Pro gun spouse or not ?

My now ex-wife is staunchly anti-2A. When we were married and I got into firearms 10 yrs ago she made every complaint under the sun about them. I got a safe, I took a safety course and that still wasn't good enough. She claims she's not anti-2A but she'd be lying through her teeth. Our 7 yo son just got a BB gun from grandpa and I plan on enrolling him in the DNR hunter safety course when he's old enough. Some people can be converted but others will cling to their anti-2A bias regardless. I've given up with her and others like her. The best thing I can do is teach my son the importance of firearm safety and the 2nd Amendment. I'm single by choice and were I to get into another relationship the caveat would be that they're not anti-2A.
My girlfriend- she might as well be my wife, we’ve lived together now for goin on three years and been dating for well over three so whenever I get enough money to buy a ring I’ll make it official but at least she’s not anti-2nd, and she’s not anti-gun but she’s just anti-enthusiastic about guns and carrying which is opposite of me. She has no desire to carry, shoot, or practice and that’s fine. I wish she would be a little more enthusiastic about guns but hey, if that’s one less hobby we don’t share love for, that’s fine. I tried to give her my little LC9S Ruger 9mm handgun but she wouldn’t take it so I ended up giving it to my mom. At least she and I share a love of shooting and all that so I just take my mom to the range with me.

I wish I could find her a gun she’d like but that’s just almost too much a gamble I’d rather not take. So far I’ve taken her to the range once and let her shoot my 9mm Beretta PX4 compact but she said that was too much for her so, I don’t know if that Ruger LC9S woulda been too much or not. It’s not for my mom and they’re about the same build. Granted, I do have the larger back straps on my PX4 because I got big hands but I just really think she’s just not in to it and, that’s fine. She doesn’t need to be. At least I do feel ok that she can pull out my Storm 9mm compact from the nightstand and defend herself with it if need be.

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That’s kind of odd. Lol. She’s anti, but wants you to carry whenever you leave the house....

Brother - that's just the beginning........
My wife isn't a shooter, but not anti. She doesn't care if I buy a $1000 gun, as long as she gets a $1000 diamond. Needless to say, I try my best to conceal new gun purchases. :D
My wife isn't a shooter, but not anti. She doesn't care if I buy a $1000 gun, as long as she gets a $1000 diamond. Needless to say, I try my best to conceal new gun purchases. :D
Yeah man, you give "conceal carry" a whole new reason for being!!
My wife is not anti, but since I have lots of hobbies, she limits guns to one of each:
one pistol
one bolt action rifle
one semi auto rifle
one PPC
one shotgun.

But I am also into archery, bicycles, 4 wheeling... She is into skiing, horse back riding (THAT IS expensive!), and we are not rich, so limits are good.

One trick to get around my limit is to buy guns for "her". So she has her "own" DA/SA pistol and 223 bolt action carbine. : )

But she's also got me my "own" horse saddle.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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When I was much younger I had an interest in flying, i.e. getting a private pilot's license. I knew a couple of guys that were pilots, one was a very good friend and I had him over several times and whenever he talked about flying, the cost of lessons, being in a club that owns a plane and the really high cost of almost any kind of maintenance on a plane it kind of put shooting in a much better light, at least finance-wise.

Note I think anybody that knows somebody into car restoration could do the same thing.
Trust is a must. ... !!!

My now ex-wife is staunchly anti-2A. When we were married and I got into firearms 10 yrs ago she made every complaint under the sun about them.
One important factor on our spouses/girlfriend, is trust. Sometimes it comes natural and others, takes time. My first wife knew I was a hunter and didn't really care on way or another. My current spouse knew I was a Gun-Guy when first we met but not too crazy about them. Currently she has about 99.9% trust and acceptance. Another way, she doesn't trust me all the way and I doubt that she ever will. She is almost ready start serious shooting and appreciates that I teach Hunter Safety and Firearm Courses. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
When I met my wife, she was a police officer, trained and qualified with firearms, was very comfortable with guns, gear, etc. She soon knew I was a "gun guy". Buying, having, using, etc. gun stuff has never been an issue. She is staunchly pro 2A. After reading some of the responses, I realize I have been very fortunate in this respect...
My wife went shooting with me when we were dating and she was no stranger to guns as she had been going rabbit hunting with her dad since she was a little kid. We don't limit each other as to what we spend on our respective hobbies as long as we can afford it. She even encouraged me to to buy another gun last Saturday and this was after I had bought one about two weeks ago. She will still go shooting with me but seldom shoots as arthritis has about ruined her hands.
Most of the time the small handed ladies can use a small revolver much easier than a semiauto. My wifes arthritis is making her hands weak and she cant rack a pistol.

Believe it or not-Smith makes a small LEFT handed revolver, probably 38.
Believe it or not-Smith makes a small LEFT handed revolver, probably 38.

I don't think S&W ever made a left-handed revolver, by which I mean a revolver with the cylinder release on the right side and the cylinder swinging out to the right, but Charter Arms makes one currently, a .38 snubbie that they, appropriately enough, call the "Southpaw."
One of my ex'es was pro gun for the gun Uncle Sam issued her and would have been against me carrying a gun too, except mine was also issued by Uncle Sam. But she was FAR from being 2nd Amendment friendly and we used to argue (debate?) about that. However, I finally escaped and no more debates......

My other ex was a nurse so she was "kind of" against guns, but would agree that as long as bad people had guns good people should have them for defense.
I've told this story before in the context of gun safety. My wife was indifferent about guns when we got married 40+ years ago. I owned a couple of rifles, a shotgun, and a single handgun. I got her out to the range a couple of times and bought a couple more guns. Then a family friend was shot and killed by a drunk playing with an "unloaded gun." That turned my wife squarely against guns.

We have had several "debates" over the years, but she finally accepted the fact I'm a gun guy. When the business she worked for closed, she even bought the massive safe they had that I now use as my primary gun safe. She still doesn't like guns, though, and will occasionally make a snide remark here and there. I just smile and say that when the bad guys start making appointments, I won't have to carry.
I've told this story before in the context of gun safety. My wife was indifferent about guns when we got married 40+ years ago. I owned a couple of rifles, a shotgun, and a single handgun. I got her out to the range a couple of times and bought a couple more guns. Then a family friend was shot and killed by a drunk playing with an "unloaded gun." That turned my wife squarely against guns.

We have had several "debates" over the years, but she finally accepted the fact I'm a gun guy. When the business she worked for closed, she even bought the massive safe they had that I now use as my primary gun safe. She still doesn't like guns, though, and will occasionally make a snide remark here and there. I just smile and say that when the bad guys start making appointments, I won't have to carry.

That’s unfortunate that your wife feels that way because that attitude right there is really no different from all these gun-hating liberals and Democrats who wanna take out guns and our gun rights away is because of that beetleheaded mentality that guns are the problem; I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but that family friend was a victim of pure stupidity, recklessness and flat out irresponsibility.

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There was a 30 year gap between my divorce and getting remarried. My wife's ex used to spend every dime he made on gun stuff and also every cent he could embezzle from her funds. I won't go any further but I have first hand experience he was a dead beat, Ahole.

Anyway she'd get pissy with me when I'd buy gun stuff even though I had budgeted for it and it didn't take a cent away from the household budget. On the other hand, I could drop a small fortune at the tool store and she'd be happy with that and interested in what I bought. We had a long discussion about this and she admitted that I had worked hard for that money and I had a right to spend it as I saw fit since I was taking good care of the family and also paying the way for raising her PITA daughter from the previous marriage. I came to the conclusion that I was best off just hiding my gun purchases.

My late father-in-law “liberated” some handguns from Hermann Goering’s Haus in 1945, but he never was a true gun guy. He was then a First LT who was attached to the 101st Airborne in every campaign.
Luckily he and my late MIL grew up in Abilene TX before he became an Army Quartermaster.

The point of this?

The fact that she has been totally indifferent but tolerant of guns is at least connected to the basic fact that her parents were >> Not anti-gun <<.

She only advises to watch the average expenses for Ammo, guns etc.
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I was anti when I met my wife, my only experiences with guns were negative. She turned me around. Still can't beat her at the range.