Poll: Opinions on open carry

Open Carry Good?

  • Yes, It should be encouraged

    Votes: 98 76.0%
  • No, Don't want to scare the "Sheeple"

    Votes: 33 25.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Wild I agree with you...and I come from a background of life long gun collector and shooter of military and police type firearms,former class III machine gun dealer,20 year Tx peace officer,second chance vest save, and now an semi old fart CHL holder. I have carried in most situations(uniformed and street clothes) and even faught off attempted gun snatches. I am all for
anyone going armed, but open carry makes you a target...hell we have delt with folks that would kill you if they took a liking to the gun you had on.(this really happend to a uniformed security man that was working a bad neiborhood in Fort Worth, the bangers liked his colt python...so they just shot him in the back and took it, and admitted later under arrest that it was the only thing they were after) the ones to fear have no fear of your handgun . You are far better off in an urban setting with it just being your surprize....and unless you have had training(at least equil to the BG) to resist being disarmed by a thug that learned in prison how to take one away from you,you are in deep dodo . Just being able to shoot a tight group alone and straping on a pistol dosent prepare you in the least for what you could come up against.
and wearing it open, with situational awareness set at nose picking...rather than make you safer, it really has quite the opposite effect..you will gain the attention of someone that is far more practiced at being a preditor than you are in really dealing with real live bad guys.(this applies to police as well)
in open carry you really have to watch your back more than normal because the gun itself is a target....and BG's will seize any oppurtunity, anywhere.
whether its standing in line for movie tickets, standing in a store paying for gas...you dont know whats going on in the person behind you's mind.
This goes far beyond what the constitution says, or whether you allowed to therefore I will...it has to do with your safety and how you can while trying to increase it can actually decrease your chances. OC puts you in the same danger as a uniformed officer in a unexpected confrontation, plus more..as you may not have as much training,or the radio with the panic button, or backup on the way....or a nightstick and pepper spray to keep from getting your butt kicked when you cant legally shoot them(you can't shoot somebody that simply wants to bitch slap you)

Somekid...some BG's have very high IQ's, they simply dont operate by the same set of rules you do.....I started out working in the county jail for 3.5 years,and have seen all kinds . there are plenty of folks with college degrees behind bars. Being a sociopath and lacking a concious dont mean dumb in all cases. It does show you really haven delt with many bad people however. Not that I advocate that you go hang out in a bad part of town as an education...Im just saying dont be too sure of blanket statements.
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I agree that open carry should be legal. I also agree that open carry should be tempered with some tact and common sense.

Open carry could be taken to extremes. If you're walking around with a shotgun or scary looking rifle or three guns strapped on with the sole purpose of scaring people you're a jerk. I don't believe there needs to be criminal penalty just for being a jerk. But I think a jerk shouldn't be surprised when he's asked to leave the mall.

I wish we could remove the 2nd degree misdemeanor penalty for open carry in Florida. Or at least leave an exception for permit holders or make it a civil penalty. You shouldn't risk jail time if your gun is accidentally unconcealed.

I've got no problem with a person exerting their RKBA, but there's a lot of incompetent, stupid people out there. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with, say, half the people at the mall walking around carrying guns...

Would you be comfortable with half the people in the mall walking around carrying guns concealed?

Now, do I worry about some BG snagging my weapon or just shooting me first because I OC? I do not. Why?... The reason for police to be at more risk than us is obvious: they spend their entire workdays either dealing with criminals, or looking for them.

It could be argued the reason you hear more stories of cops getting guns grabbed is because more cops spend more time carrying open. Also, take note you will be dealing with criminals if you ever have to use the gun you're carrying.
Florida issues a Concealed Weapons and Firearms Permit. We can carry Stun Guns, Billy Clubs, etc, as well as handguns, concealed, but not openly. I too would like to see documentation supporting the claim that open carry would get me shot first. I think any State allowing concealed carry after required training and background checks should allow open carry also.
I don't like the idea of open carry and would discourage it if someone I knew carried that way without thinking it through (not applicable because open carry is illegal in TX). It should be legal because the government has no legitimate interest in banning it. How am I supposed to vote in this poll?
SomeKid said:
THIS is the way to get people to equate OC with good guys. THIS is the way to get people used to it. THIS is the way to get soccer moms to realize we will protect their kids if something bad happens, and that we are their friends.

How is a soccer mom going to distinguish between a good guy carrying in the open and some psychopath that is about to go postal? Another question is since when did it become your place to defend her kids? Are you a police officer? Read the laws on the use of force for your state. Most states have many restrictions on the use of force. Your are NOT a cop and your GUN or CCW does not give you those powers. I'm willing to bet you feel this sense of power when you walk around strapped and you like intimidating people. You were probably a school yard bully and might even have a Dirty Harry complex, just waiting for someone to go ahead and make your day... Punk! In Florida, the use of deadly force is only permitted when you have a reasonable fear for you life or that serious bodily harm will result if you do not use deadly force.


Great. So you read the Federalist Papers. You are now an expert on the thoughts of our founding fathers. What a crock of crap. Like people don't take things out of context all the time. Why are there so many denominations of churches even though they use the same bible? Why are there lawyers that argue against written laws (code law)? Why is there so much discussion about what an author meant in a book and what his message really was? Almost any form of communication is subject to a persons interpretations, no matter how clear it may seem.

The second ammendment states:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Now where does it say you have the right to carry openly and expect your fellow citizens to accept it?

Furthermore, remember that the forefathers, in their wisdom, knew that times change and set provisions for the constitution to be ammended. The most famous is probably the 18th and the 21st ammendments covering the use of alcohol. By stating you know exactly what they were thinking and not even considering how times have changed is either sheer ignorance, arrogance, or more probably both. Furthermore, your attitude that you could care less what the sheeple think reflects your lack of consideration for others.

Chill with the condescending attitude....

The thing is, most of us would like to see it as the "Norm". Not everyone is out to Piss Off other people because they can. The key here, for me at least, would to be able to see it as Normal in society. I equate this with the same deal about breastfeeding in public (I am all for it, but thats another subject). There are always exceptions to the rule.

What you say about times changing is exactly it. Lets see times change again.

As far as the "You Are Not A Cop". I believe everyone has a duty to look out for their fellow Americans. That's one problem with society today (remember, My Views). Everyone is on their own agenda. "Take two screw the crew", "All for me and me for me". Also Remember, Cops Are Equal to you and me. It is only a job.

Police officers supposedly have special training. It is their JOB to enfore the law, not ours. I'm not saying we shouldn't help our fellow Americans, but remember that our guns and concealed permits only allow us to defend ourselves when we have a reasonable fear for our lives or of great bodily harm. That is quite different from playing police officer.

I pray that I will never need to use my gun and I don't go around looking for trouble. If trouble finds me, I am more than prepared to us it. If the situation is unclear as to whether someone is in danger, it is better not to act. When I took my concealed weapons class, the instructors used the example of a bunch of guys walk into a restaurant and draw their guns on a guy. If you pulled yours out, you may be pointing your gun at a bunch of cops making an arrest. Now if they walk up to someone and start shooting or if the guy has a mask on and is saying gimme da money, thats different. I'm willing to help out my fellow citizens if I have to but I'm not going to go looking for trouble because I'm armed.

As for breast feeding in public, that would have to depend on the breasts and the woman they are attached to. :eek: :D If they are ugly hags with ugly bags, I am all for banning breast feeding in public. I don't want to be scarred for life! :p
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In Florida, the use of deadly force is only permitted when you have a reasonable fear for you life or that serious bodily harm will result if you do not use deadly force.

Or the lives to others. Or to stop a forcible felony. I don't go looking for trouble, but it is totally reasonable to act in the interests of others in case they find themselves in trouble. Like the guy in the NM walmart.

I don't think anyone's talking about "enforcing the law". I take it to mean people are willing to help each other out if they find themselves in danger.

If I see someone who's drowning, I'll throw them a rope. Should I call a lifeguard? If I watch out for others while I'm at the beach, am I just a wannabe who's watched Baywatch too many times?

Regarding protecting other people kids...

I would wager real life money that if you polled the members of this message board, you are among the few who is either too cowardly, or selfish to step in and protect the life of an innocent kid who is being say kidnapped for example.

I may only be 21, and I may have none of my own, but I understand the responsibility of being an adult. We ALL have a duty to protect children. Period. While I have no desire to go off half-cocked and shoot someone, if I was one hundred percent sure I was witnessing someone kidnapping a child, I would lend a hand, and leave the weapon in the holster unless it was needed. (The kidnapper was armed, and threatening anyone who came near for example.)

I WAS going to give you a more detailed response, and hit a few other points, but the schoolyard bully comment mixed with your previous posts has convinced me you are a troll. Keep waving that red flag, hope you enjoy your life.
I question the posts that say open carry would cause a tactical disadvantage. It seems that everyone that claims this, forgets that they would not be the only gun in the room. If you are in a bank as previously mentioned, why would you become a target? You would only be a target if nobody else exercised their right to openly carry. If the BG's come into the bank and see that there are 3 or 4 people in line,or all the tellers were carrying I think that they would turn tail and look for a much softer target.
SomeKid, knock off the personal attacks you can make your point without it.
calling folks names and questioning thier IQ,weenie lenth , or anything else doesnt make you sound older and in control. And the "its for the children" is a bit overused(thanks to Chief Moose and all the shumers and finestiens)...you are carrying a gun for you, not some strangers kid....in real life you may not know who is the GG or the BG without a playbook.(the first gunfight I walked into just as it started and I couldnt tell who to shoot to be honest as they were busy shooting each other and not me) That is why we that wear badges make everybody get on the ground till we sort it out...you are going to step hip deep into a situation that you have zero training to handle if you look for other peoples problems to inject yourself into....thats nothing against you, its just what is going to happen.
I live in a town that has a shotgun range as the first thing you see when you get to town, it's a small town, I see enough people with firearms so open carry does not bother me one bit, whether it is a long arm or a sidearm.

To me, open carry would help socially re-engineer people that have been socially engineered to fear a device and not a person in control of the device & if something goes wrong, placing the blame on an object and not owner is ridiculous.

Like any other tool/machine/device if used improperly it can maim or kill.

Just my opinion of course.

I think it should be legal everywhere. That said, you have to be aware of the areas you're carrying in. I carried openly all across AZ, but I wouldn't do it in San Diego, where I live, even if it was legal. Wouldn't be worth the hassle.

SomeKid, knock off the personal attacks you can make your point without it.

calling folks names and questioning thier IQ,weenie lenth , or anything else doesnt make you sound older and in control.

Aside from calling one obvious troll a troll (and adding him to my ignore list) I have not called anyone any names. I tend to make attempts toward staying civil. Do show me where I questioned IQs of other posters, 'weenie lenth' as you put it, or any other insults. I know I called one troll a troll, and I called criminals 'not too bright'. Mind showing me where I EVER mentioned 'weenie lenth', other than when quoting yourself?

Now, go back and read my posts. I NEVER said I carry 'for the children'. I pointed that out as a way to make soccer moms understand we aren't their enemies, we are their friends. It is 100% I carry for myself first and foremost. It is also true I do tend to keep an eye out for danger, and as a rule I do watch little kids. I have watched more than one decide the middle of a busy street was a playground. Being an adult and trying to ensure stupid kids don't get themselves killed, or killed by the wolves amongst is part of what any man does.
I live in Kingman AZ and open carry is leagal and is done often, it is not uncommon to see folks in Wal-Mart or the resturant or food stores carrying, I carry my .45 open when I am in town and I carry my Ruger Super blackhawk in a wetern style holster open on the way out prospecting and I ususally stop for gas and goodies before leaving town.....only time I ever heard a comment made was a little kid told his mom "look he has a gun" and his mom walked over looked at my .44 and said"that is nice" then walked off.
I got out at the gas station about 3 months ago and this guy was yelling at anyone at the pumps, he raised a bat and headed in my direction I turned towards him, never said a word, he saw my sidearm and turned,got into his truck a dorve off....old fellow pumping gas looked at me and said "thanks" then he left........
nothing wrong with open carry as far as I am concerned.
got out at the gas station about 3 months ago and this guy was yelling at anyone at the pumps, he raised a bat and headed in my direction I turned towards him, never said a word, he saw my sidearm and turned,got into his truck a dorve off....old fellow pumping gas looked at me and said "thanks" then he left........
I had a similar situation happen to me in Phoenix - I was walking across a hotel parking lot at night looking for somewhere to buy a soda & chips, and was carrying openly since at the time I didn't have a CCW good in Airzona. A young tough was making a beeline diagonally across the deserted street towards me, and he made a sharp right turn and headed off in the other direction when he caught sight of my holstered Glock 30.
I support reasonable open carry. Running around town with in tactical gear and carrying an AR-15 is a bit much in my book, but I see nothing wrong with wearing a sidearm openly on your hip.

I don't open carry personally, and if I had to state one particular reason why I don't, it's because I live in a complex with many other people I don't know very well. I try not to let them know that I own firearms in order to reduce the chances of a break in when I'm not home. Since that means I have to leave my house and go to the car with a concealed weapon, I might as well just keep it concealed.
I've got no problem with it, other than I'd spend all my time checking out what people got.

However, with all the threads on "shoot me first vests," how come there's not more concern about open carry?
Running around town with in tactical gear and carrying an AR-15 is a bit much in my book, but I see nothing wrong with wearing a sidearm openly on your hip.
Who said anything about that except the people engaged in setting up and knocking down straw-men in open-carry discussion threads?
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