Protecting Myself

Fair points USP45usp, solutions to problems like these are never quick and easy, and that includes CCW as its a huge responsibility 24/7, not just when things go bad. In states that don't permit carry use of the most effective pepper spray that can be had, not getting into possible bad situations, ie, walking alone on dark streets, or in bad areas. The sad fact is, crime does happen, bad things do happen, and sometimes you can't avoid it. Getting caught carrying an illegal and going to jail, losing certain rights, and seriously imparing employment opportunities are more likely to happen then crime.
This isn't relevant to the thread at large but if you guys think an edge-in, reverse grip is useless, you must be training like a robotic Norman Bates. It has a place just like fencing and hammer grips, particularly in a clinch, which is going to happen more often some knife-on-knife fantasy duel.
Very nice, advocating illegal concealed carry. That'll go a long way to helping us se

PythonGuy could have spared us all the boorish pontification if he had just read the entire reply.............
Blah, blah - to cut to the chase, Insights offers two course sets in Defensive Knife Use and Unarmed Self Defense.

If the post is real, I suggest that courses from them or of similar character are the best to take. Long term martial arts courses may not suffice, esp. if one has (ahem) no time to train but want to carry a specific gun.

The gun choice is so trivial.

No one carries Mace BTW - it's OC. Mace brand has OC now. All the grip stuff.

I also have some interesting doubts.
You extend the weak arm into the assailant's face as a bait/shield, while the strong arm holds the arsenal--right cross, pepper spray, knife, or gun. Same technique as if you're facing off against an attacking dog. Be willing to "sacrifice" the weak arm momentarily while the real power executes the blow.

I know you've already made your choice about which gun to purchase, but I still want to encourage you to consider a double-action only revolver. These guns will fire always, as long as you can pull the trigger. Sideways, upside down, limp-wristing, inside of a coat/purse. And the manual of arms is as simple as it gets. Under stress, we tend to forget everything except the most basic urges: run, fight, pull the trigger. And with a heavy trigger pull, you are much less likely to discharge the weapon unintentionally.

ichiro, as with the defensive knife techniques, the choice of DA revolver over SA or SA/DA semiauto is very subjective. granted, many people suggest revolvers for women, thinking that the action of working a slide to chamber a round, or fiddling with a manual safety, or learning a 5 lb trigger is too much for a female to grasp.

however, i have seen far more shooters (both men and women) not be able to hit the broadside of a barn with their 'reliable' revolvers, but once a semiauto is in their hands, they can get groups that are 'good enough for government work'.
Hi Alyssa,

I came to this post late. I'm a female shooter and new owner of the Ruger SP101 2" DAO, I also have a model 60 2" Smith and Wesson, and fifteen other guns.... ;) Self defense seminars are useless as you have to be actively taking classes for it to mean something and I say that having attended the late Remy Presas's Arnis seminars three times - and remembered nothing. My five years of Wing Chun served me better.

Unfortunately, you're heading towards the wrong part of the country for gun rights - only my state is worse. I would recommend reconsidering where you live or plan to live - otherwise, change your habits. Don't go places alone, keep your place well lite and secure, be careful where you go and how late you're out. Sadly there's little really you can do as women and children are easy targets always and we're further victimized by gun laws that give the guns to the wrong people - the offender while the law abiding are left with mace. I can't carry myself because of my city's anti gun laws but when (and if) I can - it'll never leave my hip. Best of luck to you.
Only in America do the honest, decent people put bars on their windows, double lock their doors and hide at night from the criminals who "own" the streets.

Sadly, you will probably not be able to carry a gun. I wish it were otherwise, but our govenment in their infinite wisdom feels that we (sheep) are meant to be slaughtered!

Now, you have a small knife (2-3 inch blade/folding). Here is a nice, dirty little trick that can equalize a small woman against a much larger adversary.

I carry my change/money in my weak hand pocket...I carry a small (cold steel) knife clipped to my strong hand side.

At the first sign of problems, scream as loudly as you can, at the same time toss the change, money into their face, as you are doing this drop to one knee and shove the knife into either the femor artery, or shove it through the testicals into the pelvic bone so the blade slips in easy!

Slashes should be kept at the inside of the arms, or above the eyes, so the blood drips into their eyes...a stab to the face should be either the throat, the soft palet (underside of jaw) or through the eye socket..if the knife is dropped, a thumb can be shoved through the eye socket...The scream, toss, drop, and stab can be done in 1 second...attack without mercy. When the man is down kick to the knees, the testicals, throat, rib cage, but keep up the attack until you "KNOW" he is unable to persue you!

...My suggestion of a DAO revolver is made without consideration of gender or strength, only the consideration of a stressed-out, adrenaline-filled blood stream that reduces all of us to gross-motor-only beings who need something simple to stop the threat, and NOW. From my own experience, I know that centerfire semiautos are much easier to shoot accurately at any kind of distance. Kimbers, Glocks, Kahrs, guess is that they are all superior to my DAO Ruger SP-101 for hitting a target consistently at 21 feet and beyond.

However, I think my SP will do excellent groups at point-blank, whether I'm standing, shooting sideways, left handed, or while I'm struggling underneath my attacker who just tackled me. There's no safety, and there's no slide. Just a trigger and five shots of promise.

For someone who has stated she has no time for a self-defense class, much less Thunder Ranch, I think a DAO revolver is the way to go. Some range time will be required, however.


...What kind of Cold Steel knife do you carry? I had a 3" voyager, full serration, that someone stole, and I loved it. That knife would cut through anything.

Now I have a Spyderco Calypso Jr., which I love as well.

I have seen folks miss the target at 3 yards with a DA Revolver.....some in my CCW Class. So the only advice I would give if you buy a DA Revolver is pratice the trigger pull on it........

I started out with the 1911 which has a two stage trigger.

When I went to CCW class at the local Sheriffs Academy, we all had to start out with S&W DA revolvers. The trigger pull on a DA Revolver is a different beastie. I didnt have as much trouble as some folks. Its just you have to practice getting that smooth rearward pull over a distance. We were not allowed to cock the hammer of the revolver for SA mode. The first 3-4 weeks some folks still had problems with the trigger pull....However some improved after getting the hang of it. While the DA Revolver may be the safest and easiest to operate....practice does a body good as far as DA Trigger goes.

The reason I mentioned stiff arming with the strong hand is that I am also going to using the heel of my palm to see how far back his nose will go. If he grabs my arm see what a Liverpool kiss will do.

While most people who claim they can teach you to fight off a knife attack unarmed are full of BS, against an icepick grip it is realistic. To add to that it exposes your torso and armpits to attack. Also any targets when using the icepick are largely protected by bone, and if the other guy has a knife, its hard to counterattack and slash his arm, and you have to get within a foot or two to stab effectively. Fencing and hammer grips are both far better in my opinion.

Personally I think that "technique" shown there is a load of bull. At any given time around the 4th picture BLACK can twist the blade inwards towards the body and WHITE sustains a stab wound. Thats even assuming BLACK countinues the attack as shown in the 3rd picture. Granted the areas noted for strikes to disable BLACK are pretty good but the sequence of events arent exactly realistic, then again it is just training.
There is something else to consider here.

You mentioned shooting your assailant in the shoulder.

Please be aware that there is no such thing as shooting to wound. You must keep the mindset that your use of deadly force is to make your attacker STOP what they are doing. Also, keep in mind that deadly force commences the second your weapon becomes visible--not when you pull the trigger.

Most encounters are resolved without a shot being fired, as the BG suddenly realizes that they do not desire a high-speed injection of hot metal. However, some are only enraged at the sight of a victim defending themselves; some don't take it seriously, and some just don't give a rip.

Then, your option is to engage the target (shoot) with aimed rounds, center of mass of the visible target until the BG stops what they are doing.

With that in mind, please remember the four basic rules of handling firearms:

All guns are always loaded.
Finger OFF the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
NEVER point a gun at anything you are not willing to KILL.
Be sure of your backstop (impact point) and what is behind.

Good luck! :)
Personally I think that "technique" shown there is a load of bull.
I agree. it's niceypoo "lets disarm him and make him all nice again" BS. Whatever happened to kicking his manhood into his throat and running like mercury outa there? The goal is survival, not disarming bad guys.

When your enemy does what you expect them to, you are training.
When they no longer do what you like, you are fighting.


At this point the caption could read attacker shoves defender onto her butt with one step forward and a left heel of hand to nose. It could also read attacker drives pointy thing into defender's intercostal space, creating air leak which impairs ventilation.

The remaining photographs would be very different.

There is one basic rule to knifefighting.
Carry a gun.
also if white wasnt playing nice she could bend the knife back towards black turn the wrist force the arm back and black gets punctured. :eek:
I'm going to opine that NO TIME is BS - there are two day classes and evening classes. As I have said many times, training is way more important than a gun choice. The gun choice is pure BS as a myriad of quality guns would suffice.

Whether you had:

SW 642
Kahr PM9
Glock 26
SW 39193
Sig 239
Para LDA of some type

or whatever - is a trained person better off with any of these, rather than some untrained person babbling about techy minutia?

If I were truly concerned about my safety I would cut out this gun crap and get training.