime or two on the dollar is to use the good name to sell cheap products to make a bigger markup before they run it into the found and have another bankruptcy sale 10 years later to be rid of the bills they want settle for 30 cents on the dollar when the next group of investors buy it.

Please try some punctuation to make your post readable.
I now have 3 870's in my safe:

  • an early 90's vintage Express Magnum 12ga Combo gun that came with the 28" vent rib RemChoke barrel and a 20" rifle sight smoothbore fixed IC deer barrel. This one is my sweetheart, somewhere between 10K and 20K rounds through it, and I don't remember even a single hiccup with it. Lots of hunting trips, deer, turkey, rabbit, doves, crows, a few coyotes, and an bunch of trap and skeet shooting.
  • About a month ago, I bought a 12ga pistol grip 870 "Tactical" with 18" Cylinder bore barrel #81199 for a house gun. I ran about half a box of Winchester "Universal" 7 1/2's through it, and the recoil hit me in the web between my thumb and finger so bad that I could not use my hand to write with for about 4 days afterward. I have read that the grip that came with it is the "TacStar" brand. I replaced the pistol grip with the included shoulder stock, and then put about 100 more rounds through it (the cheap Win "universal" loads). Function has been flawless, although granted, 100 rounds isn't much of a test. But, it WORKS, no issues.
  • Yesterday evening, I picked up my third 870, one that I have been wanting for a LONG time... an 870 Express 20ga 28" RemChoke. I didn't get it home in time to put a few rounds through it last night before it got dark, so we'll do that later today. But, the action is smooth on it as you would expect, and visually everything looks perfect, I can't find any obvious flaws anywhere. I stripped it completely down to clean all the preservative oil out of it and everything looked flawless, as you would want.

The only thing I'm not 100% on is the plastic trigger group on the newer ones, but for now I'll trust that Remmy knows what they're doing.

So, for the 2 new ones that I've bought in the last month, I'll give them 2 thumbs up! If I have any problems with the new 20ga, I'll put them here.
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2 Thumbs Up!

Just came in from working my brand new 20ga Express over...

Two boxes (50 rounds) of ElCheapo Winchester and Federal's.

Perfect functioning, no issues whatsoever.


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NOT talking about the payload, but the hull head material. Unless you buy REM STS or WIN AAs, you are buying steel based ammo.........all of the cheap Federal crap, Winchester Universals or Super Speeds are all crappy steel based ammo - and some of the WORST crap you can buy.......

Just curious as to what you're basing your above statement on.

I know it's not top shelf, premium ammunition, but what makes it not only crap, but the WORST crap you can buy?

I'm sure they have chilled shot at best, maybe only soft shot, but the Winchesters have AA wads that look like they survived their moment of fame pretty well, The Federals look like they have a 2 piece wad, that does it's job. They both seem to use fairly clean burning powders, so...?

It's not like they're buffering the shot with river sand, or they're using the dirtiest, cheapest, nastiest uncleaned reclaimed shot or anything like that?

In my experience, they're just good, basic, low cost shotshells, that actually seem to perform pretty decently.

The hulls are usually good enough to get at least 2-3 reloads out of (or at least they used to be...)

Like I said, are they really that bad, or is it just a bit of ammo snobbery?
Light trap loads

I have garbage bags full of Remington gun club hulls. Yes they are all steel some are plated brass, some are just steel.

I get 5-8 reloads per hull. Never have an issue with them. It is important they don't get wet. I also reload the STS hulls of course. In my experience there really is little to no difference.

I use the STS hulls for 1 1/8 oz. handicap loads. Not because they are better hulls, just to tell the difference between my 1 oz. practice loads and the handicap loads.

I have zero issues with the Remington steel headed hulls.
been a lot of talk about remington guns losing their quality the last few years . i have no way personally to verify this or dispel it either . have not purchased a remington arm since i got my 870 express home protection gun in 2008 ... 10 years ago. it was manufactured in 2007, or 2008 i do believe.

was this gun made before the so called " down hill slide " of remington ?

it works great , great super smooth pump action & a really neat parkerized finish ...... just curious . :D

Yes. They went downhill. Quality control problems that they allegedly fixed. But you know how the gun world is. Once you get a reputation? It sticks.

I have 2 870s. One is my age (about 30) and the other I won in a competition 13 years ago. The old one is VERY reliable and has slain turkey and duck and geese and deer across many states and my knowledge only jammed due to an inexperienced youth who was new to pumps putting a shell in backwards (that wasn’t...ok it was). My new one? Jammed like crazy and locked the slide with cheap ammo. Had to buy a flex hone and polish the barrel a bit to stop that. Works every time now. Going to be shotgun hunting a pig soon. Guess which gun will be used? Lol.
I have always had good luck with my Remington 870 Express and 700. But I also got them in the early 2000's so maybe this was before the quality downfall that you're talking about.
I have a 1966 Wingmaster that looks new. The reason is I have never trusted it since I bought it new. There is nothing wrong with the way it shoots only the fits it takes with jams.
I bought as a slug gun and had a VR FC barrel. I sold the FC barrel years ago. Some of my
Rem nut buddie's say I haven't shot it enough to break it in. Maybe so but I got tired of having to dump the guts out of magazine in the field to clear jams. It was only used when
realatves or friends come in from out of town and needed to barrow a gun.
Drm50 said:
I have a 1966 Wingmaster that looks new. The reason is I have never trusted it since I bought it new. There is nothing wrong with the way it shoots only the fits it takes with jams.
I bought as a slug gun and had a VR FC barrel. I sold the FC barrel years ago. Some of my
Rem nut buddie's say I haven't shot it enough to break it in. Maybe so but I got tired of having to dump the guts out of magazine in the field to clear jams. It was only used when
realatves or friends come in from out of town and needed to barrow a gun.

Is it getting "short shucked"? When it jams, exactly what happens?
I run the shotgun venue at a local sportsmens club - 450 members. On Fridays we have Pump Gun Friday - and just about everyone shoots a 870. In SCs it's 6 shots a station all report pairs. We all ordered the extention tubes. Some shoot the new black plastic express, but they all work flawlessly. I own six 1894s, one 1889, one 1873 and 1882 Remington SxSs, and a Model 10, 11, 31, 58, and 870. If I were buying a new 870 it wouldn't be a express. I just don't feel anyone should expect a whole lot for a 200+ dollar shotgun. If you want quality, then be prepared to pay for it. Is 7 to 800 really all that much for a good pump shotgun ? If you don't feel like paying a bit more then buy a nice used 870 Wingmaster for around 350. And pistols - I have a new Remington in 45, 9mm, and 380 - all are fine guns that shot just fine. The 9 was one of them after the reissue.
bladesmith 1 said:
Is 7 to 800 really all that much for a good pump shotgun ?

I would say it all depends on what you want.

Nothing at all wrong with an Express... I'd much rather drag my Express through the mud, the brush, brambles and barbed wire than a super nice high polish Wingmaster that I was afraid of scratching up.

I'd dearly love to have a few high polish Wingmasters in my gun safe, and they would be pretty to look at... but they wouldn't have the same special attachment that I have to my Express... Lots of good hunting trips and memories we've had together. My Express is my sweetheart, and I take special care of her! She has the heart of a Wingmaster, just not the looks... that's fine by me.
$700 to $800 for a new pump shot gun is nuts, especially when you are talking Rem 870. For about half that you can pick up a high condition shooter in Win 12 or Ithaca 37 or even a Rem 31. The best 870 ever made is not near the gun of these 3.
On the Wingmaster you are paying for the fit, finish, and quality of the wood.

Yes Winchester 12's and Ithaca 37's can be had less expensively, BUT
they will need work.
By the way new Ithaca's are in the $900 range.
$700 to $800 for a new pump shot gun is nuts, especially when you are talking Rem 870. For about half that you can pick up a high condition shooter in Win 12 or Ithaca 37 or even a Rem 31. The best 870 ever made is not near the gun of these 3.

Where I live, one can expect to pay closer to 6-700 for a decent model 12
Bye, Bye Remmy?

It's sad to come to the realization that some of the things we cherished are no longer around.

How I loved my models 600, 700 rifles and especially my 20ga G-3; what a smooth, natural pointer.

So, what is a Remington fan to search for in place of it?
A 870. I'm sorry Drm50, I couldn't disagree more. How many 870s sold compared to their nearest competitor ? I think the 870 number is over 11 million. By gosh, by golly, they must be doing something right. I own both 31s and 870s and find one just as good as the other. Maybe some of you wouldn't want to take a Wingmaster hunting, but quite a few are still being bought and used for trap shooting. Duck hunting from a boat, no. But upland game hunting, sure.