Price of 777, sell my wife and kids,truck, house

55 here. I smoked for years, bought $2.00 a carton cigarettes at the PX and the cheapest gas I ever bought was 14.9 cents a gallon. (gas war, 1967 or so)

Gmatov, I still get the old sulphur tipped matches, my local grocery store has them from time to time. You can thumbnail those, too. I was just joking about the smoking thing. Seems like everything is so P.C. these days I thought I might illustrate absurdity by being absurd. Thanks for telling me 777 don't smell like black powder. I would have probably pawned something and bought some otherwise.

Kid, I'm going to buy a pipe nipple today for a wad punch. I have some felt already but it's too thin for one layer to be enough, I think it would stack and be held together by the lube if the hardware store doesn't have real felt that's thicker.

Steve, The real wool/felt is hard to come by but you stand a chance at a real hardware store. Anything around 1/8" will work real well. Someone else on another thread mentioned old felt hats worked good.Also I think Dixie sells a big square of the right stuff for wads real cheap. I'm going to try that when I run out of the wads I have now.

Old Dragoon, It sounds like a good life you have already! One thing nice about North Carolina is the hunting and fishing. Great place to kick back and relax a while.
Let me know about that cabin and where it's at.I live in the south Central part of the state and it's mostly wilderness. My whole county( Clay County) has less than 10,000 people.

I know we're all looking forward to pics of the finished 58. :) I've come to like the patina look better than the blue myself and I hope yours turns out well.

When you head East, I think you'll be a happier old dragoon. There is plenty of equine related work out here, and I'm sure you can find someone who will appreciate previous experience. Sound like CA is becoming more unfreindly by the day judging by what I heard about SF's new gun ban. Anyway, good luck on the refinishing and the eastward move.
Yep the PC crowd went off the deep end last night and now all handguns are illegal in SF, no personal collections and none for protection in Businesses. If you own one you have to turn it in...Yeah like that is going to fly, and it really is going to stop the thieves and gangbangers.

Heck it takes me 14 days(in CA) to purchase a handgun, the Gang Bangers can procure one in minutes. Same with the thieves. I look for the killings and crime in general to rise 50-70% immediately in SF.

Steve, I repied to you this morning but for some reason it's not on here. Maybe I forgot to hit the submit button. Old age ...again.
Anyway, The real wool/felt is hard to find but some of the old hardware stores still have it. Also keep in mind that Dixie sells a big sheet of the vegitable/ felt stuff, cheap.
Any felt wool that's about 1/8" is perfect...well, that's just my openion :) Mike
Remington Kid,

Happy to know you are near an old fart like me. I'm only a little older.

Happy to know I was just being stroked a little on the PC of smoking.

Steve, the guy who posted his big shpiel against Wonder Wads also had a link, I think, to Northern Hydraulics, to buy a set of drill press type cutters to cut them in no time. Spinner type cutters. Hundreds per roll.

Ain't it something, you got pennies change when you bought a pack of smokes? Now they just raise it a nickle or a dime. 5 dollar bills in smoke machines. Jesus Christ, we really are pariahs, aren't we?

Ah, well.

Did I mention that 777 does NOT smell like BP? Did I mention that the scratch on your ass matches, or as somebody above says, you can thumb scratch and ignite a real match? I liked that aspect of them.

Back tomorrow, roofer coming in the AM.



Speaking of being old, I had trouble seeing that narrow blade front sight on my 1858 Remington. Mine has no finish and there was too much glare and the earth's magnetic field shifted every time I looked down it, etc.
I used my wire welder to add a bead to the front sight which is big enough to fit the top strap groove. It really helps me tell where the gun is looking!
Hey, Mike! I was able to post the picture straight off of my computer so whatever problem TFL had in that area has apparently been fixed. My all thumb photography method is obvious but maybe the general idea can be seen.



  • Remington front sight.JPG
    Remington front sight.JPG
    127.4 KB · Views: 21
Good Lord! Im I The Youngest One On Here? Going On 36.i Remember Gas Being 79,dont Take Me Wrong,i Feel Blessed To Hanging Out With So Much Knowledge!!thats How You Learn Things Which Is Why Im Hats Off To You Older Guys,i Have The Upmost Respect For My Elders!!!i Had Some Damn Good Parents That Raised Me That Way.
Hey Steve,i Get My Wads At The Possible Get 100 For About 6 Bucks And They Are A Little Thicker Than The Ones At Bass Pro.i Just Got 300 From Him.his Name Is Don And Great To Deal With.
Good Lord! Im I The Youngest One On Here? Going On 36
Well...not quite, I'm a little past 34 myself. Been feelin about 60 this week, busy, busy, busy at work and home.

i Feel Blessed To Hanging Out With So Much Knowledge!!thats How You Learn Things Which Is Why Im Hats Off To You Older Guys,i Have The Upmost Respect For My Elders!!

Ditto! I've learned more over the last 2 months than the previous 2 years!
Steve, That site bead really looks good! I got rid of the post on both of mine and had two matching drift sights but I needed to cut the dove tail in the barrels of my 58's. Then I slotted the dove taile to take a flat piece of Germman silver that I had left over from my long pole building days. Fastend that with silver solider and drove the sight in the dove tail slot. Sighted it in by filing down and rounding my new blade site and drifting left or right. Once it was right on I just placed 2 pein marks on the dovetail and it has never moved.
Got fancy on the other one and used a 1858 dime I bought on ebay, cut in half and placed in a slot on the dove tail and when I had to take it down a little I took the dime back out and took material off the slotted side. It really came out great! My boy has that one and he wont give it back,Lol.
You youngens have taught us old dogs a few tricks too! Your never to young or to old to learn something.
Respect for your elders is a thing of the past for most kids today, glad to hear you guy's still have it.
My dad had a couple of friends who would come around our house now and then they were just striaght out drunks. All of us kids (4 brothers and a sister) still said "yes sir" and "no sir" to them or we would have been knocked accross the room.
Talked to a young boy not long ago and he was getting real mouthy with his Dad (A friend of mine) and I have known the kid all his life and his Dad and I have been friends for years. I asked him what the hell his problem was and why would he talk to his Dad that way? He was made at his Dad because he couldn't go ridding on his 4 wheeler by himself and he said his Dad was a JOKE!!! It was all I could do to keep from going to jail right there on the spot!. His Dad just doesn't say to much or touch the kids or his wife has a fit. She's raising them to express there own inner selves, YEA RIGHT?

Anyway, back to guns and good things :) I'm going to start playing a little more with some snake loads and see what gives me the best pattern at what distance. When shooting a black powder shot gun the way you load it or how you load it can make a big difference and I think we may find the same thing here. I'll play with that this week end If I can and get back to you. Mike
Yea,my Dad Expressed His Innerself Too... On My Ass!!!!! Lol.thats Why Im The Way I Am Today.i Deal With These Little Punks Everyday And I Just Dont Get It.what The Hell Happened!!! I Dont Have Kids But If I Did They Would Not Act Like These Little S--- Heads Do Today!!
Same here, I got the switch across the rear more times that I could count and it didn't kill me. I'm glad that Dad took the time to "correct" me, and explain to me the right way to think and to do things. God gave us a well padded rear for a reason, cause He knows that kids get out of line and a little well timed pain makes a real point.
What's the deal? Have I fallen into bad company? I NEVER had spankings, being the kind of kid I was, you know!

MPP1423, I really intend to try some wads but am working on accumulating the stuff to make my own. THE KID gave me some good info about it. I made a wad punch but it is a little too big with the thick (3/16) felt I got at the hardware store. It says it's felt but it burns like some kind of plastic so I probably wouldn't use it anyway. I have some thinner felt that is more pliable and should work but I had to work for my Dad (78) today and couldn't mess around any with it.

REMINGTON kid, do you think your accuracy is improved by the wad? I used to use styrofoam wads to hold the powder against the primer when I was loading really light powder charges in a .38 special. I used them also in a 45/70 for the same reason. You would think styrofoam would just melt but it didn't. You'd find those things about 15 feet downrange with one side dimpled a little and the other side just like it was unfired. I thought I got a little better accuracy with them than without them , which I credited to having a consistant ignition. With black powder in a revolver, the ball is compressing the powder which should serve the same purpose, ignition-wise. Is the cushioning effect on the ball enough to make any difference?

Steve, I believe anything you do to make a tighter gas seal has got to help. It would be hard for me to tell much difference but I'm sure some of the top shooters could tell you. The wad and a little grease over the wad or on the cylinder mouth really help that .454 ball slide home and the seal has got to be really great. It seems to me that when carring your gun in high hummidity , rain or cold it sure can't hurt to seal around that ball and over the powder as much as you can. Mike

Kevin, The fact that your used to pinching the #11 and having no problem doing it is great. Wish I could send you my #11's.:)
I like the tight snug fit and when the cap goes off it burst in the form of a pin-wheel, hangs on untel you cock it back again and then it falls clear.
Not all these nipples are the same and thats for sure. I turned mine in a drill press useing a file to smooth up the surface right after I got them and maybe that helped me. Mike
mike,i dont have to pinch them on my ruger but i do on my 58's.i guess the nipples are different.i ordered new nipples for my ruger anyway cause of them not going off.after looking at them i think someone sat around abd dry fired this thing cause the top of the nipples are a little flat,or just wore out.i bought this off gunbroker from a gun store in somewhere, gun is in near perfect cond but as i told you earlier the caps didnt go off till the second time around.i tried your idea of snugging the caps home but that didnt even work.hell,it wasnt but 13 bucks for brand new ones so thats what i did.

steve,im most likely going to try to make my own much as i shoot these guns it gets a little costly buying these wads.
I used those no. 11 caps yesterday. They were loose and needed to be pinched a little for the first couple of cylinders, then fit about right after the nipples got a little fouled up. I still aim to go with the 10s, the no-pinch option is just better when you use a capper.

About wads, I was reading somewhere that the Whitworth hexagonal bored rifle someone had only gave mediocre accuracy until they started putting a .44 wonder wad over the powder, then it became a real shooter. Sometimes the least little thing can change the results quite a bit, guess that's why it's fun!

well,im not a pro but i do think it helps with a wad.the biggest reason i use them though is to seal the chamber so as not to use the grease.that grease is messy.

i know mike,you'd like to smack the taste out of my mouth for putting down the grease ,dont ya?lol
The grease IS messy, Kevin, but if you use the right kind of grease I think it keeps the fouling soft and helps accuracy while keeping the cylinder turning. I always fill the chambers to the top over the ball and blow grease all over when I shoot. Gets all over your hands, coats the outside of the barrel and just gets EVERYWHERE. I love it.

I had a 45-70 Sharps a few years ago that I reloaded with black powder. It shot pretty good when it was clean but got really, really bad when the fouling caked up inside the bore. I never was able to keep the fouling soft enough with the bullet lube I was using, so finally just quit using black powder. If I get another one (and I just might) I think I can whip that problem by lubing with the same stuff I top off my chambers with. I use it (beeswax/olive oil) on my .58 minie balls now and can seat the 40th one almost as easily as the first. the fouling stays sludgy instead of making a hard cake in the bore. I've never fired a BP revolver with wads so I don't know, but if you aren't getting any deterioration in accuracy after prolonged shooting, your wads would seem to be working fine.
