Rant for the day.

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I think it is really funny. How Ron Paul has been on TV so much latley. Well it's not really funny. But he is getting so much airtime right now. But the reason why is easy to see. All these lying b_stards (main stream media ) are trying to make him look like a bad guy. Everyone of them slip in to there interview this queston.

"Are you still in the race? After you lose, will you then support John McCain? Dr.Paul says no, Then these b_stards say well then your not a good republican, or then you support Obama or hilliary,

There allready trying to put the blame on Ron Paul for losing the election to the Dem's...........I say F'em. When they should have given Ron Paul equal airtime, They didn't. But now they are giving him alot of airtime, But trying to make him look bad at the same time.

Listen this POS from Fox.

CNN American Morning

CNN Wolf Blitzer
Winston, it's hard for people to come to terms with the fact that the politicians they have been supporting are of a low character and are dangerous to our country. Thus, instead of admitting their error in judgement, the only thing they can think to do is to "kill the messenger". The messenger in this case is Ron Paul... a man who speaks the truth to those who are willing to listen. When someone calls him a whacko, they are only admitting that they are unable to comprehend the world in which they live.
And the fact is that it was Ron Paul's fault, and the fault of his supporters, that he lost his bid for the nomination. It is the job of the candidate, and his supporters, to inspire people to vote for him. RP and friends did not accomplish that.
And the fact is that it was Ron Paul's fault, and the fault of his supporters, that he lost his bid for the nomination. It is the job of the candidate, and his supporters, to inspire people to vote for him. RP and friends did not accomplish that.

and the media and the Republican party wasn't bias?
Every candidate must deal with opposition -- hostile media, unsympathetic and down right hostile divergent factions in their party, critics and other challenges. The successful candidate is able to overcome those obstacles.

Dealing with challenges and overcoming obstacles is a normal part of achieving success. Each of us must deal with hostility and opposition in our business and professional lives, and the people who succeed manage to do so in spite of those barriers.

Sure Ron Paul faced media, party and public hostility. Every other candidate also faced, and is facing, media, party and public hostility. That's one way the mettle and ability of the candidate is tested.
The fact is that more people than ever believe that the media is agenda driven. I think it is clear that if you do not think like the dems and republicans on certain issues, the media will portray you in a very negative light. I believe this is because of fear most of all.
This is just another environmental factor that any candidate may have to overcome to succeed. And if the candidate were to be elected, he'd have to overcome similar obstacles to implementing his programs and visions.

When you're in business, you have competitors. When you are in politics, you have opposition. If you can't do better than your competition, you fail in business. If you can't sell your vision in spite of people who don't share that vision, either by winning them over or by marshaling enough support to overcome them, you will fail in politics.
I am confused:confused:

the politicians they have been supporting are of a low character and are dangerous to our country. Thus, instead of admitting their error in judgement, the only thing they can think to do is to "kill the messenger". The messenger in this case is Ron Paul...

Was he the politician or the messenger? I thought he was a politician running for an office and offering a "change". Or is he the messanger, which in my opininon brings news/tidings/greetings/warnings from someone else.

Maybe you out to rephrase that, maybe he was a prophet, bringing the message.

Now I am confusing myself. I thought he was a politican but now I am not so sure.
This is just another environmental factor that any candidate may have to overcome to succeed. And if the candidate were to be elected, he'd have to overcome similar obstacles to implementing his programs and visions.

When you're in business, you have competitors. When you are in politics, you have opposition. If you can't do better than your competition, you fail in business. If you can't sell your vision in spite of people who don't share that vision, either by winning them over or by marshaling enough support to overcome them, you will fail in politics.

So, by your reasoning, a group of politicians can get in power and exert that power in the media to defeat anyone whom they disagree with and that is okay?

I believe that a free press should be free to report the truth, not specific messages that those in power want us to hear.
No not all of them failed, someone is going to win the election then they will be the President, and therefore they will be the "winner".
the politicians they have been supporting are of a low character and are dangerous to our country. Thus, instead of admitting their error in judgement, the only thing they can think to do is to "kill the messenger". The messenger in this case is Ron Paul...

Was he the politician or the messenger?

He is a person who is telling everyone the truth about the condition of their country. In that regard, he is the messenger of this truth. Those who don't want to see the error of their support of the current power structure in our country find it more convenient to call Ron Paul silly names instead of studying the text of his message... in effect, they are killing the messenger because they don't like the message.
I believe that a free press should be free to report the truth, not specific messages that those in power want us to hear.

Any proof or even a good conpriracy theroy Firemax that the press has been corrupted to the point that they are taking marching orders from the goverment.

I applaud your posts concerning RP, they are accurate, concise, and direct to the inadequacies the RP campaign had.

It is the job of the candidate, and his supporters, to inspire people to vote for him.

Absolutely 100% Correct.
Any proof or even a good conpriracy theroy Firemax that the press has been corrupted to the point that they are taking marching orders from the goverment.

The proof is evident for all to see. Whether you see it or not is up to you. I do not personally spend a lot of time telling a person to get their head out of their rear-end. I simply state to them that there is a lot more to see if they will do so.
I applaud your posts concerning RP, they are accurate, concise, and direct to the inadequacies the RP campaign had.

Granted, the RP campaign was run very poorly by some of the people he chose to direct his campaign. In spite of this, he garnered approx 20% of the vote in several primaries and caucuses around the country. That is a substantial success for a campaign that was actively attacked by many inside the Republican party. This was a grass roots uprising of people who see the same thing in government.... they see a government which has a desire to rule over us rather than to serve the American people.
Sounds like a wild accusation thrown out there Firemax.

Is the press lazy, sure. (Katrina and stories of roving rape gangs in the Dome, but no pictures of those gangs)

Does the press have an agenda, sure. (Dan Rather and the National Guard memo leap to mind.)

Do they get things wrong. All the time.

Incompent and ineffiecent, yes.

But conspiring with the goverment, come on Firemax.
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