Poll: Opinions on open carry

Open Carry Good?

  • Yes, It should be encouraged

    Votes: 98 76.0%
  • No, Don't want to scare the "Sheeple"

    Votes: 33 25.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
I don't think there is a problem with open carry. Some of you do. I think people should "get over" seeing a gun on a person.

In regards to some comments on "Appearance" of people, I think most of you would watch me closely........
I don't see anything wrong with open carry. It is legal here in PA for the most part, though like several other states, you'll most likely attract attention of your local police department. I wish it were more acceptable around here and wouldn't freak people out like it does, but it's hard to change what others think.
Here in Big red country Nebraska open carry is the only option. I dont personally open carry only because i know a hassle would ensue. I dont need to waste my time in court because some rookie cop doesnt know the laws. Ive got enough to do without wasting my time.
However i do wish more people would open carry here. I cant say i have ever seen a single person open carry in Nebraska. EVER
I personally think open carry pushes crime away..
In two formats.

1) Drive criminals to another location where it is prohibited (Noone likes competition)

2) Drive criminals into the ground.
I have no problem with open carry at all. In fact I encourage it. However, realities being what they are (at least in California), I don't see it ever becoming a reality in this state. To many people are unfamiliar, or out and out hostile, to firearms. Wearing a firearm in the open here is akin to walking down the street bare butt naked. It just isn't socially acceptable, and garners too much negative attention. Too many hoplophobes.

I wish it were different. I get tired of wearing my shirts untucked all the time. :)
Voted yes, but kind of wary of it in certain locales.

Outdoors, in the hills, woods, flats, boonies, wherever, no problem.

I've got no problem with a person exerting their RKBA, but there's a lot of incompetent, stupid people out there. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with, say, half the people at the mall walking around carrying guns...

unseen is unknown. If you have met the amount of people i have met at public ranges that say they carry a gun, and then saw the way they handle their gun, you would hope they carried it concealed just so that you wouldn't be dropping a load in your pants knowing how unsafe that person is with their sidearm.

I vote : conceal it, dont draw attention, dont leave people on the edge of their seat.
Ive made my views on open carry well known, in fact Im sure that is one of the reasons I no longer am permitted to post in some places :D That being said, I open carry at times, but I live in Alaska...

Cant answer on the poll becasue it is an either/or and allows for no shades of grey. It also uses the term "sheeple" which I find offensive and derogatory to our fellow citizens who may have ideas (and quite rational ones at that) that differ from the less than majority opinions on the issue found on Gun Boards. I prefer to toss my invective at blatant lunatic fringers as opposed to the balance of the decent people of this great countruy

I generally will carry open happily enough in the wilderness or on my own land but it has always caused problems in towns and cities, even centuries ago, thats why it was usually banned from doing so. Brandishing a gun in public can lead to just as much confrontation than you want to avoid.
I agree with you Wild

I hate that term when refered to the general public. It fosters an "us vs them" attitude. I used it because it does cater (seems to me at least) the people who appear to have the ideals of hiding guns from the public because they are ignorant....
CCW denied so I open carry

I open carry only because thats the only way I can carry legally...at least for the time being. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks I will be able to find out why my CCW was denied :mad: (waiting for their response). All I know now is that the Kentucky state police told me there was something on my record that needed to be amended when I asked for a copy of it (they would NOT tell me what it was, why, or anything) , and my CCW application would be reviewed. I would MUCH rather carry concealed as I feel it prevents a lot of hassle, and is a tactical advantage (in my opinion) but until then my gun is openly displayed for all to see or it's in the glove box of my car. I do know what should be on my record (a couple of misdemeanors from 10+ years ago) and it shouldn't make me ineligible for CCW by Kentucky law. Personally, I don't have a problem with people that carry openly as long as they act responsibly about it, but I do think its best to carry concealed when possible. I do get tired of the occasional comments I hear from people and getting "the look" from those that aren't comfortable with it.
I was born and raised in Arizona. Open carry is, and has always been legal here. I remember when I was a kid in the early 70's...it was common as all get out to see folks walking around heeled. My 5' tall, 90lb Grandmother used to pick up the bank deposit from my Granddad's gas station with a 2" Colt Detective's Special in the front pocket of her apron!

I never carried openly however...I joined the Sheriff's Department at the same time it would have been legal for me to carry, so always carried concealed off duty, unless I was camping, or out in the boonies somewhere.

You never heard a comment one way or the other...heck, you could even "check yer hogleg" at a bar.

Now...you seldom see folks carrying open. Since AZ got CCW for civilians, and a LOT of the more sheepish minded folks from other places moved here...one sees it a lot less. If you are carrying open, it is bound to invite unwanted comment from someone who has no clue on minding one's own business.

Sometimes I think all of us should carry open one day, just to show the colors, but then my common sense gets the better of me, and remember, that i don't want anyone to know I am carrying until the balloon has gone up.
I am the one person who has voted for concealed carry so far. Now you guys can start the bashing.

1. The tactical advantage has already been mentioned but this is the main reason. Lets look at a bank robbery scenario or even a getting jacked in a convenience store. You would most likely get shot in the back before you even have a chance to draw. If you don't get shot, you will likely to have your gun taken away before you get a chance to use it. Now if you have your gun concealed, you look for the right moment and take charge of the situation.

2. There are many sheeple out there. Hopefully some of those sheeple are your friends. Do you enjoy making them feel nervous by power tripping and showing off your big bad gun? Nobody gives a crap. Chances are you will end up with a lot less friends or all your friends will be "gun nuts".

If you want to carry openly, become a cop. If you are out in the woods or on your own property, that is another thing.
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All Rights are not created equal

In today's effete, sensitive, diverse, politically correct culture - the sight of a man walking about wearing a holster and gun provokes a reaction in The Sheeple similar to said man walking about with his penis hanging out of his unzipped fly.

Some of The Sheeple will run away, some will verbally attack, some will look away, some will be smitten with an anxiety attack. All of The Sheeple will universally view the man with contempt and outrage.


As long as the gun remains in the holster and is not pointed at anyone, what's the problem?? As long as the man is not endangering his fellow citizens, what's the problem??

Why is a man exercising his Rights guaranteed by Article Two of the Bill of Rights viewed any differently than a man exercising his Rights guaranteed by Articles One, or Four, or Five, or Ten, or any other Article of the Bill of Rights??

Is a man exercising his Rights guaranteed by Article One by walking about with a Bible in his hand viewed in the same light as the man wearing the holster and gun? No.

Why? Because The Sheeple have been programmed, that's why. They have been programmed to fear guns under any and all circumstances. Now, the big question:

Do The Sheeple have a "right" to not be terrorized by the mere sight of the man's gun? Where is that "right" in the Bill of Rights???

Of course, The Sheeple will say that they do have such a "right;" the fact is, they have no such right. The Sheeple will not only claim they have this "right," but they will also claim that it takes precedence over the man's Right as guaranteed by Article Two of the Bill of Rights.

The fact is, it does not.

If my words bother, irritate, provoke or outrage you - sorry, but Article Two of the Bill of Rights carries just as much weight as Articles One and Three through Ten. :D
Progunner, My my my, are'nt we superior

I find your snide remark confusing - all I did was state the facts in a logical manner. Perhaps you don't like the facts, or perhaps you don't like logic.
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Open Carry

Where I live it is legal. I rarely see it but it is legal. Mostly intended for out in the bush for protection against animals. Bears, coyotes, and mountain lions are not uncommon here.
If its seen in town it makes people nervous and you will soon have the Police asking you questions. I strongly believe it should be allowed for reasons above and if you want to carry in town you should get a concealed carry permit.
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