Rally in DC

  • Thread starter Thread starter dZ
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As of September 4, 1999
"March for Liberty, One million and one strong ... and you're the one"

September 4, 1999 UPDATE

The location has been finalized and changed from the last update. Due to several considerations, and prinicpally due to crowd size
expectations, the location has changed to the the Lincoln Memorial on the Mall of Washington DC :

Location : Lincoln Memorial, on the Mall in Washington DC.
Time : 9 AM until Dark on Ocotber 2nd, 1999.
Activities :

A formal petition of grievance and redress focused on the 2nd Amendment will be handed out at the March for all to
review and sign. A copy of this will be available on this site in the near future. This petition will be formally delivered
to the Capitol.

Anyone desiring to do so will be able to speak for three to five minutes regarding the issues outlined in the misison
statement. All of Congress is being invited to listen. If they so desire, they can get in line with the rest of us and
speak too. The same holds true for any of the better known national speakers.

Steve Vaus, and one other popular patriotic singers/song writers will perform at the March and will deliver their
message through music at the microphone.

Compatriots from all over the nation will be there. Please be sure to meet folks and network with all of those whom
you meet who are dedicated and committed to the preservation of our 2nd amendment rights and the restoration of
our Constitutional Republic.

The entire site has been updated to reflect all of this. Be sure and print out the Poster and the Flyer and copy them and spread them
around to gunshows, bulletin boards, friends, relatives, neighbors, barber shops and any where else you can afford to do so.

Again, this location change is critical and needs to be communicated to everyone you know of who is planning, or thinkin about

There are now only 4 weeks before this event. Plan on it, talk about it, invite friends, neighbors and relatives. Spread the word for
everyone to come and support the Mission Statement of this event on October 2nd in Washington DC.
I have pencilled it in. I guess I am going to visit my brother that weekend!

I am glad that someone has organized a rally in DC this year. I was gald to be at the Sate Capitol Rally, but I am itching for more. email me if you would like to meet at the rally.

What other TFL members will I meet there?

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
y'all are disappointing me

i guess its too easy to be a keyboard patriot.

When the minuteman call went out, were you the one who stayed at home, while others met the British?

-doc Zox

Some of us have prior commitments...like learning weapon techniques from a world master. And a keyboard _can_ be an effective tool for exercising the 1st.

When the minuteman call went out, were you the one who stayed at home, while others met the British?

With respect: I find the implication offensive. There's a difference between a rally to make noise and a rally to kill an enemy.

Do keep us informed. Not everyone is as aware of the rally as you are.
sorry if i offend but i was expecting a bit more of a reaction than nothing...

come on People

Be there!

Rich? Rob? Dennis? George?

any TFL presence?
lets get organized
we owe it to the future

Unfortunately, I can not attend.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 09, 1999).]
i respect anyones ability to determine if you can afford the time or the expense to make the Rally.

if you are on the fence
i am beggin ya!
please make the effort to be there!

If FOUP failed and this rally is a non event or worse yet is belittled by the media cause only a few stood in Washington...

then i fear Sara Brady will win


doc Zox

I wish there was a UBB code that stated, "This guy is serious about what he is saying."

To me your posts express your frustration at what seems to be apathy toward a good cause. I personally do not see this as the case for the majority of us here. I believe that what you are encountering is a predominant challenge that faces those who are politically aware but beyond our keyboard, actively impotent.

Right now, I number myself among them.

Bills to pay, a boss to answer to, debt to overcome, extreme hours of work and insufficient funds because of the debt and bills. Add insurance, inflation, income-tax, and interest and you've got nothing left.

The majority are financially bound, and don't see a way out.

For me this is changing. Within a few years I will be at the rallies, marches, and the in-the-face demonstrations against the encroachments on our freedoms.

Should the SHTF my family will be set up so that their financial well-being, should I be called to leave them pre-maturely, will be on the bottom of my concerns. This frees me to do more than just pound a keyboard in frustration.

The organization I'm a part of recognizes the constant violations of the Constitution by our government, and it is actively fighting to regain the cohesion and the financial stability that the average American family has lost over the decades by empowering the people through private enterprise. It's grass-roots. This will free so many people who's heart are in the fight, but who are bound to inaction because of financial stress.

The organization is called The World Wide Group, and membership only comes through invitation. Unfortunately most people disqualify themselves for various reasons. But if every you are approached by someone who represents them, open your ears and listen. Evaluate your situation based on the facts and act accordingly.

Their members maintain the highest average income of any other group within their profession.
They are the largest conference and seminar scheduling organization in North America.
And they have helped countless people become financially independent.

If this sounds like a plug for the group, it is. Just like any plug for the NRA and GOA.

We work silently, one family at a time, and we are progressing in leaps and bounds.

If anyone reading this has any questions regarding this group we can take it to e-mail.

So call me a "keyboard patriot" if you like. The title is only temporary.



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

referal #2005932

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 09, 1999).]
anyone who feels guilty for not being able to go, I feel bad for you. I want everyone to be there, but obviously not everyone can for whatever reasons.

But if you feel guilty cause you are going to your cottage that weekend, or heaven forbid, you live in VA and don't feel like riding the Metro in, then I feel bad cuz you can't get off your duff for something you supposedly believe in.

At the Hartford State Capitol rally last month I was shocked that there were not more people. Is not S&W and Colt based there? Ruger has an office 45 mins away in Stratford...so what the excuse was for the smallish turnout, I'll never understand. I join dZ in tossing more guilt on those who can but won't be there!
Sorry, I ain't got all the time in the world, so I'll just be flying from TX to DC in the morning and home in the evening. Long day, but DC (the city, not current company) offends me anyhow.

Hey, I can visit the Wall while I'm there, too!
Sorry, I only just saw the thread. I am committed to a project in Arizona thru the 3rd.

I know that nothing will substitute for warm bodies, but if there are any resources we can provide, please let us know.

How 'bout this: TFL will pay 50% of the flight costs or 50% of the lodging costs of the first 5 Members that reply here. Must be an existing Member at the time of this post. Must be flying in the continental US. Persons already committed to going are excluded.

And remember when in the Capitol, "don't get any on you".
may need a fund to get the Banner printed...
the top post graphic is the current rev
got a 450 dollar estimate from one vendor

Bumper stickers?
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