Pretty disturbing range experience

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New member
Took my new HK USP .45 to the range the other day to break her in. I ended up getting there later than I had hoped, as I like to go early when fewer people are there (especially because the local range is sorta small).

A short while later, in walks this degenerate who was clearly a gang-banger, all of 21 years old, if that (I assume he had to be, to get a handgun). He stands there in his firing lane, in a sort-of isosceles triangle, only with his feet way too close and leaning continuously further backwards as he blows off an entire magazine of 9mm in rapid succession. Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang. I guess he thought it was a machine gun. I counted 15 shots. Not a single one of them hit his target. The target was 10' away. :rolleyes:

I really don't like being at the range when idiots like that walk in. First of all, he clearly had no shooting skills and obviously got his "training" from watching poorly choreographed movies. Second, he was close to falling over backwards, and had he done so, I highly doubt he would have had either the presence of mind or even the common sense knowledge to take his finger outside of the trigger guard to avoid accidental discharge as he fell.

Later, after firing another 50 rounds (and missing about 47 of them :rolleyes:) I heard him bragging to his girlfriend "Wow, look, I got a bullseye!". Yeah, sorta like how even a broken watch is right twice a day. You shoot enough rounds in a particular direction, and eventually one of them is bound to hit the target!

Has anyone else encountered situations like this? What's the best way to deal with it? Leave? Contact the range master? God forbid he's asked to leave and decide to get into a gun battle. He seemed dumb enough to do just that.

Which is why I prefer being off to the left side of the range, being right handed and he being right handed. Should it come down to such a situation, I have the advantage. But good lord, what a thing to have to consider, huh? :(
If he is doing something that you feel is unsafe, discuss it quietly with the rangemaster.
If all he is doing is burning copious quantities of powder, all you can do is either put up with it, or leave.
If this is a public range, the rangemaster enforces the rules.
He has as much a right to be there as you.

Until his behavior compromises the safety of everyone else. I'm not sure it rose to that level but it does sound like he was being foolish with a firearm and that is never a good thing. My range does not allow rapid fire, no more than one shot per second. On those grounds alone he would have deserved a scolding to from the RO.
Did you offer any help on how to correctly fire a handgun? Or tips on how to get a better grouping?

Then again, I'm from a small western-midwestern town, less than 20,000 people. Maybe it's not a thing to do in more heavily populated areas.
Did you offer any help on how to correctly fire a handgun? Or tips on how to get a better grouping?
I would be hesitant to do that; injuring the pride of a gang-banger who is trying to show off to his girlfriend is asking for an unpleasant situation. He is free to waste all the ammo he wants as long as he does so safely. Maybe talk to the range master, if there is one, but standing in a bad stance and missing the target isn't dangerous in and of itself, unless his shots were way over the berm or into the ceiling or something.
"Did you offer any help on how to correctly fire a handgun? Or tips on how to get a better grouping?"

Help the gangbanger shoot better?? I'll pass.
He has as much a right to be there as you.

Until his behavior compromises the safety of everyone else.

Yes, but that rule goes for everyone as well as well. The OP mentioned no issues with safety being compromised. So, the guy had as much right to be there as the OP.

The OP had obvious disdain for the shooter who apparently was underskilled and inexperienced, was too afraid to say anything to the guy out of fear of the guy getting mad and causing a gun battle, and yet was not bothered enough to leave the range out of fear for his safety from a range "accident" by this other shooter or the shooter getting upset at something and trying to shoot people.

Think about it. If you truly believe as the OP stated that he thought the guy was such that he would start a gun fight if challenged on a rule, then why the OP didn't pack up and leave immediately is unbelieveable. If you feel the need to be working out a firing solution against another shooter on a gun range because you feel that shooter may try to do harm to you, then you need to be leaving quickly.

Which is why I prefer being off to the left side of the range, being right handed and he being right handed. Should it come down to such a situation, I have the advantage.

Actually, maybe not. If you are to the left then you have to make an outside pivot. People find it much easier to pivot to the inside.

Even if you think the side you are on gives you an advantage, if you get in a confrontation with the guy, that advantage will be nullified because more than likely, you will be face each other already.
Whether at a range or a gun store, I often see people that I would like to prevent from owning firearms but then they probably don't want me to own a firearm either. I'm a dumpy middle-aged white guy and statistically a target for those I want to supress but as they say, can't we all just get along.
Actually, maybe not. If you are to the left then you have to make an outside pivot. People find it much easier to pivot to the inside.

Even if you think the side you are on gives you an advantage, if you get in a confrontation with the guy, that advantage will be nullified because more than likely, you will be face each other already.

I believe the advantage he was speaking of was that he could use the lane stall walls as cover and still shoot with his outside hand if he is to the man's left. A scenario that is a bit ridiculous. If you feel that someone may be a threat; you LEAVE.

If you think he was being sloppy, then so what? If you think he was being unsafe, tell the range officer. If you think he'd be open to criticism, then talk to him during a ceasefire. Otherwise, utilize your ability to Get Out and leave it be.

This whole thread sounds a little high and mighty.

Look at the bright side, if this guy really is a gang member (as opposed to a wannabe), incompetence is a good thing.

Thugs that can't hit a barn door........that's a very good thing!

I disagree. Too many innocent people hit by stray bullets. Spray and pray puts the public (me) in danger.
Also BTW the other day I was at my local public range and I looked up and noticed some bullet holes in the ceiling. Looks like some idiots have shot straight up.:eek:
No he clearly has no right to be there if he was doing that.

Doing what exactly? Seems like the only thing the OP stated he did was miss the target rapidly. That and he was young ....... The OP stated he was a "degenerate" and "clearly a gang-banger"......... assumptions.

The young man had every bit as much right to be there as a cratchety old man. Probably had more need of practice, too.
Bitter with the sweet, Constantine.

I used to shoot on unsupervised, 'free' Conservation Dept. ranges occasionally. I saw some pretty comical stuff, stupid stuff and scary stuff. Fortunately, those last two categories were rare. I also had opportunities to help people with common firearm, sighting-in and shooting problems. I left at least a few shooters better off than when they came- and that feels pretty darn good.

Everything costs something, Amigo. It might be worth your effort and expense to find some private land with a safe place to shoot.
At the rate he was using up ammo, just take a lunch break.
By the time you are finished, so will he.
And then you can go about your business and collect his brass.
Unless, he came with twelve guns.
Then you leave.
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