Procedure LEOs use to disarm during traffic stop

Judging by the replies I guess the LEO taking your handgun during a normal traffic stop is rare. Maybe in a Northern State, though I haven't heard of it in Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan. Maybe northern as in Vermont? Maine?
I would not like a cop to handle my gun ! I don't know his skill level and especially since I carry a P7 which operates differently than other guns . An untrained , inexperienced person handling a strange gun is an invitation to an ND !!! :eek:
4719 said:
I'm an LEO in Michigan. I already know if the registered owner of a vehicle has a CPL.

I should assume that only applies to Michigan drivers and those states that link weapons licenses and driver's licenses. I wouldn't assume that it applies universally or to all states.
I have had a CCW for 45 long years before Iowa went to a Shall Issue in 2010. That first year the police did not have them on their computers. Once on a speed trap they asked for my weapon so they could do a back ground on it. I bet it was the first and last time that Police Officer ever handled a COP Derringer. Now it is on the computer who has a CCW. :)
The first couple of times I had an interaction with police in Virginia, I handed over my CCP with my DL. In both cases they glanced at it, handed it back with the comment "I don't need this" and went on about their business (neither was an enforcement situation...routine check, and responding to a minor accident). Since then I don't even bother to get it out.

Now my wife...She's nosey. She thinks nothing of turning the tables. "What kind of gun is that you're carrying?" She's never gotten even a rude answer. They were all quite willing to tell her, and talk about guns.
I live right on the 80 line and travel everyday into cook county and Chicago. I've been pulled over twice in last three years with my permit and both times I've handed it over with my DL. No issues at all both officers just thanked me and asked me to keep my windows down and leave it alone.I believe most officers in that area aren't really concerned with us law abiding gun owners they are more watching out for the fellows that shouldn't be in possession of a firearm in the first place.
Deaf Smith
In which Northern states is this the S.O.P.?
Try New York (city) and New Jersey (state).

At least there are many horror stories in those places.


I'm from New York City and no, people with pistol permits are not laying prone on the sidewalks while their pistol permit is checked. I've been to and through New Jersey for 60 years now and never was searched never mind made to lay prone with a knee in my back. I've also been to and through Texas for 42 years now and never had a bad experience there either.

NY does NOT recognize other permits from other states... savvy? Heck, NYC does not even recognize NY permits.

So what is gonna happen if out-of-state permit holders are stopped?

See the thread is about "Procedure LEOs use to disarm during traffic stop".

Now in Texas we recognize ALL CCW permits from ANY state. See he difference?

Deaf Smith said:
In which Northern states is this the S.O.P.?
Try New York (city) and New Jersey (state).

Your post said "Northern states" (plural). New York City is not a state, and New Jersey is not a plural.

Deaf Smith said:
At least there are many horror stories in those places.
It has often been noted that "The plural of anecdote is not data." There are a LOT of states that most people consider "northern," and your statement was a blanket statement. Yet apparently you can't cite even one Northern state where it actually is S.O.P. for police to prone out anyone they see carrying a firearm.
Well I guess I don't have to worry I have no intention of going to New York City or New Jersey with a firearm. Even though Chicago is a less than gun friendly city, people fly in and out of Chicago's O'Hare airport with firearms something that can't be said for New Jersey.
Here is what my home state says.
Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 21
General Assembly
←21.620Section 21.750.1
(c) In the absence of any reasonable and articulable suspicion of criminal activity, no person carrying a concealed or unconcealed firearm shall be disarmed or physically restrained by a law enforcement officer unless under arrest; and
(d) Any person who violates this subdivision shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 571.121.
This section also deals with ooen carry, preemption, and requires a CCW license holder to display his/her permit upon request of a LEO.
But they are specifically prohibited from disarming a permitee unless suspicion of a crime is present.
Now in Texas we recognize ALL CCW permits from ANY state.
TX does recognize a good number of permits but permits from the following states are not honored in TX.

New Hampshire
New Hampshire

Well that means if they are a-packing it's a felony here in Texas. Bet they get kind of disarmed, right? Think they will prone them?

Your post said "Northern states" (plural). New York City is not a state, and New Jersey is not a plural.

Boo Hoo. My bad. Drive to NJ and tell the cops you have a gun. See what happens. Might try Maryland to.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Go talk to Massad Ayoob (I was in his LFI-1 class years ago.) Bet he can give you lots of 'horror stories', uh, anecdote data.

"...more of a Northern Illinois north of Interstate 80 thing..." If it is, you have grounds for a complaint to whatever agency deals with complaints against police.
Last I heard there is no separate North and South Illinois. Just Illinois. Same State laws everywhere.
What other States do is irrelevant.
It's easy up here though. You get arrested and charged with a criminal offence(Indictable offence to ya'll). snicker.
O'Heir, just like there is a huge difference in the culture of Quebec from north to south, Illinois is the same. Northern Illinois is substantially industrial and urban. Southern Illinois is mostly agricultural and rural. Yes, the state laws are the same, but local ordinances and enforcement are different. Fortunately we have the 2A here that does offer some universal protection. Knowing state and local laws is necessary though. It is imperfect, but what isn't?
Cheapshooter, I didn't know that Missouri had the law you posted about LEOs not disarming you.
Not completely sure of the date, but I think it was in the changes made to the CCW laws in 2014. When after discovering our Obama suck-up Governor was compiling a list for the Obama Justice Department of all CCW license holders. That's when the system of issuing the endorcements on a DL, or Non DL state ID was taken away from the DMV, and given entirely to the sheriff's department, or police departments in each county. At that time Missouri also no longer required a CCW permit to carry a loaded concealable weapon in a vehicle.