Price of 777, sell my wife and kids,truck, house

Remington kid

New member
A couple of people on here( MP1423 and Low Key) have been trying to talk me in to useing 777 in my Remington instead of my old faithful Goex fffg. These two guy's are great and have a really good sense of humor but I didn't know they were setting me up to have a heart attack!!!:D
After trying several different places no one had any in stock. Today I went to the other side of town to a Mom and Pop store and sure enough they have one container of this GOLD DUST GUN POWDER . It was only a measly $27.90.:eek: I ask Pop if the price was right and he said Yea, that stuff is high.:confused:
Now I'm not a miser and believe it's fine to pay for something you really want if it's worth it but I think I'll stick to my Goex for now. It still goes boom and for about half the price;) For as much as I shoot I could break the bank account in short order. I'm sure I'll break down and try it one of these day's but not to soon, Mike,come On Mike! Where's Your Sense Of We Forgot To Tell Ya Its A Little
Yea, you guy's left that little tid bit of info out of the conversaton:) I'm going to get some I was trying to get a rise out of you two. They sellit much cheaper at this other place I go to and I'll be there around the first. he said he has a bit shipment of the syn. powders coming in. I want to try the new Goex syn powder too.They say it works and loads just like the Black powder Goex fffg and shoots the same balistics but much cleaner.
I got the same problem, I have been buying the replacement powders, 777 and APP, for about 20 bucks a can, ran into a little shop 30 miles north, thought I might buy a spring, they didn't have it, but GOEX was 13 bucks a can.

Now, if a can costs 35 percent less, and the 20 buck can kicks 15 % more, you are ahead of the game with BP, ala GOEX.

Actually, the Goex is the only one to come in a can, as in tin, the rest are in plastic jugs.


The Goex Pinnacle powder is an ascorbic acid based powder and will shoot a lot cleaner than Goex Black Powder. It is not the same and the light off temperature is somewhat higher than black powder. It will not function reliably in flintlocks but will work in caplocks. It is made by American Pioneer and is very close to the formulation of the other newcomer Black Mag'3 which I have shot in my percussion rifle with great success and is so clean it could be smokeless powder based on the residue left. The ascorbic acid based powders also are non-corrosive to steel although the residue will tarnish brass if not cleaned off in short order.
If it don't stain your hands and stink up any room the un-cleaned gun is in, I don't want it! Does 777 SMELL like black powder? Maybe I'm just a little kinky but all the fun I've had over the years with muzzle loaders was all associated with that good old rotten egg smell. Now I'm like Pavlov's dogs. All I have to do is smell it and I start slobbering to go shoot and make white smoke and get dirty. Probably indicitive of some deep (or shallow) mental defect but hey, confession's the first step toward recovery, right?

Yeah the 777 is a little pricey, ;) when I bought it I wasn't intending to shoot as often as I have been shooting lately so even though I like the stuff, I'll be alternating with a cheaper powder also. The goex pinnacle sounds very interesting and I may try to pick some up in the next month or so.

Even though the 777 is expensive, you might consider using it for your hunting loads and the regular goex for target shoots. That way your investment in the pricey stuff will last for a long time. :)

It don't have to do all that, but a good scratch it on your ass match do smell the same, don't it? tThe sulphor is the point?

I like the hellfire smell, too. Course I smoke like a chimney.


steve,you worry me!! lol.

im quite happy with the 777 but then again i got one hell of a deal on it about 3yrs ago.wal-mart ran an end of season sell and they put the 777 on sale for 9.00!!!!!!! hell,i bought 6 of them because that was all that was down to one this year.
You guys crack me up! How did we go from Steve telling us how he likes the smell of the stuff and if it don't smell up a room he don't want it to Gmatov talking about scratching his ass? :D :D

Kevin, For that price I would have broke out the credit card to buy all they had too!
Speaking of breaking out credit cards, I looked at a package of 50 wonder wads (.44) in Bass Pro on the 5th. The price was 7 dollars and something! I haven't ever used them but I know THE KID does and after seeing the group he posted in the 777 thread, I had decided to emulate him in all aspects of life. But 7 dollars? So, sorry, Mike, you had a disciple for a while until the price of following just became too high.

Gmatov, I'm puzzled. Are you telling me 777 smells like regular old black powder or not? I also looked at an itty-bitty bottle of it on Sunday, too, don't remember how much it was since I had no plan to buy it but was underwhelmed at it's size. Which proves that the whole 'size don't matter' saying is just a dirty lie!

O.K guys, I hate to be the one to do this, but since gmatov has polluted everyone here with the idea of him 'smoking like a chimney' and thereby subjecting us to the idea of his second hand smoke, Im going to insist he take the idea of his smoking outside the thread in the future. How insensitive!

Steve , Started making my own wds a while back. Just go to the hardware store and get some felt weather stripping that you place around windows.Get the stuff that's about 1/8 to 3/16 thick. I cut mine out with a 6" pipe nipple that you can get at most hardware stores also.Just use a bench griner and file and taper and sharpen one end of the pipe. Get a good board to place the felt on and use a hammer to hit the pipe and you will be cutting cookies in no time. I cut about 10 at a time and they will stack up inside the pipe. Then just use a doll rod to shove them out and into a plastic container. Can't remember the size but I'll take a picture later so you can see how it all works. Only takes a few minutes to cut a bunch of them.
I fill my cylinders on my bench with powder and wads. Pour in powder and then place a wad over it started by sliding the wad over the chamber with your thumb. The I push the wad down with a 6" piece of doll rod so that it compresses the powder just a little. I do each cylinder that way before moving on to the next one. Now I smear a little grease on the rim of each cylinder and place the cylinder in the gun and load each ball. The little bit of lube around the cylinder mouth makes the ball load a little easier and helps keep things running smooth. Loading 40 g of fffg this way will leave about 1/16" after the ball is seated. Also like to place lube on the cylinder pin , front of cylinder hole and the stars on back of the cylinder. It only takes a little and no need for gobs of grease all over everything :)
Thanks , Mike. I will try that. I imagine it would be pretty obvious just looking at the pipe which one would have the correct inside diameter. Are your wads a little over chamber diameter or about the same as it is?

They are slightly over and I like that. I have no problem keeping them even in the chamber over the powder when I seat them with my doll rod. Then when I seat the ball with that smear of wonder lube /Bees wax mixture over the chamber mouth I have a great gas and spark seal and a little barrel cleaning with each shot.
Some a' you guys kill me.

Scratchin' my ass must mean the Remington Kid is too young to remember the strike anywhere matches. When I was younger, you pulled a Lucifer outa your pocket, cocked your leg and lighted it on the denim on your thigh. Friction done it, hotted it up enough to ignite. Strike on box won't do it.

No, they did smell like BP, they used sulfur in the white tipped ignitor. Does that answer that part of the post?


777 don't smell a bit like BP. Hell, it barely even smells like burnt powder at all.

Yeah, I smoke like a chimney, have done so for 45+ years, still here to yak with you, so mebbe it ain't quite a killer as they make it out to be. Mebbe the deaders were gonna die anyhow, and mebbe they died of a burst appendix, and they recorded that he was a smoker, so it is "smoking related".

You think the BP smoke you love so much is less destructive to your lungs than cigarette smoke? Way back then, there were lots of people who lived to ripe old age smoking a hell of a lot stronger 'baccy than you can get today.

But, we are all PC today, huh?

BTW, Wally Mart charges way too much for 777, I bought mine for 18 bucks, and, as above, bought GOEX for 13 bucks, and I bought APP for about 17 bucks. This is in 1 pound lots. Wally mart charges a buck 20 more for #11 caps than Gander Mountain. Bought the last 200 from my local Gander Mountain the other day. Thousands of #10s.



Rem, you never saw a scratch it anywhere match? Remarkable.:eek:
Ah, well, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Rem, what kind of felt weatherstripping are you buying?

Reason I ask, is that on most of these forums, everybody says no synthetics, no plastics, the offgas from plastic will rust the parts. This I can attest to from my years shooting Double A and Rem RXP plastic shotgun shells LO!, these many years ago.

The stuff at Home Depot is not wool felt, it is plastic fibres, matted into "A" felt. Snip a 1/4 inch off your roll and light it, strike the match on the box, not on your thigh, as I don't think you have "strike anywhere" matches. If it smells like ....

I was going to say what it smells like when your lighter flares up and burns your mustache, or the hair on your knuckles, but you wouldn't know that smell.

You do know burnt hair smell, don't you? If it smells like that it is hair felt. If it is like I bought, it will smell like a styrofoam cup burning. NOT a wool felt.

Are you soaking this stuff in Murphy's Oil Soap, or something else?

Here is the recipe from the guy who is pissed at the price



I tried to attach the guy from Gunbroker's instruction, but don't know what happened. Didn't work.
George, Turned 59 in July so I'm heading for the big 60 :) Wood matches, Lucky Strike Green , Chesterfield King and placing .30 in a cigg machine and getting 2 pennys back in the bottom of the pack,1 cent hand full of peanuts in my 5 cent bottle of Coke, wood and coal burning furnace and cutting and chopping wood all summer to stay warm in the winter and all the other fun days that are gone. :) My first new Chevey pick up truck ( 6 cylinder, stick, half ton) was $1900 out the door and gas was 27 cents a gallon. My first 3 bedroom home with 2 baths, fireplace , family room attached 2 car garage on 2 acres of land was $17,000. The payments were $119.00 a month and I sweated making the payment every month.:o
The stripping I have is wool/felt and you can find the wads laying on the ground after you shoot just like the wonder wads. I bought some of the other stuff and it seems like it has plastic in it. Nasty stuff to use as wads.
The BIG 60! just another day....

just like the bigger 61 I made the other day(how about some cajun jargon?) They "Make" another year, as in "He Made 61 today".
Well you sure brought back some of the good old days and good times. I never smoked so I missed out on the Gig's with the 2 cents in the bottom of the pack, but I experienced the rest of it. Want to get an oldtimey rush? Attend an Old Time Threshers meet. Get there early and relive those old coal smoke mornings as they fire up the threshing machines. it transports you right back to the good old days.

I'm spending the evenings this weeks polishing my '58 so I can brown it. Going good so far.
Old Dragoon, Show us a pic of that 58 when your done with it. I really like the Patina look on these guns much better than the blue. That bright blue just don't seem right on thses guns to me:)
I'm hoping to get a set of the old looking ivory grips like MPP1423 has on his. The white ivory on mine is nice but way to white.
Miss some of the old days and glad that some of them are over but I have alott of great memories growing up in a small country town . We didn't have much but neither did anyone else ;) When I was about 11 or 12 I worked for an old horse traded at the end of our road for $1.00 a day cleaning out the barn and feeding the animals and I was the richest kid in the neighborhood :D
That's funny,,,I'm doing that right now. I work for a ranch(boarding facility) as an Equine Care Specialist. Sounds fancy but it is the same type of job. I live on the ranch and don't have to travel the freeways unless I really want to. I used to work in the San Fernando Valley and at least 3 hours a day were spent in traffic. Glad to be out of that rat race.

Out here if you are not under 50, or even 40 they don't want you as there are ten guys to take your place, all younger.

Not as much money now, but not as many expenses either. I set my own hours, I get my housing, electric, cable, propane all paid and a wage. I happen to like horses and get along very well with them. I don't have to drive anywhere unless I want to.

I plan to join my sister and my Nephew in NC in the spring. I'm selling off the things I don't need right now. A vintage Silver Streak Aluminum RV trailer, a Vintage car, and maybe my two horses, so I can travel east. Happiness will be California in the rearview mirror.

My Nephew's dad's side of the family own a cabin and land in WV. I'll find out where, exactly it is and let you know.

When I get my '58 done I'll post some pictures of it. I think if I convert another one, I'll opt for the gated Kirst and the ejector assy, Cutting those ports is a job. the one in the frame isn't so bad, but that port in the recoil shield of the converter is a bugger bear.
Hope you get your buck