Protecting Myself


I'm glad you got out of the situation okay. I hope your arm is healing nicely.

None of us were there and that means none of us are truely in the position to judge your "tactical" reactions. So for you guys who say she should of noticed someone watching her or following her, don't be so quick to speak. Alyssa doesn't seem the type to live in fear and will probably not be forced to having a bathroom buddy for everytime she needs to go. Besides, she said that she was in the stall when the attacker came into the bathroom and locked the door. Should she peek under all the stalls to make sure there is no one standing on the toilets as well?

From a practical standpoint, a contact weapon such as a knife would have had little use. The attacker was strong enough to force the Mace away from his face. If you injure him, you stand a good chance of ticking him off even more and getting killed. Unless you shot him through the door, you also stood a good chance of losing the gun. I would have to assume he was already in contact distance since he was able to grab the Mace. I am not advocating being a victim. Rather, I am telling you to assess the situation to see if what the best option is. Even the quickest gun slinger should think twice if someone already has a gun pointed at their head. You found your opportunity and you gave it too him right in the groin. I also commend you for not trying to get in a few extra shots. He may have ended up grabbing you and things could have turned out much worse.

In your case, I would NOT have opened the stall door. I would have pressed my legs against the door (the locks probably aren't worth a crap) and sprayed him in the face if he stuck his head over or under the stall. I would have also grabbed my cell phone and called 911, or at least scream that I did. Another thing is to scream like hell. The attacker may have thought he could scare you into shutting up but may be less willing to risk getting caught because of the huge commotion you caused. After running out of the bathroom, I would have screamed my head off and gotten everyone's attention. While you were off trying to find a police officer or mall security, your attacker got away. If you stayed closer to the bathroom and screamed that someone in the bathroom tried to rape you, there would have been a chance that someone could have stopped that creep.

As for catching the attacker, I suggest you check mall surveilance footage to see if they caught that bastard on camera. Otherwise, his next victim may not be so lucky. Malls often have many cameras and many stores often have their own systems as well.

You can take the whole judged by 12 rather than carried by 6 mentality, but I assume you are a law abiding citizen. That means either carrying what is permitted by the law or moving someplace where you are allowed to defend yourself. One other thing is to seriously consider taking a women's self defense class. I was the punching bag for my wife's class when we were in college. You may not become proficient immediately, but you should learn how and where to strike an attacker. Women love to go for the groin but you could also gouge his eyes, punch him in the adam's apple, or nail him good in the nose. My wife's class also taught disarming a knife wielding attacker but that is pretty risky. The class should also be good exercise and improve your strength. I am glad you got out of your situation somewhat safely. Take care and I hope they get that jerk.
need details! ya can't just let me go on utilizing a system that might get me killed! i need to live! :D

seriously though.... what exactly about the icepick hold is flawed?
Sorry to hear about your experience. I am very glad you were able to come away intact.

My oblique answer is to mention that I (and many other folks) carried what we felt was prudent for our protection ,for years before the Great State of Florida 'granted' me the right.

No matter what trouble you might get into with making these decsions for yourself, that possibility pales in significance compared to being killed or raped, if you find yourself again in a time of need, with no ability to protect yourself.

The best way is of course, is to getwith a good instructor, get your CCW permit, and practice, practice, practice. If there is no way for you to get that CCW permit though, you can still get training, and practice, and carry concealed. Hey, its your life...........
Well im not going to live somewhere depending on my right to carry a gun, im not gonna let fear keep me from doing what I want with my life, and that includes where I live. I was using the fox labs mace by the way, and it doesnt matter how effective of a chemical it is if the guy turns my hand away, I ended up getting his sholder all wet. As far as losing control of a gun the same way, I do believe that if I shot him in the sholder in self deffence the ordeal would end right there. Last time I tried to write a letter to the government, me and my friends all did it together. We all recieved the exact same photo copy letter saying that our congressmen would do their best to represent us, so basicly it was a, "ok, we get it, blah blah, some bull****, have a nice day."

So sorry you had to become a victim before the necessity of getting these asinine laws fixed so that defenders are not treated like criminals. There is no excuse you could offer now, since you plan to get a gun and use it if you are attacked again, for not joining both the NRA and the Second Amendment Sisters. You owe it to yourself and to women who might find themselves in your past position to do what you can to get right-to-carry enacted in your area. You have already seen how little the government cares about your safety as an individual.

And I think that if you were in a stall and a guy came in, locked the door, and pounded on your stall, if you had shrieked, "What do you want?!" and he responded with a growl or a curse or some other demand or threat, you would have been justified in shooting him through the stall door. Some here have said that a gun would have worsened things, but I think that if you'd had a gun, you would not have timidly emerged from the stall to have your arm grabbed, the way it happened with the OC spray.

And butch50, I'm thinking along the lines you are thinking on.

I don't agree with the notion of moving somewhere that you know ahead of time will deny you the right to carry. We are talking about your LIFE here, and your ABILITY TO DEFEND IT.

Would you move to that state if they were going to say you could not vote there? Would you move there if they were going to keep you from worshiping in your chosen church? No? Why, then, would you move there, as a woman who has been attacked and slashed by a would-be rapist (and possibly murderer), knowing that they will deny you the most effective means of defending your own life?

You claim that it would be letting fear win, if you decided to not move to CA. Why is that? I say that it is a practical matter, not a fear matter. It's also about righteous indignation. YOU know that the police cannot protect you, but THEY won't let YOU do the job. What's so important about CA that you would still want to be there, knowing that's how the government there views you? You have said yourself that anti-CCW laws are senseless.

You either want to be able to protect yourself or you do not. If you want to, you won't move to a place that makes it impossible. (That is, unless you plan to carry illegally.)

Very nice, advocating illegal concealed carry. That'll go a long way to helping us secure our rights of gun ownership, way to go.
I'd like you to show me what text specifically ADVOCATED any such thing.

edit: Nevermind. I just noticed that you're from Long Island. I spent 27 years there, so I understand why I'm catching attitude from you.

Still, I didn't advocate a damned thing. The text bears that out.

Hey Blackmind, read post #43 by Mannlicher, tough guy. You have a guilty conscience or something? Long Island has 3 million people, you know every one of of them, eh?
For civilians of any skill level, I can only recommend a 357 or 38 double-action only revolver for carry. Powerful and simple.

Very nice, advocating illegal concealed carry. That'll go a long way to helping us secure our rights of gun ownership, way to go.

I sure won't advise or recommend that a person be prey if that is what you mean.

I wouldn't advocate that a person do so, carry illegally, but I wouldn't take the option off the table if that's the direction they are going.

What would be your solution to this problem, and now the fear of what can happen, to the person? Especially in states that even outlaw OC or any other defensive type weapon?

As for securing our rights of gun ownership, Rosa Parks didn't do it (to clarify if one wishes to nitpik, the civil rights movement) via going to the local AG and complaining about having to sit in the back of the bus, and our doing what we're doing isn't going to work either.

Not attacking you PythonGuy, I just wish to hear your solutions to the problem. Why would anyone advise this lady to just sit back and "take it" because of the petty wants of a few but has the power to tell the many what to do?

I don't know if Butch is correct on his thinking, the knocking under the bridge, but whether it is or not, why would one go with the state and deny one to be able to cause these types of actions to stop, either by having the perp in jail, or better yet, dead?

Congrats on defending yourself......and giving the scumbam some pain
but now that you know how quick things can happen you will be better prepared.

would you have been able to spray the mace over the top of the stall door?

one thing you might consider next time is using the mace in your weak hand and using your strong hand to stiff arm him to give you a little distance. plus if he grabs the hand without the mace...hehe. The only bad thing about mace in close qaurters is you may get a dose too.

another trick if you dont have mace or anything is to take your car keys and stick the longest one out between your middle and ring finger and curl your fist around it and go for a soft spot like the eyes or throat......
pythonguy said:
Hey Blackmind, read post #43 by Mannlicher, tough guy. You have a guilty conscience or something? Long Island has 3 million people, you know every one of of them, eh?

I was led to believe you were replying to stuff I said, since your post immediately followed mine and did not quote the person to whom you were replying.

Since my post did make reference to the possibility of her carrying despite it being illegal, I think it is fair that you were calling me out.

Next time you might want to put [quote= and then the name and then close bracket, and we will know who you are replying to.

Thanks in advance,
icepick grip = suicide

spacemanspiff....regarding your question as to what was wrong with the icepick grip.... How can you possibly stab someone except on the downstroke? Right there you have more than halved the available moves you can perform. Furthermore, were you to attempt a slash you would have to reach past the intended slash location, seeing as how the blade of the knife is not facing your enemy when performing a slashing motion. Therefore, you would have to either perform a quick lunge, which would throw you off ballance, or you would have to disarm your opponent first and then slash them. If you have a knife, already a shortrange tool, why lessen that range by holding it away from your target?

Don't look to Steven Segal for advice on knife fighting.

While most people who claim they can teach you to fight off a knife attack unarmed are full of BS, against an icepick grip it is realistic. To add to that it exposes your torso and armpits to attack. Also any targets when using the icepick are largely protected by bone, and if the other guy has a knife, its hard to counterattack and slash his arm, and you have to get within a foot or two to stab effectively. Fencing and hammer grips are both far better in my opinion.
Alyssa Marcia
Well im not going to live somewhere depending on my right to carry a gun, im not gonna let fear keep me from doing what I want with my life, and that includes where I live.
Basically I understand your position, but you must also consider that the bottom line is; where you choose to live in this country determines to what extent you are able to exercize your right to defend yourself due to State laws etc.

Rational fear is very healthy; the risks we choose to take on a day to day basis must be weighed and calculated, largely balancing probability and potential consequences.
I was using the fox labs mace by the way, and it doesnt matter how effective of a chemical it is if the guy turns my hand away, I ended up getting his sholder all wet. As far as losing control of a gun the same way, I do believe that if I shot him in the sholder in self deffence the ordeal would end right there.
Learning experience; it sounds to me like he was ready for you to come out of the stall and was a split second ahead of you. Just speculation (and this is not knowing how many stalls there were and whether you had stalls either side of you etc) but had you stood up on the comode you might have avoided your "shooting arm" being grabbed and been able to spray this guy in the face. Had you possessed a pistol, this might likewise given you a more protected position.

With an active and ongoing interest in protecting yourself you can learn to better analyse your situations and hopefully choose the best course of action. There are no guarantees - just the ability tom often stack the odds in your favor.
Last time I tried to write a letter to the government, me and my friends all did it together. We all recieved the exact same photo copy letter saying that our congressmen would do their best to represent us, so basicly it was a, "ok, we get it, blah blah, some bull****, have a nice day".
Welcome to big government. Your best protector is you.
Alyssa Marcia,

I am glad you came out of this and congratulations on your successful fight! Well done.

If you consider using a firearm for your protection, I'd recommend a Glock 26. It is a very small and handy gun that holds 13 bullets in 9x19mm. So it's a little handy gun with a lot of controllable firepower. For ammunition I'd recommend Federal EFMJ. This ammo is very effective and should be legal in most US-States.
Gock 26:

Martial Arts
Youl already did react very well. That shows that you are a fighter and don't get paralized unter attack. What you might need is a no-nonsense self-defense-group. Unfortunately I only know these in Europe. Try to find a comprehensive jiu-jitsu school. The jiu-jitsu system is the most comprehensive one in my opinion. Avoid people who call themselves "Masters" or make some personal cult abouth themselves. Good people are humble and decent.
The martial arts can be divided into three fields: Self-Defence, Martial Sports and so-called "Soft" Martial Arts.

Self-Defence need not be graceful, fair or an appropriate subject of competition. It need only be effective and easy to recall. Focussing on real-life situations, self-defence systems need to provide for appropriate and reliable ways for a suprised defendant to protect him/herself without taking risks. Self-defence therefore rather be radical and simple. The best self-defence system I know is ATK (European). Krav Maga Maor (Israelian) also makes quite some sense.

Martial Sports have a totally different aim. Though they mostly originated from real-life combat techniques, they have changed in order to give a forum for fair competition. Sometimes they are as far away from self-defence as olympic fencing is from an ancient swordfight. They give rise to tremendous athletic and acrobatic performance. Such Martial Sports are e.g. TaeKwonDo, Judo, Karate, Wrestling and (Kick-) Boxing.

"Soft" Martial Arts should not be misunderstood. Although they focus on the art as such, they can be very tough. Usually they take very long to be learned and don't provide a forum for competition. E.g. Aikido and Chinese Kung-Fu Styles are usually neither practiced for athletic nor self-defence purposes. However, they can be extremly demanding and effective once one has reached master's skills.

The best training you could get were a SWAT or military instructor teaching you 1 on 1 and then later practice in a club with friends.

Stay safe and keep up your brave spirit!
IMHO, the best martial arts to learn are Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai (Thai Boxing). Jeet Kune Do helps tie together everything you've learned from studying different arts...

Taking these classes beats going to the gym because you will get a great workout from each session and will learn something invaluable.
As a woman I do not have the strength to fight off an attacker

Wow - dont let my wife here you say that - or my daughter, or sister, etc...

I am glad you came out of this able to talk about it. I am also glad you are making decisions based on what you want rather then fear.

You had the sense to keep fighting no matter what - that is very tough, there are men who would have crumbled after being cut. Often the physical strength is not what wins - the will to keep fighting is.

In an earlier post you talked about not having the time to take self defence courses. This is concerning - as a gun for self defence is going to be much more usefull with training. The mace you had would also have been much more use with training, as would many other items.

I would urge you along with others here to seek training. Firearms for self defence along with some sort of hand to hand stuff. I would suggest you stay away from the tournement sports type stuff. If you are willing to seek training look for and talk with the instructor about real life and if the techniques taught would be of use on the street. This guy has some interesting views on the subject

Whatever you choose, I am greatfull that you are still with us to make the choice!
Thank you all for your comments and advice, its nice to have this place where people can help me protect my life. I have decided to get the Pro-9 that I was looking at. As far as not being able to have it outside of home, I do think its a good idea to go into public bathrooms with someone else when possible. I have looked into that deffence class Women on Target, and will be attending one in the following month. I now cary a pocket knife and my mace, so that I am a double threat. It is funny some of the things I never considered, like keeping my strong arm free, but your suggestions gave me some good ideas. Thanks again, I will probably get back to you all when I get my gun, for I don't know much about taking care of it, or best places to keep it where its handy at home, and not a danger to young ones at the same time.
Make sure to field strip and clean it after every trip to the range. The manual that comes with the pistol will tell you how to strip it. If you are still unsure how to strip the pistol have the dealer show you. I recomend getting an Otis Micro Kit if you don't already have a cleaning kit. They are available at and are priced at $9.95!