Pro gun spouse or not ?

Find someone who will make a good spouse.

A lot of questions becomes details after that. That said, there are some issues that need to be discussed ahead of time: kids, guns, moving-for-jobs, moving-for-family are some biggies.

I wasn't so much into guns when we got married, but when I got back to my midwest shootin' roots after a few years, she was ok with it. It helped that her dad had hunted birds a bit, but it definitely wasn't discussed before hand. She was happy enough that I was safety and kid-conscious.
My wife grew up with 3 brothers who always went hunting with the father and never took her once, when I asked her if she would want to go she was in the truck before me, that was years ago before we were married.
She's a little annoying because she shoots bigger bucks than I do and dislikes my gun trading preferring me to never sell or trade any and offers to help pay for new ones so I don't have to.
She's a 2A silhouette shooter and fantastic skeet shooter, she took lessons from a pro and luckily I was there to gleen information or she would beat me at that as well.
She's a life member of the NRA and buys all of Dana Loesch's books.
Wife grew up with guns. Her dad and grandpa are big hunters, and target shoot a bit. Her dad was also a local LEO for 20+ years.

For her senior prom date, her dad took her and her date shooting, with an M16 and full auto MP5.

She’s got a couple of her own guns, has a couple more she wants to buy.

She purchased guns for me for Christmas and my birthday, as well as dies, reloading components, scopes, etc.
My wife's dad took her bird hunting and fishing when she was a girl. I came with guns, she learned to shoot them and still enjoys family shooting outings when all the kids and grandkids are there. But if it comes to being illegal or pushing back against tyranny, I'm on my own.
The wife and I grew up in a very hunting oriented community. She has never been anti gun. She was, however, anti AR-15/AK-47 MSR style weapons.

Until about a year ago when all the Antifa crap hit the airwaves and the pandemic was in the forefront of everybody's mind.
She asked " When are we getting one of those?"
My wife is pro-gun. She is an LEO too (She is in admin on a desk now) but not one of the "I shoot for qualification" types. She is not into competition as I have been forever, but she shoots with me once a month or so and carries her Glock 19 (duty gun) or her Glock 48 everywhere she goes. She got AR qualified when she was still in patrol and had me build her a 10.5" SBR not long after.