Rant for the day.

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It doesn't say much for the right to bear arms bunch when they continue to support RP although he was NEVER a reallistic contender. Perhaps some of you would rather be shot being "right" than select the candidate with some chance of winning although maybe not 100% in agreement on your issues. Good luck in the contest using that reasoning.
Yeah I know, I forgot you guys are just settling on your candidate. Sorry, I will not try to sound excited about my choice.

Right. It comes down to "do you vote for A or B, as the powers tell you to, or do you vote your conscience, for the best candidate, who represents your views". Where's the integrity in voting for the lesser of two evils?
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I was feeling Ron Paul...up to the point when I learned that he was on board with the John Birch Society.

Not particularly agreeing with their idea that Eisenhower was a conscious, dedicated agent of the Communist conspiracy (nor much of their other theories), I realized that a vote for RP was just...a vote for the lesser of evils, too. The appeal really left me at that point.

If I'm just voting for a compromise candidate anyway....I figured that McCain will be good enough.
he want's to stop the war and bring the troops home. That does sound crazy.

That's the absolute worst thing we could posibly do.

He wan't to get rid of the IRS]

I'd like to see him try to pull that one off.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

RP is a has been. He tried and lost. He will never be president. GET OVER IT!
There is no law against licking boots.

I doubt you will find many boot lickers here. On the other hand you will find a whole bunch of keyboard revolutionaries

WildheybillythatwasagoodoneAlaska ™
Wow I didn't know there were so many sheeple around here

I am very shocked to see that people don't realize what is going on in their very own country. How dare any body proudly stand behind this great country with such patriotism and not know what the heck is going on in our political system. There are so many depressing things going on in our government and people are so blind to see it because they are afraid of looking like a nut by believing that there could be so much corruption in our government. If anybody wants to know what is really going on there is one person in the media that I believe is truly unbiased and his only agenda is to conserve the things that make our country great. Conserve being the root word for conservative. If anybody can point to the candidate that is truly a conservative I will be shocked. That is what makes me believe that there are greater powers out there playing every body like puppets in hopes that all the sheeple will just keep watching American Idol while the north american union is being created..... yeah it really is happening I wonder who will be talking about tin foil hats when they are in line to trade their dollars for ameros because the dollar will have no value.

Now that is the most random post I have ever posted but if you couldn't keep up with that I don't imagine you have a chance trying to keep up with politics.

by the way the guy I was talking about in the Media is Michael Savage google him and listen for one hour you will never be the same.

Ron Paul would have been what our country needs.
Oh yeah

Ron Paul my not ever be president but he sure as hell is planting a seed that is opening up the minds of a lot of people that are going to revolutionize the way our government currently opperates.
si vis pacem said:
Ron Paul my not ever be president but he sure as hell is planting a seed that is opening up the minds of a lot of people that are going to revolutionize the way our government currently opperates.
Dream on.

Robert J McElwain said:
....Where's the integrity of voting for the lesser of two evils?
It's about being pragmatic. It's about achieving a reasonable result. Do you want to see Obama or Hillary (as the case may be) as President? I do not. And the only way Obama or Hillary (and it looks pretty certain to be Obama) will not be President will be if McCain is elected. And remember, every candidate is the lesser of two evils to someone.
As far as the NAU and making all money the same, I'm not sure. But When I take take a jar full of pennies to the scrap iron dealer and they'll give me more for it then the bank will there's something wrong here. When people are stealing catalytic convertors because the material in the (platinum) is more valueable then gold there's something wrong here too. You all can just go about you lives calling people "Wackos" and thinking everything is just peachy. But before you do. Take one good look around and see where it got you?

A penny is worth more for copper then for money,
Gas is at all time highs
The land prices are as high as I ever reminder
Houses are going for pennies on the dollar cause the banks are trying to cut losses on foreclosures (FYI: House prices and land prices are two different markets)
Food prices are going up
Ammo prices have almost and in many cases they have doubled in just the past few years.

I could go on but you get they idea.

I think that the "Wackos" are the ones who are headed off the cliff and are throwing mud at those trying to save them.

As for the increasingly annoying "lesser of evils" as mentioned above. Hillary doesn't sound half bad right now. At least you know your enemy.

And for the record don't try "But she's anti-gun" BS on me becuase so is McCain. That and I'm not a single issue voter.
Northern Sod Breaker said:
...I think that the "Wackos" are the ones who are headed off the cliff and are throwing mud at those trying to save them....
So you're going to save us by helping put Obama in the White House (it looks like Hillary's probably going to be out of it)? No thanks.

And BTW, platinum has always been more valuable than gold.
Did the framers envision everything when they drafted the Constitution, of course not, they weren't all knowing, and there will be things that change overtime that need to be addressed without using the Constitution as a rule of thumb but as a guide.

Now where have I heard this before? Oh, yeah. The gun grabbers.
How dare any body proudly stand behind this great country with such patriotism and not know what the heck is going on in our political system. There are so many depressing things going on in our government and people are so blind to see it because they are afraid of looking like a nut by believing that there could be so much corruption in our government.

Are we to assume you know everything that is going on in politics?

by the way the guy I was talking about in the Media is Michael Savage google him and listen for one hour you will never be the same.

The botanist/nutrionist/anthropologist turned radio commentator? From what I have heard from his show, there is no doubt that I would never be the same. I am glad his managment agency dumped him and his radio show is losing sponsors in droves. He is a troll!
About conspiracies, I think I agree with Thomas Sowell an economist.

Thomas Sowell, quotes about Conspiracy:
One of the reasons for conspiracy theories is an assumption that people in high places always know what they are doing. When they do something that makes no sense, devious reasons are imagined by conspiracy theorists, when in fact it may be due to plain old ignorance and incompetence.

And the fact that it is every man for himself in this rat race.
From the dictionary...

con·spir·a·cy - n. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

I'd say that conspiracys are quite common according to this definition... so what's the big deal about chastising anyone who believes that they exist?
Oh I believe they exsit, but not to the extent some people believe they exsit in the goverment. Such as the media being controlled or them being a co-conspirator with the goverment.

Just that incompentency, ignorance and selfishness short circuit conspiracies.

Everyone has thier own agenda, sometimes, and by sometimes I mean rarely and for not very long they concincide with someone elses, but then thier agenda/goals diverge or change and now the people are are odds.

Just my observations of basic human nature limit the amount of true conpriacies there are.
FireMax said:
I'd say that conspiracys are quite common... so what's the big deal about chastising anyone who believes that they exist?
As to being common, I'd say the burden of proving a conspiracy with some solid evidence falls on the person claiming it exists. And it's just not helpful to imagine every unsatisfactory result or unpleasant circumstance is the the product of a conspiracy.

Do people in power occasionally agree to provide mutual support and assistance with respect to a particular matter on an ad hoc basis? Of course they do. But is everything that happens in the world the product of some overarching conspiracy by the rich and powerful in secret conclave? Preposterous.
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