Pro gun spouse or not ?


New member
Just curious about those of you whom have a lot of guns and spend stupid amounds of money on firearms , how does your spouse handle the situation ?

I've been married for 28 years and I had to "persuade" my wife to accept guns over the years. When I got married back in '93 I had a Ruger 10/22 , a Win model 120 12ga SG , and a Colt model 70 1911 . My wife got pregnant in '94 and demanded I sell my guns as she didn't want guns in the house with children. I complied as back then guns to me were just a random casual hobby. No big deal selling them off. Jump to 2011 my kids are all grown up and a buddy asks me to try shooting at his gun club. That day I shot trap, a 30-30 Marlin , and a Dan Wesson 357 mag . I left with the BIGGEST smile on my face and decided I REALLY wanted to get back into guns. At first the wife was not on board, but not dead against. A few months go by and I asked my wife if she ever shot a handgun, answer was "no" . Would you like to try one ? "ok" . We went to an indoor range and rented a Ruger MKIII 22LR pistol and she liked it. So jump to present day, 28 guns later, and an "undisclosed" amount of money invested into handloading and my wife now has evolved into a pro-gun spouse . Rifle is not really her thing. She likes handgun (she owns a Glock G22 , and she occasionally CC's a Sig P238) . Her FAVORITE discipline is trap ! She is also a member at our gun club and she has no problem shooting trap on Sunday morning trap league with the "guys". The trap guys love her too. When I need to spend money she's pretty accepting. I used to get an "eye roll" every time I would buy a few boxes of primers or 1K of Berrys pistol bullets, but now as she is actively shooting she understands the importance of ammo "inventory" and she is accommodating. In her words: "as long as all the bills are paid and I can buy my quilting stuff, you can buy your gun stuff".

I got a keeper !
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I remarried late in life. At the time I married, my bride-to-be knew that I owned guns. She didn't like guns, but she understood that I did and that the guns were in the house before she was. She never developed any interest in firearms and she never went to the range with me, but she didn't make a scene about guns in the house.

Disclaimer, I was 59 when we married she was 57, so the question of guns and children was a non-issue.
i started late in life too, regarding getting into shooting.

my wife at first did not like it, but then she knows that i never ask for anything or refuse to help the family.

so she actually said, "have a good time, don't shoot your eye out"

now , she's as curious as ever, when ever i come home with a new gun....
I am 30 and I have been married since I was 22. I always knew before I even formed a relationship with a woman that gun ownership could be a point of conflict.

I was fortunate that my wife was in the National Guard so she had already been exposed to and taught about rifles at least.

I do remember still checking with her before we moved in together if me owning guns was OK. She didn't own any at the time.

We have always had an understanding that if our bills are paid, neither one of us should really care about what we spend our own money on. We both work.

My wife owns 2 guns now. She isn't into them like I am, but I'm definitely glad she isnt the no guns in the house type.

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Easy (after 40 years):
4 years ago I got a Barrett .50 with suppressor, high end scope, case and enough ammo to reach nirvana.
She got a quilting machine for a similar expenditure.
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I recently got a DD Hunter .308 & similar accessories.

She got a very nice sewing machine AND an mobility unit for the quilter that automatically runs the pattern / moves the machine like an NC machine. And took over the living room.

I’m hoping the next big innovation from the quilting machine company will come in the next year :D
Been married 37 years. My wife has never had any problems with me owning as many guns as I wanted. She isn't really into shooting or hunting herself but does carry a pistol. She practices just enough to be minimally proficient.
Married 57 years. Father-in-law and his brothers were all hunters and had guns. Wife was not opposed but maybe not enthusiastic about guns. I bought a used Model 94, started deer hunting with her dad in 1964 and started reloading for 30-30 then. I had a FFL until 1972 and made one last purchase, before not renewing it, for a Ruger #1 in 300 Win. Mag and a bunch of reloading supplies.

I have acquired enough guns to warrant a gun safe but all are blued with walnut stocks except my carry Springfield XDS 45. I still try to go deer hunting but I haven't fired a shot anywhere in over a year.
Wife knows I enjoy going to the range just as much as she likes to crochet/knit, so she sits in the LR and crochets while I piddle/reload ammo for the range. She doesn't think I need anymore guns but then my reply is she doesn't need anymore yarn either. We have untold number of "blankies" around the house, of every color and color combo under the sun.

She goes to the range with me, but usually stays in the truck and crochets while I do my thing. She goes to get out of the house during the C19 times, and still do the social distancing thing. We may stop by a place to get take out/drive thru for dinner, or the DQ to get some ice cream.

She hasn't said anything about the Vudoo BR rifle I ordered last month, but is helping me decide on the stock color so it will appeal to the eye. I can't "visualize" stuff like she can, I have to see a picture of a the color/stock and I either like it or I don't. I'm sure I'll hear a few words about the gun when it arrives in a few months, so I'll be taking her on some yarn runs between now and it's arrival. LOL
It will be 42 years, later this year, that we’ve been married. Though she came from a non-hunting family, she knew I did. Through the years, she has bought at least a dozen firearms for me, with most picked out entirely on her own.
When I was about to re-marry I was concerned about how she might feel about my gun collection.
Turns out her father was pro gun and always had guns and it was never an issue.
Now my wife has her own guns. And my collection has grown.
Great having a pro gun wife!
Okay, now

Just curious about those of you whom have a lot of guns and spend stupid amounds of money on firearms , how does your spouse handle the situation ?
Tokay it can be summed up with this statement;

It's okay if I'm gone most of the day. to a Gun-Show but it's not okay if I come home empty-handed. Happens quite often ,,,,, :rolleyes::mad:

Be Safe !!!
Wife and I were real poor when we married (in college at the time). I came from a hunting family, so it was normal for me to deer hunt to feed us. I have guns and she has guns these days, and she pushed us into getting carry licenses. Her brothers are gun guys and my brothers and sisters are too. And all my nephews hunt. One of our daughters married a gun guy, but the other daughter married a strange duck. Nice guy that earns a good living, but he won’t hold a gun. I can’t tell if he’s just scared of them or if he’s anti-gun and too scared to say it to me.
I've been riding motorcycles and shooting guns since I was 5 years old. When I met my wife, she understood these things are a part of who I am and always will be. When we got married, due to moving and finances, I sold my bike and went without for about 4 years. She was the one who finally talked me into buying another bike, knowing how much I missed riding. The guns have never left and never will. When we had our son, the only concession was that I finally bought a gun safe. Getting rid of them was never even a thought.

If someone truly loves you, why would they want you to give up something that brings you joy?
I was in the Army ( and deployed OCONUS much of the time) when we first got married .... so I had no guns at the time (the ones I left behind at home when I enlisted were lost/destroyed/stolen in the chaos that followed my parents divorce) ... but she knew I hunted and even tagged along to with my Grandfather and me deer hunting while we were still dating .... her dad and brothers had guns, but she didn't like them, particularly handguns. We had almost no money when we got out and found we had a kid on the way shortly after .... she bought me a shotgun that first Christmas .... and I scraped together enough money for a 22 rifle over the next year .... had to borrow deer rifles for a couple years as we quickly had more kids ..... I started my own business and money got less tight, I got more guns ..... 30+ years later, she still thinks I have too many guns, and she still splurges on Christmas presents- she dropped over 700 bucks on ammo and magazines for our kids and their SO's ....
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Support but . . .

My wife is fine with my guns and ammo. She sometimes is "concerned" about what I spend on it all.

One fun thing is that, while we are not preppers, she has figured out that if the apocalypse does show up, ammo will be currency, so she is fine with my well stocked ammo closet.

The one thing that may be a bit out of place is that, while she knows I carry, she doesn't always know when I'm carrying. I don't carry every day. Too much to explain here, but I only carry when circumstances warrant. Say we are headed out to eat, out of town. I'll carry and I don't feel the need to mention it to her.

She is not a shooter and will never carry, so I guess that's okay.

Life is good.
Prof Young
During my stint in the service, I had an M2 .30 cal. carbine and a 1911 .45. Forty years later, picked up a gun magazine and decided I wanted to have HD firearm. I no longer had the strength in my hands like I had when I was younger. A 1911 was too heavy, seemed thick in my hand and difficult to rack. I read about the Ruger P345 and it was really nice. It was lighter, slimmer and fun to shoot. I took my wife out with me to go shooting in the desert and after I fired off a magazine, I asked her if she would like to try it. She agreed and fired off a magazine worth. Driving home she said she had fun and by the time we got home, she was down right giddy and wanted to go out again. Sadly she never got to go out again as she passed away. It was after that I started my collection of fire arms and I acquired about a dozen different handguns, rifles and a shotgun about one per year. My new gf was leaving town after staying with me for awhile and I mentioned I didn't know what I was going to do without her. She suggested I go to a gunshop and look around, which I did. In the first one, I found something that many have wanted most of their lives. A Winchester lever action, similar to the ones the cowboys used in our early TV years and in the western movies we watched on the big screen. Mine was a Winchester Sporting Rifle with an Octagon barrel in .30 WCF. Since my GF came back, I have encouraged her to take a ride with me and at least watch me shoot. She finally said she would like to try it, so time will tell. Two years ago though, my son and G'daughter came to visit and I took them both out to the range and they both took a liking to my Ruger Bearcat in .22 cal. It was too small for my hand, so I shipped it off to him, which he was going to inherit eventually. He taught my G'daughter to shoot her own 10/22. So teach your youngin's early and keep encouraging your spouse. Good shootin' to y'all.
My wife would like to see my guns go if she could get the chance but she knows that I like shooting guns and I shoot on average 1x/year for my birthday so she leaves me alone. I buy primers and powder with cash and cast my own bullets to keep the cost down so she can't complain about seeing a credit card charge for having bought loaded ammo.
After 2 home invasions in the neighborhood my then girlfriend was positive in getting a shotgun. One for her house and one for mine. We’ve since married (both empty nesters now) so I buy what I want and she does the same. 2nd marriages are always different regarding funds and concerns over kids.

After talking to my neighbor the other day I need to work on his wife to help him out.
My wife knows guns and fishing are my thing and she wants me to have what I want within the budget (that’s reasonable and the way it should be).