Rally in DC

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Have you considered developing a petition of some type that could be presented to Congress after the rally? Time and money constraints are a problem for a lot of people here, me included, but I'm pretty sure you could get a good head start on a signature list.
got a price quote:

from your image we can produce one banner, on banner material, hemmed with

grommets in the corners, and one in the middle for easy hanging.

Price: $ 216.00 10% Discount using the internet.

Net price: $ 194.40
Thanks. Let's leave this up to the Members. Personally, I don't think that promoting TFL does anything for the rally and would rather donate such amount to JFPO...they've not recieved the benefit of our minimal largesse, as yet.

But I remain serious on the offer to help with expenses for member travel there.
from Jeff Head:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We're actively talking to Ron Paul, the GOA, Aaron Zelman (the founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms
Ownership) and a number of others, encouraging them to come take their turn at the mic. We have saved a place
at the end of the rally for our largest "draw" to be our closing speaker.

Please, if you have any contacts in that regard, contact them and invite them and get them in touch with myself,
Jim, Joanie or Tom (from the organization page on the site).

This is grassroots and being organized using "leaderless" principles ... and it's working.

doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
Wow I'm glad I read this thread. I'll be in DC on the 2nd for other business. I'll definitely take the afternoon to be there. Look for the guy with grey hair and beard :)
I'll gladly take you up on that offer. I've got a place to stay, but need help with the ticket. Please email me with more info. ( local firearms laws would be helpful as well) -Thanks!

Where the choice is between only violence and
cowardice, I would advise violence."
— Mohandas Gandhi
as far as the gun laws

none are allowed in DC: http://www.nraila.org/research/19990716-BillofRightsCivilRights-008.html

NOTE: The District of Columbia has two sets of laws applicable to firearms. One, passed by Congress, is part of the D.C.
Code (Section 22:3201-3217) and regulates the purchase, possession and carrying of firearms. A newer law, passed in 1976
by the D.C. City Council requires all firearms to be registered, all owners to be licensed, and prohibits the sale of new
handguns. It also prohibits anyone from bringing a handgun into the District or transporting a handgun through the city.

Nonresidents are prohibited (subject to the recreational activity exception) from carrying or possessing a firearm while
traveling through the District unless the gun has been registered with the Metropolitan Police.

Maryland: http://www.nraila.org/research/19990716-BillofRightsCivilRights-022.html

Virginia: http://nraila.org/research/19990716-FirearmLawSummary-023.html


Just got word that a patriotic organization on this forum was offering to pay a percentage of the airfare to the DC rally. How do I make contact?
My bad Doc, the man's wording sez, " Must be a member AT THE TIME OF this notice" I don't fit that. Had never heard of TFL until you pointed my browaer this way. Thanks, I am working on something with a retired airline guy, he may be able to get me a deal. Later
It has been a losing battle here in Maryland in the fight against gun control. I have been to demonstrations in Annapolis, put up signs in the middle of the night, and passed out literature at the polling places. All to no avail in this state.BUT, I plan to be there on October 2with other people from this area(Frederick, Washington County, and West Virginia) or rather hopefully with other people. I just printed out the flyer on the rally.Looks like the old days have returned; at least for a while!
For those of you "Patriots, Legal Citezens, and Otherwise Concerned":
The best way to practice your "RKBA" is to remain as anonymous as possible. Marching or participating in parades, ceremonies or any other "patriotic" events will just get your video image in some fine american agency's photo logs for further investigation. I know we all have the need to "belong", but sometimes it's better to belong to your beleifs in silence and deeds and not by publicity. Biker rallies, Gay Pride rallies (**especially the one at DISNEY where cameras are abundant), and Good ole american pie rallies are targeted by law enforcement and other sorts of agencies that love nothing more than to figure out ways to contribute to the absolute control of the world as we know it. Next time you smile with pride in your "public" actions, realize that your probably on candid camera! ****The Disney Gay Day was monitored and a collection effort undertaken by FDLE and several other state agencies this year.
The idea behind a march is to get noticed.

Who is going to notice the marchers? The MEDIA, maybe???

And when the MEDIA notices the marchers just how is the MEDIA going to portray them?? Just how are they going to cast the marchers. Just what impression of yourselves do you want the MEDIA to put forth? Does anyone really think they will play your game?

If anyone is under the illusion that you will be treated fairly by the MEDIA during your march then you are delusional. A march depends on the MEDIA reporting it and JUST HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK THEY WILL REPORT IT? Get a clue here guys! They'll tear you to pieces during the evening news!!! Do you really think the media will report on you favorably?

Then too you forget about the professionals who will disrupt a peacefull march and turn it violent just to show how NUTS gun owners are. Why? To turn the American people against you.......just like they have been trying to do for the last 20 years!!!

Geezus. H. Krist, the stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me!

Seriously, does anyone think the media will put a positive spin on something like this???????
yea maybe you are right...
maybe i should hide in a bunker instead
maybe they will let us alone, isolated, spread out

hell no!
its my country!

We the people of these United States in order to protect our Republic will be seen and heard in our Nations Capitol!

doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
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