Rant for the day.

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As to being common, I'd say the burden of proving a conspiracy with some solid evidence falls on the person claiming it exists. And it's just not helpful to imagine every unsatisfactory result or unpleasant circumstance is the the product of a conspiracy.

I agree with that. The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim. In fact, what we think of as conspiracies usually are not able to be proven in favor of the person who believes it a conspiracy. However, it is also not a good idea to ignore the truth or lack of facts to support the government's position on certain issues. For example, when every media outlet in the country runs the same news story with very little changes, then that is not a positive sign that the media is free and independent. I don't know about you, but my friends and aquaintances have a variety of opinions on different issues. I find it odd when the media gives us the same opinion on different news stations, etc.

Conspiracy? Maybe. Am I incorrect? Possibly. Am I correct? That is also possible.
For example, when every media outlet in the country runs the same news story with very little changes, then that is not a positive sign that the media is free and independent

Please give us an exmple of this. A story credited to different sources or authors that parroted each other.

An example please.
I'm with TwoXForr on this one...

I would need to see an example of that happening. Whether they are reporting on a local break-in, a national disaster, or a Presidential election, most of the "facts" of what happened don't change, its the editorial or analysis that does.
You need an example? There is only one way for you to see what I am explaining. Step one, open your minds a bit. Step 2, watch the news over the next few weeks. Watch different channels from time to time and you will hear the same crap regurgitated again and again and again with the same talking points. Don't like t.v., then fine, go to the internet and go to CNN, USA Today, Fox News, et al. Look at the head lines of the stories without reading the stories at first. My guess is that you will see the same stories over and over and over again on different media outlet web sites.

We are a nation of approx. 300 million people, yet we get news with basically one or two slants to it from the news media. If you consider that free media, then good for you... enjoy idea of freedom. I consider it a controlled media.
That is your proof of conspriacy.

Heck I just call that lazy.

Of course, most national news agencies sound alike how much info can you put into a 30 second story. Take for instance the story out of Philadelphia with the cop being shot. The major media outlets sound the same unless they expand on the story and go out and interview more people. But dig into the local papers and listen to local talk show host and you find maybe not different facts but a broader canvas, adding more details and different viewpoints from witnesses, family members, co-workers and community leaders. I am waiting for the weekly "alternative" papers to come out with thier slants. It should be interesting. If someone (a reporter with any guts)does some real digging on this story they are going to find some big holes in they system that need to be addressed.

That is it for my discussion on this thread, I ask for examples and all I get is "Open your eyes, can't you see what I see."
I would agree. Lazy, funny and sad...all at the same time.

Cindy MacCain wont release her income tax...is that a conspiracy? I smell a conspiracy!!
FireMax said:
...when every media outlet in the country runs the same news story with very little changes, then that is not a positive sign that the media is free and independent. ...my friends and aquaintances have a variety of opinions on different issues. I find it odd when the media gives us the same opinion on different news stations, etc.
It may also be a sign that the media is lazy. They are all working from the same press release, interviewing the same spokes people attending the same press conferences, etc.

It may also be something of a function of the tight deadlines artificially imposed by the fast pace at which television moves. Everyone needs to limit himself to many of the same, readily avaiable sources in order to get the story out on time. And considering the short half-life of most news stories and limited attention span of the public, there's often no percentage in going back to flesh out a story beyond the canned material it was originally based on.
As for anyone asking for "proof" of conspiracies Both on a govt. level and on lesser levels. If you can't see it now, You never will and it's waste of breath to try.
That is your proof of conspriacy.

Heck I just call that lazy.

You're not willing to spend some time as I suggested yet you call me lazy? :rolleyes:

It may also be a sign that the media is lazy.

That's a good point.

I like the one with Queen Elizabeth, the Jews (you cant have a ANY conspiracy without Jews) Boxcar Willie and space aliens....

Did you eat lead paint chips when you were a child? :)

Cindy MacCain wont release her income tax...is that a conspiracy? I smell a conspiracy!!

Silly boy. Just another reason why John McCain won't step foot in the oval office except as an invited guest.
Did you eat lead paint chips when you were a child?

Sorry, I try to avoid too much puerile bickering. But, watch out, I have a meeting with my fellow Elders later, I can put you on our watch list.

WildifyouarenotalreadyonitAlaska ™
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