Actually, this has been "in the works" for awhile now. There was a test project in the Air Force that people would be issued Federal ID cards. These cards would have all your information on it (rank, ssn, thumb print, security clearance and anything else they could think of).
These cards, not only a means of ID (visual) but also as a "smart card" which would be used to access buildings, flight line, and, your computer or any other computer that you had clearance for.
It was a means to get rid of any other ID's (like badges, etc..) and having to remember codes, passwords, etc..
They wanted to tie this card into either a print scanner or retia scanner for a backup to the card (since cards could be stolen). The machine that they had built to create the cards would encrypt the cards and if any other machine was used that wasn't military (using a crypto system like the KG's or the phones (dang, forgot the name of the phones) then it would destroy the card.
Now, in the military I expected my Rights to privacy and search/seizure, speech, etc.. to be watered down. It was part of the contract that I signed (that I obey all lawful orders, that Article 134 of the UCMJ covered everything that wasn't covered in the first 133, etc..).
Now, as a civie, with all my Rights 100% (or the percent that we think we have), it's something that gives me pause.
I'm not stupid, I know that I'm in "databases". How couldn't I be when I was military (they keep everything until the world ends), I've had background checks for clearances so I know I'm in OSI, FBI and NSA databases. I buy guns, have in many states, so I know that I'm at least in some states databases. I'm in the IRS database, I'm in the ATFE database (FFL03), I'm in the Secret Service database (I got to hear Bush I speak so everyone that was invited was checked) and not only that, most to all of the same have my fingerprints on file as well as the military having my DNA (I couldn't commit a crime even if I wanted to, I'd be busted in less then 24hours I bet).
Not only that, but the census people even know how many toilets you have, if that's not "knowing you" then what is? (if you had to fill out that long form, I never had to but a friend I was living with did).
The only problem with this picture is that they already HAVE allot of information on the law-abiding but little on the criminals that go underground and the illegals that work in the shadows. Hell, they can't even keep track of child molesters (been proven way too many times).
As long as we allow an underground to exist (illegals, criminals, black markets) then we will never be able to do anything to help solve or cut down on what is happening.
As long as American employers continue to employ illegals (who don't have a card now) this will always be here, if we continue to ban things because we don't like them (guns/drugs as examples) then there will always be black markets, if we force this "real ID" then people who have their own planes (many C-130's out there in private hands) will create an underground transit system.
As for people saying that this will prevent terrorist from driving (or illegals), BS. They will just drive without one, just like they do now and if they have a drivers license they drive without insurance so it won't matter one wit to them.
As long as people are willing to make a buck, because a buck can be made, with underground goods and services, a new piece of plastic isn't going to work.
You know what would work, maybe start with enforcement of deportation laws and if caught coming back then it's a federal crime punishable up to 15 years club fed. Maybe guarding our borders would be a start... ya think?
As for the home grown criminals, maybe take away these stupid "retreat" laws when it comes to violent crime. Let us police our selves and our own community. I know it sounds harsh but it worked before in the "wild west" and they had lower murder rates compared to now even taking in population at the time and now.
When the anti's scream about the wild west, I would love to see that again, crime was low, criminals were few and when the criminals were caught, if it was a hanging crime, they got a trail and then led start to the gallows if found quilty, I can deal with that.
I firmly believe that to get ahead in the future and get our crime and such under control, maybe we should go back to the past.