Rally in DC

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Frank-- better to put your mug in front of a camera and dare to look stupid than to hide. I am not an anonymous gun owner-- I am Matthew Guest of Denton TX. I HATE that I can't go. I want like HELL to go. But going means my little family makes some sacrifices they can't make.

So, keyboard patriot that I am, I sit, and type, and wonder who hears me.

Smile for the cameras, boys and girls.
Me too - I would love to go...
But it's a long trip for me now. And I have some things going on here...

Beside - I think I am banned from the Air and Space museum. It it would be too hard to be in DC and NOT go to the A&S!

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Umm, George, ole' son-- sounds like you've a good story to tell. Care to share?

I don't think I could do DC without going back to the A&S museum, either-- it's been almost 19 years!
Obispo, Frank,
I KNOW you are not calling me or anyone on this site stupid. Rich doesn't like that attitude ;)

Sit at home. Hide from society. Become the prey that the media wants you to be, a cowering scared animal AFRAID to exercise his right to free speech. We all talk about needing the 2nd to protect the first, but if you are afraid to use the 1st, then where are you at?

The LEAST of my worries is a little file in the government. Hell, I bet they already have one considering all the guns I've bought since December. But do you honestly believe that if a million people marched they would start a million files? You have faaaaar too much faith in our government--they don't have the time or resources to keep track of that many people. So by staying home, you are making it easier for the government to track those that go. Who's side are you on? Are we working for OUR RKBA or what?
One tiny nugget in what Frank says, though--

Although I have no right to make demands of you guys who go, who have the STUFF that makes real patriots, I will ask y'all to remember that just about *ANYTHING* can be quoted out of context, and that great care should be excercised in preparing what you say, before hand. DON'T get baited into responding to something you haven't carefully worded beforehand. Pay careful attention to how you dress, as well. The point is NOT to look like attention-getting freaks, but to get attention by presenting yourself as the calm, respectable Everyman who wants to represent his earnest concern to save his and our rights.

We are passionate. And taken out of context, shown on the narrow field of a CRT with the right smirk on the face of the right TV anchor, passion looks like lunacy. Keep it calm and smooth, friends!

And thank you so much.
while i was working, water sealing the deck, last night i was think about sound bites...

you know they are going to ask questions so what phrases should we load the deck with?

I was thinking of:
Well if there are 200 million guns in the USA and owning a gun is makes it 43 time more likely that you will die by gun violence, why are not all the people here, dead?

lets load the deck guys!
i think mentioning SWAT knockless warrents and the Branch Dividian debacle will get us branded as loonies...


will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
Truthfully, I don't have a problem with a million man march. I wish it were a 5 million man march. What troubles me are the organizers, who I know nothing about, what speaches they are going to make and what position statements they will support or what pro gun or political groups they will support. Seems I read somewhere the top ten points they will talk about and it seemed a little looney to me. Almost like a read from a conspiracy theorists manifesto. Add that up with the fact that there is no NRA endorsment of the march and one has to wonder what the motivations of the organizers are. I can just see a bunch of Clinton secret agent clones using crowd psycology/propaganda techniques to disrupt the march and turn it violent. Then where will we be in the eye of Americans after the evening news gets ahold of the story? How much does anyone want to bet there will be shootings? How much does anyone want to bet that a bunch of malitia freaks start talking about overthrowing the US government? How much does anyone want to bet the evening news will spin it against gun owners and show the American people how wacko gun owners are? If the NRA were to be behind this, if they organized it, then I would be counted among those who will march. But I know nothing of the organizers.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited September 15, 1999).]

50% of travel costs? No kiddin? Count me in! I'd prefer not to fly there, but if that's the rules, then that's just the way I'll havta go!

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Frank raises some valid questions. Who speaks? What is the actual thrust of this, and what are the planks of the "platform"?

The opportunity for everyday American citizens to speak at the March for Liberty and state their grievances to our nation's capitol is a watershed event. We urge all to
share their thoughts and their grievances regarding our Federal government as they relate to the overall March for Liberty mission statement. In order to facilitate this,
and to enhance and strengthen the impact of this event, some straight forward and simple guidelines for speakers will be adhered to :

1. Speakers will be introduced by their name and their home town and state. Please provide this information to the MC. before speaking.

2. All speeches must address some aspect of the March for Liberty mission statement which is geared towards Constitutional Restoration generally
and the 2nd amendment specifcally.

3. Speeches must be shorter than five minutes.

4. No inciting to violence, no profanity and no racist remarks.

Violation of these simple guidelines will result in a forfeiture of that speaker's opportunity at the microphone. The MC at the time of each speech will introduce the
speakers and be responsible for maintaining these guidelines.

The mission of the "March for Liberty" is to send an unmistakable message to all government officials, elected and appointed, Federal and state. The message is
simply that liberty loving American people will no longer tolerate any attempt to reduce or infringe their God-given liberties enumerated by The Constitution and The
Bill Of Rights. To whit :

1) We demand that all legislation which in any way infringes on the existing first ten amendments to the Constitution be repealed and/or rescinded,
with particular emphasis to any and all laws, acts, regulations or prohibitions which infringe on the right of law abiding citizens to
keep and bear arms.

2) We demand that the national State of Emergency, the Emergency Powers Act and all associated agencies, legislation and Executive Orders be

3) We demand the abolishment of the 16th Amendment and an elimination of the Federal Income Tax, the IRS and a repeal of the Federal Reserve

4) We demand a abolishment of the 17th amendment and a return to the methods proscribed in the Constitution in electing United States Senators.

5) We demand that Congress re-seat the Judiciary Committee for the purpose of taking out articles for impeaching William Jefferson Clinton on
charges of high treason and other high crimes perpetrated against the people. No "independent council" or "special prosecutor" is necessary or called
for by the Constitution in order for Congress to accomplish this and discharge its solemn duty to the American people.

We call on all patriot Americans, regardless of race or creed, who hold the Constitution and Bill of Rights to be the best enumeration of our most important God given
rights, and who are willing to defend it against all enemies foreign or domestic, to join us in this march. Bring a short piece of rope, with a small loop that is tied off
with knots (a noose) and join us as we deliver this message to bureaucrats in Washington DC, or anywhere else in this nation, who would reduce or infringe upon
our rights and liberties.

All individuals who care to address Washington DC with respect to issues directly associated with this mission statement, and in particular the accelerating
infringements on the 2nd amendment, will be granted up to five minutes at the microphone on a first come, first served basis.

its not my show, but i'm gonna go

the AR15 list people are planing on meeting at the soldiers statue at the Viet Nam Memorial

pre 9 AM

doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
The gun rallies in Australia were the most peaceful of any. We had 80 000 in Sydney and not one incident. That's probably why we only got a few minutes coverage and less time than the smaller than 5000 anti-gun rally.
80 000 may not soundlike a lot but remember there was another 100 000 in Melbourne 20 000 in brisbane and rallies in every town around Australia. We have a populatrion of 19 million. You'll need to get well over a million to beat us on a per capita basis.
My point is - while I support these marches and went to them, in the end they don't really achieve much. Now if we had got 200 000 or 300 000 in Sydney they would have taken notice. But less than a 1/3 and probably only 1/4 of shooters took part.
Unless these marches are really big not just a million but a few million and bigger than any other march that has ever been before it will be forgotten in 5 minutes.
These marches occupy afew minutes of news on oneday, politicians can easily ignore that sort of publicity.
That said I hope it goes well and if someone has a good banner 480x60 and a 120x90 one for the rally I'll stick them on my site. They need to be good though. If no one has got something good I might be able to get something done.
Yeah, when I read about eliminatin income tax, I was a little put off. I'm there to support RKBA. I don't agree with all the stated goals, but I'd rather voice my opinion on this rather than hem and haw about getting the perfect march. We could debate what the best way is, and when to do it, and who should organize it, but if no one other than members of this board hear us, we are all wasting out time. that's all I have to say about that.
here is a 5k gif button:

& a 20 jpg:



will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
Rich; I started to email you to tell you how wonderful your offer is. Then I thought about it and decided it would be better to say it in front of God and everybody else.

With this forum and this generous offer you are "putting your money where your mouth is"
and you are a true RKBA Patriot.

I really appreciate you.

Better days to be,

Banners up thanks for that.
Now if only Rich would extent that offer to Australians - you would have Bruce, HS and I on the plane right away. First Class I think too. :)
Thanks Ed.
If you can get rates approaching those from, say, California, you're all on. Then, if you wanna spring for a flight to Florida, I'll put y'all up for a few days of good food and good shooting in return for a few lessons on Aussie humor. :)

I'll be back in toen on the 4th.
Rabbit assasin, those numbers for progun rallies in Australia are awesome for such a small population. We here in america with all these gun owners cant come close to those figures. Cant get bubba off his duff at least in the state i live in. If we could get the equivelent amount on Oct 2, it would be a miracle.
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