Rant for the day.

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FireMax said:
So, ...a group of politicians can ..exert ..power in the media to defeat anyone whom they disagree with and that is okay?..
It's not a question of whether it's okay or not. It's the way it is. Those who can acquire power and influence exert that power and influence in many ways, including through the media.

FireMax said:
I believe that a free press should be free to report the truth, not specific messages that those in power want us to hear.
The media is as free as it wants to be and therefore as free as it profits them to be. The media is run by people, and those people are themselves searching for their own power base and their own personal success according to their lights -- just like everyone else. One person may hope for acceptance by those in power, while another may, for his personal reasons, prefer to swim upstream and gain a reputation as a gadfly.

The successful politician identifies his opponents and allies in the media, as well as other places.
Yup, he want's to stop the war and bring the troops home. That does sound crazy.

That's not what makes him a wacko. Try researching ol' Ron Paul for yourself...and dig deeper this time. I did. I found that among other things, his views on Race and Government make him, in my opinion,...a wacko.
firemax, I know what you're talking about concerning the media. Today in 2008 there are so many places to get your news. With fox news, internet and all the radio talk shows out there you just can't tell me they are all in lockstep presenting the same message.

Nobody out there is talking about RP, he just must not be newsworthy.
That's not what makes him a wacko. Try researching ol' Ron Paul for yourself...and dig deeper this time. I did. I found that among other things, his views on Race and Government make him, in my opinion,...a wacko.

yup, He wan't to get rid of the IRS, Yup I forgot alot of people like paying taxes, and He is against the Patriot act, Crazy me, I forgot how many Americans like theirs phones being tapped and their privacy being invaded.

He want's us out of the U.N, But I for got how much Americans like being rent a cops for the U.N.

He want's to stop nation building and promoting democracy with the barrel of a gun, But that does sound crazy. Especially when the draft can send so many young American people to DIE on soil many of us will never see.

God I see your point. Ron Paul is crazy:eek:
But conspiring with the goverment, come on Firemax.

Why do you find that so hard to believe? Is it because you "don't want to believe" it? I don't want to believe it, but I cannot ignore it.
Recon 7
Today in 2008 there are so many places to get your news. With fox news, internet and all the radio talk shows out there you just can't tell me they are all in lockstep presenting the same message.

I can tell you that, many times, yes, that is exactly what happens. Other times, it is simply one influential media outlet that presents its point of view and that view is simply parroted (repeated) by others who have similar mind sets.

You are right about the internet... there are many places to get news these days. Read some of the comments from the media in other countries about what goes on in our country. Often, you will get an outsiders view that is interesting to say the least. Yes, often it comes with an anti-American distortion also, and those are not the views I am talking about. For an example, many people in Europe see our country in a similar way that we used to view the Soviet Union. Many Europeans believe that we are no longer free.

Are they correct or totally wrong? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle.... I fear, however, that our country is not as free as we think it is.... certainly not as free as it used to be just 20 years ago.
yup, He wan't to get rid of the IRS, Yup I forgot alot of people like paying taxes, and He is against the Patriot act, Crazy me, I forgot how many Americans like theirs phones being tapped and their privacy being invaded.

He want's us out of the U.N, But I for got how much Americans like being rent a cops for the U.N.

He want's to stop nation building and promoting democracy with the barrel of a gun, But that does sound crazy. Especially when the draft can send so many young American people to DIE on soil many of us will never see.

Sure thing there buddy...

I, and the the majority of the country, MUST be wearing blinders.

Are they correct or totally wrong? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle.... I fear, however, that our country is not as free as we think it is.... certainly not as free as it used to be just 20 years ago.

That's a certainty?? How so?
Any proof or even a good conpriracy theroy Firemax that the press has been corrupted to the point that they are taking marching orders from the goverment.


They might not be taking there orders from the government, But their are taking orders from somone with an agenda, It's not the free and unbiased news anymore. Like we allways use to hear about Russia. You only hear what the people in control want you to hear.
Two things to add to this thread...

First, can the OP please add either RP, Ron Paul, or Paulites somewhere in the title of the thread so we know that its another lovefest for him, that way it will get us all posting here faster rather than having to guess what your rant would be, thanks.


Creature said
his views on Race and Government make him, in my opinion,...a wacko.

WINSTON THE WOLF conveniently forgot to address the race part in his rebuttal that I would like to see an answer to and the part about the government that you refuted makes no sense.

See the problem I have with RP is not that he's a quack or a wacko or any other unintelligent name I could think of (even though Paulista's is a good one), the problem is this. His solutions to the problems we face today do not make sense for today's time period.

Sure, I would love to see the IRS abolished, but anyone that thinks its possible lives in a fairy tale. Do we have a complex, burdensome, unequal tax code and laws, you bet we do, but is abolishing the IRS overnight going to fix that? Of course not. We need someone who UNDERSTANDS WHY something does not work, what can be done to fix that problem and the solution to get it to the operational point to make it beneficial to all of us. RP only sees things through the eyes of the Constitution, which to me is his pro AND con at the same time. Did the framers envision everything when they drafted the Constitution, of course not, they weren't all knowing, and there will be things that change overtime that need to be addressed without using the Constitution as a rule of thumb but as a guide.

If RP had been able to put common sense in with his message instead of shouting fiscal policy, gold standard, and unconstitutional war in Iraq every chance he got on tv, maybe he 1) would have had more air time 2) came across better to some of his party and 3) more importantly, done better in the polls.

We need someone with RP's message, but another messenger, one who can control his supporters, one who can grasp the disconnect between Constitutional era thinking and 2008 thinking.

Now, we have no options this election that fit those, so better luck next time I guess.

That's MY rant for the day :D

And finally, WINSTON THE WOLF, try using logic and sound arguments when you debate someone, it gets old you just using nonsense rebuttals like this:

He wan't to get rid of the IRS, Yup I forgot alot of people like paying taxes, and He is against the Patriot act, Crazy me, I forgot how many Americans like theirs phones being tapped and their privacy being invaded. He want's us out of the U.N, But I for got how much Americans like being rent a cops for the U.N.
I added the emphasis
creature said:
firemax said:
Are they correct or totally wrong? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle.... I fear, however, that our country is not as free as we think it is.... certainly not as free as it used to be just 20 years ago.
That's a certainty?? How so?

Well, for one, 20 years ago, we didn't carry around a gps tracking device that the government could use to track us at will. The GPS tracking device is called a cell phone. Most people have no idea that the government can listen in on your cell phone conversations easily. Even if you are not on a call, the government can listen to you through your cell phone microphone... even when the phone is off.

CNN did a segment on this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z8XGKS35aY&feature=related

I know the usual response is... why worry about it if you have nothing to hide.... and I think that argument is lame when our privacy is being invaded at will and often without a good reason.
I believe the media conspires with the government. Not hard for me to believe at all. Harder for me to believe that there are people who find it hard to believe. Believe it or not! :)

In the real world there are creepy politicians that have corrupted our government beyond recognition. That's why so many of you are confused.

Remember what America started as? Is it still going that way?
Well, for one, 20 years ago, we didn't carry around a gps tracking device that the government could use to track us at will. The GPS tracking device is called a cell phone. Most people have no idea that the government can listen in on your cell phone conversations easily. Even if you are not on a call, the government can listen to you through your cell phone microphone... even when the phone is off.

Oh, Lordy. Time for the tin foil. Trust me, you are not being tracked.

If you are frightened that your every movement is being tracked, shut your phone off. Take the battery out. In fact, why dont you just get rid of it? No one asked you to buy a cell phone.
If RP had been able to put common sense in with his message instead of shouting fiscal policy, gold standard, and unconstitutional war in Iraq every chance he got on tv, maybe he 1) would have had more air time 2) came across better to some of his party and 3) more importantly, done better in the polls.

Those are good points. Certainly, RP is not the best speaker in the world, and yes, he did speak over the heads of his audience on more than one occasion. His messages were truthful though, and his ideas were sound. At the very least, he was different than the business as usual politicians we have in power who only want to work on getting elected to their next term. Those people are driving our country into the ground with the out of control spending and the socialist programs, not to mention their ignorance of the huge loss of privacy Americans are experiencing. Does anyone who reads this realize that the Patriot Act was voted on and approved by Congress only 2 days after it was released to Congress to read??? Do you think that these air heads actually sat down and read the several hundreds of pages contained in the Patriot Act before they voted it into law? Of course not.... most congressmen/women voted on and passed it without reading it. These are the types of people who are asleep at the wheel while our country goes down a very dangerous path, IMO.
Oh, Lordy. Time for the tin foil. Trust me, you are not being tracked.

If you are frightened that your every movement is being tracked, shut your phone off. Take the battery out. In fact, why dont you just get rid of it? No one asked you to buy a cell phone.

Trust me, I don't worry about being tracked, myself. I do worry about laws that will lead to a complete loss of privacy for all Americans. This cellphone video by CNN is just one example. A loss of privacy happens just like a loss of our 2nd amendment rights will happen... little by little, year by year until a future generation wakes up with an indifferent attitude to their sanctity. I can see by your response that we are well on our way in that direction.

Of course you think I need a tin foil hat because I think the way that I do... I understand that there are people out there like you who brush aside privacy concerns as easily as brushing aside a beggar on a street corner. I don't expect people like you to change your views over night... I just hope you come around eventually. You can start by considering another person's views instead of dismissing them out of hand, IMO. It gives me hope when I realize that I used to think just like you.
You can start by considering another person's views instead of dismissing them out of hand, IMO.

Some of us differentiate between reasoned, rational views and the guy screeching on the street corner, so to speak.

The internet is the Speakers Corner of our time

WildhydeparkyouknowAlaska ™
Wild Alaska
You can start by considering another person's views instead of dismissing them out of hand, IMO.
Some of us differentiate between reasoned, rational views and the guy screeching on the street corner, so to speak.

The internet is the Speakers Corner of our time

WildhydeparkyouknowAlaska ™

America is still a free country, Wild Alaska. There is no law against licking boots.
BoringAccountant What is the race part you were talking about? I haven't heard about that?

And finally, WINSTON THE WOLF, try using logic and sound arguments when you debate someone, it gets old you just using nonsense rebuttals like this:

Logic doesn't work around here. And I don't really care what you guys think about Ron Paul. All I know is what I have seen and learned about the man.

That's all that matters to me. Someone said better luck next time. Well I just hope there is a next time.
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