Pro gun spouse or not ?

The first major gift I ever bought my wife was a pistol. She has bought me a rifle and herself another pistol.

She is very pro gun!
Just curious about those of you whom have a lot of guns and spend stupid amounds of money on firearms , how does your spouse handle the situation ?

She shoots, so if the wife tries something I bought and she likes it a second one winds up in the safe and its her gun
I met one guy who's wife was anti-gun. She made him put his guns in the tool shed and even though he wrapped them up..they were rusted.
I met one guy who's wife was anti-gun. She made him put his guns in the tool shed and even though he wrapped them up..they were rusted.

I don’t think I could be with somebody who was that anti-gun. As much as I’ve become such a firm believer in the Second Amendment and pretty much feel that no matter what the gun law is, it’s still an infringement no matter which way you look at it and it’s still a bunch of redundant laws that doesn’t do nothing to prevent crimes from happening, nor does it keep guns out of the wrong hands so, if my girlfriend was telling me that I had to keep my guns out in the shed or wherever, I’d be finding me a new girlfriend. Probably wouldn’t of even been with her that long before it even came to that point… LOL.

But at least mine’s not anti-gun though. She’s just not a gun that like I am. And that’s fine. She doesn’t have to like guns as much as I do and she doesn’t have to be that involved with guns but at least she’s not anti-gun.

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So hard to imagine that my late father-in-law as a 1st LT with the Quartermasters, taking some of Goering's handguns from his home in Bavaria Germany (Obersalzburg).

One might imagine that such a guy would have become a true gun person, but at least he was never anti-gun.

My wife never knew, 27 years ago when we married, that there was a * dormant gun interest which later was to suddenly blossom (in 2007).

** A grandfather of mine >> committed suicide with a handgun <<, and my Mom never exhibited any strong emotions towards guns. He had some medical condition.

She calmly said "I don't like guns" (note the word "calmly"), as she is intelligent to realize that other methods (suicide) are available.
My wife grew up in a pretty far left leaning family. Parents were old hippies. I only ever had a shotgun growing up and it was used for Turkey hunting which I hardly ever did. She didnt want it in the house when we were married in 04. I unapologetically lied and said I got rid of it but in reality I covered it in waxed cloth and hid it in a utility room. I would never get rid of it. My Father got it for me.

A few years later we joined a few of our friends at one of their families farms and they all brought firearms. She was pretty weirded out by it all but seeing her friends plinking can on a sawhorse for a while helped settle her down. She shot nearly 300 rounds of 22 that day.

A few weeks later I bought a pistol and brought it home. It pissed her off but I wanted it so I bought it. Slowly she eased up and I bought a few more here and there. Then I got into reloading and all of the other aspects that come with it. Never used any of the money from the family account.

Then came the recession of 07 and 09. She lost her job at a private practice and I made the decision to sell off quite a bit of my collection. We never missed a house payment and we never missed a payment on her car we owed on. After the recession was over we tried getting pregnant but she had complications due to a issue internally. I sold pretty much all of it off to help pay those bills. I eventually started saving up and started buying again. Not a word was ever said again about what I bought unless it was a huge expense. Even then she realizes it's all a investment and she knows I'd keep the basics but if need be I'll sell it if it means helping the family out.

She occasionally comes out to a local gun club I am a member of and shoots with me. She's a very good marksman. She'll stay all day with me and shoot and have a great time. It just isnt a passion she has but she really isnt anti gun.
I was glad to read that your wife saw the situation from a detached, rational perspective.

And she did not resist being Able to think as an individual.
When we have extra money my wife doesn't want new clothes or new shoes etc. She drags me kicking and screaming to the gun store.:D
So hard to imagine that my late father-in-law as a 1st LT with the Quartermasters, taking some of Goering's handguns from his home in Bavaria Germany (Obersalzburg).

One might imagine that such a guy would have become a true gun person, but at least he was never anti-gun.

My wife never knew, 27 years ago when we married, that there was a * dormant gun interest which later was to suddenly blossom (in 2007).

** A grandfather of mine >> committed suicide with a handgun <<, and my Mom never exhibited any strong emotions towards guns. He had some medical condition.

She calmly said "I don't like guns" (note the word "calmly"), as she is intelligent to realize that other methods (suicide) are available.

Although I can understand where she’s coming from but still, to hate guns for that reason just isn’t right simply because blame is being put on something that had no or deserved blame.... it wasn’t the gun’s decision to do something terrible, that was his but then again, we all reserve the right to like, dislike and hate whatever we choose with no reason needed so, it’s fine. I’m sure she doesn’t feel at all like she’s missing out on anything by not having guns in her life.

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When we have extra money my wife doesn't want new clothes or new shoes etc. She drags me kicking and screaming to the gun store.:D

I wish my girlfriend and probably some day; my wife, would be like that but oh well, it is what it is. I even tried to give her my Ruger 9mm LC9S when I made the move from striker-fired handguns to strictly just hammer-fired DA/SA handguns with the exception of my little pocket-stinger 22 mag revolver and my SAO 10mm that I only use while in the woods but she wouldn’t take it so I ended up giving that little pistol to my mom.

Even though she’s not anti-gun, I still wished she woulda taken it just for the sole purpose of home defense when I’m away outta town for work since even my compact PX4 9mm that stays in my nightstand by our bed, is still too much gun for her because she has small hands and has a hard time gripping it being that I have the largest back strap installed because my hands are much bigger than hers. And yeah, I know, I could probably get her to try it out with the smallest backstrap but then for one, it would be too small for me because I do carry that gun on me sometimes when we go out and two, I would have to destroy the rubberized talon grip I have installed on it but either way, it’s probably still too much gun for her irregardless.

I guess I could put that little 22mag revolver in her nightstand but I don’t think she’d care for the fact that every time you shoot that pistol, you have to cock the hammer back each time and it’s a pain in the rear to

Oh well, maybe some day she’ll let me buy her a little .380 that’s more her size...[emoji41]

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Marry a country girl... they grow up knowing that a gun is another tool in the shed and are needed to control unwanted visitors... Every time I am debating adding another gun she is usually the one that pushes the decision. We are now both very senior citizens but all descendants and spouses are into guns, some more than others At least two of the women have used guns in a defensive manner...

If you can't find a country girl, look for a Texas gal...

Our great granddaughter, now four years old, had her first "range day" with her brand new pink Red Ryder about a week ago... I gave her the gun with the blessings of ALL of her family members. We start them young in Texas...

BTW she is a tenth generation Texan but has a little foreign blood mixed in, mostly Viking...
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Marry a country girl... they grow up knowing that a gun is another tool in the shed and are needed to control unwanted visitors... Every time I am debating adding another gun she is usually the one that pushes the decision. We are now both very senior citizens but all descendants and spouses are into guns, some more than others At least two of the women have used guns in a defensive manner...

If you can't find a country girl, look for a Texas gal...

Our great granddaughter, now four years old, had her first "range day" with her brand new pink Red Ryder about a week ago... I gave her the gun with the blessings of ALL of her family members. We start them young in Texas...

BTW she is a tenth generation Texan but has a little foreign blood mixed in, mostly Viking...

She’s originally from Washington but she’s a keeper though. And besides that, before I found her, I tried my hand at a few Oklahoma country girls and one or two of them started out as a Texas girl and it just didn’t work out between me and them… LOL.

I don’t know if it works out between me and the one I’ve got now because even though I’m from Texas myself, I’m probably more compatible with a girl that’s not a country girl but at least I can say, her dad was from Alabama and he was into guns/deer hunting and when her parents decided to buy a pretty big cattle ranch down here in Oklahoma and when her and her husband at the time decided to move down here to help work that ranch, she was still into the target shooting and stuff like that with a little 22 semi auto, going out to the ponds and plucking turtles off of logs but all in all, she just really is still where I was where over five years ago when even though I wasn’t anti-gun but I just never had a reason to own a handgun until I bought my first one about 4 and a half years ago. I had, and still have a 22 rifle that my fire chief from way back in my fire fighter days was pretty much it other than a BB gun so when my mom started to really go get into guns, if I would’ve been into handguns as much as she was a long time ago, I could’ve acquired a really nice full-size Springfield XD 45 for free because she bought this pistol at a garage sale that came with a case, paddle holster, three magazines and a holster for teo of the magazines for like 400 bucks and when she realized that handgun was way too much for her, she tried giving it to me but not so much because I wasn’t into handguns at the time, I just primarily thought she would’ve been better off to just sell that pistol and then use the money to go buy something that was a lot more manageable to her but like I said, at that time, I just wasn’t into handguns so my girlfriend is just kind of in the same boat I was in years ago. She figures she’s lived 44 years of her life never feeling like she has to carry a gun or even own a gun so maybe someday that’ll change… LOL if it doesn’t, oh

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Being pro-2A/RKBA is a requirement for me in any romantic relationship. Too much danger of betrayal if the relationship goes sour-think of red flag laws. And as I pointed out to one fellow shooter experiencing money problems and the marital strains they caused, she can't sell her clothes or her jewelry.
My wife is not anti-gun, but certainly not pro.
I describe her perspective as "big town midwest", even though she grew up in a rural area where deer hunting is like a religion; guns are dangerous, you can't trust people to be safe around dangerous things, so someone has to control how much danger armed, unsafe people can be to the people around them.
My wife is very pro 2A, when it comes to the point that we should have sufficient weaponry to face off against government forces if an autocrat ever takes control and refuses to relinquish power. She also believes in our right to self defense against criminals, obviously.

How she feels about my gun collection is another story :D
She’s originally from Washington but she’s a keeper though. And besides that, before I found her, I tried my hand at a few Oklahoma country girls and one or two of them started out as a Texas girl and it just didn’t work out between me and them… LOL.

I don’t know if it works out between me and the one I’ve got now because even though I’m from Texas myself, I’m probably more compatible with a girl that’s not a country girl but at least I can say, her dad was from Alabama and he was into guns/deer hunting and when her parents decided to buy a pretty big cattle ranch down here in Oklahoma and when her and her husband at the time decided to move down here to help work that ranch, she was still into the target shooting and stuff like that with a little 22 semi auto, going out to the ponds and plucking turtles off of logs but all in all, she just really is still where I was where over five years ago when even though I wasn’t anti-gun but I just never had a reason to own a handgun until I bought my first one about 4 and a half years ago. I had, and still have a 22 rifle that my fire chief from way back in my fire fighter days was pretty much it other than a BB gun so when my mom started to really go get into guns, if I would’ve been into handguns as much as she was a long time ago, I could’ve acquired a really nice full-size Springfield XD 45 for free because she bought this pistol at a garage sale that came with a case, paddle holster, three magazines and a holster for teo of the magazines for like 400 bucks and when she realized that handgun was way too much for her, she tried giving it to me but not so much because I wasn’t into handguns at the time, I just primarily thought she would’ve been better off to just sell that pistol and then use the money to go buy something that was a lot more manageable to her but like I said, at that time, I just wasn’t into handguns so my girlfriend is just kind of in the same boat I was in years ago. She figures she’s lived 44 years of her life never feeling like she has to carry a gun or even own a gun so maybe someday that’ll change… LOL if it doesn’t, oh

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I'm from Mississippi, my wife is from Indiana. She's been around guns because her ex used to buy them but she never got to shoot any of them. We've only been married a couple of years and where we live now there's not many places to shoot so it was awhile before we got to. Once we did she wanted a gun of her own. Long story short she started getting unexpected monthly installments on her disability back pay. She now has six handguns of her own plus an AR.
I’m a native Texan born and raised, but I married a Washingtonian that grew up in Southern California... more into guns than I. Always reminds me to buy more ammunition. Before that, most female companions that I had before moving from Texas simply “tolerated” my gun ownership.

In fact, I’ve met more gun loving people in Washington state than I ever did in Texas.
RickB said:
I describe her perspective as "big town midwest", even though she grew up in a rural area where deer hunting is like a religion; guns are dangerous, you can't trust people to be safe around dangerous things, so someone has to control how much danger armed, unsafe people can be to the people around them.
So she's a proponent of tractor and harvester control, then?