Remember when you first started carrying?

Funny, first day I carried was with my deceased father's S&W 12-2 k frame. Stopped in the notary office to ask them something. (Don't recall what ) I hear their front door open and close, turn around and walking towards me is one of the Ridley township officers.
Don't know why I was nervous. Not like I was doing anything wrong. Last person I expected to run into I guess. LOL
It's been almost 10 years now... my 1st ( carry ) gun, an Air Weight J frame in 32 H&R Magnum, local shop didn't have a "good" holster, so I opted for a cheap Uncle Mikes nylon... only one that fit had no retention strap... gun kept falling out, when I'd get out of my 4 X 4 truck... several times it skittered across a drive way or parking lot... just sickened me the cosmetic damage to the coated aluminum frame, on a brand new, discontinued revolver...

I've never been one to pocket carry... always have other stuff in my pockets...

Was I nervous... you bet... I was so paranoid walking into the 1st store with the scanners at the front doors... what would I do if it went off???

1st interaction with law enforcement... I had resolved to tell them if I thought things would progress more than a conversation... never had any issues, but that didn't mean I didn't have stress :o

thought everyone would see the "print" & know it was a gun... I do like how MN words the law... you can legally carry open, but they ( at least locally ) encourage concealed carry... so if you print too heavily, or your shirt should rise up, there is no legal issues

silly things really...

now I play bar league Texas Holdem, with several officers, a couple lawyers, & a judge... I don't think any of them carries & even have had conversations with my police lieutenant buddy, & I don't think he carries off duty... I may be the only one with a gun at the poker table, & most know I carry, & they still play cards with me :)
Why yes, yes I do! Cuz it was just this morning! :cool:

Sorry, nothing exciting to report. Just pocket carried my Ruger KLCR to the range, Chickfila, then back home. Still, gotta start somewhere, right? :rolleyes: :D
Started carrying a 1911 .45 almost 50 years ago. Slightly uncomfortable at first. Still carry a 1911 .45 today and never leave home with out it!
About 6 months in. Was not nervous about being made as I often try to guess who is carrying around me and have never been able to know for sure. Yesterday was the first time I was face to face with a cop while carrying. Was on my property after I called about a car parked in my driveway. Both officers had no idea I was armed. I bent over a couple times since my daughters wanted to be picked up as well. So I am supremely confident in my 4 o'clock iwb lc9s setup. And this was in shorts and a tshirt.
I definitely remember, as it was important to me to be able to obtain one after my wild-ass past. I was very self-conscious about it and found myself doing those "things" that new carriers do. Fiddling around with it, constantly checking it, constantly checking that my shirt was not riding up, etc... It's just completely natural now, and I actually feel a little "naked" without one. I do work in an environment where you are not allowed to carry, so I just deal with that daily.

I had a lot of good advice on this forum to help with starting up, and eventually have come to a good place with how and what I carry. Same as some...small, medium, and large. I pocket carried with my old Colt Mustang. That has now changed to light gym shorts/dirty property work/around the house jammies with my light, little Taurus TCP 380. Light/small carry (either pocket or IWB) with the new SIG P238.
My primary, almost all of the time carry is the Kahr CM9 with a Sticky Holster. Honestly, this is just one of the very best carry pieces I could own. Doesn't cost much, extremely light, tough, great DA trigger, and it has been 100% reliable from the first day I had it out of the box.
For "bigger" carry, it is the SIG P245, and if I really want to have some firepower, the high cap Springfield XDm 45acp, both with a Sticky Holster.

I have always carried cross-draw, and really preferred that. However, recently I have been checking out appendix carry. I really like that for presentation, but it is not as good when sitting, particularly in the car, and it still makes me nervous having the business end pointing right at my junk, or femoral artery. So experimenting with that.

As an aside, I also often try to guess who is carrying, but usually can't.