Poll: It's Mandated-Turn in your handguns!

Gun Grabbers are in power and It's mandated that everyone turns in their handguns.

  • Guns? What guns?

    Votes: 91 43.1%
  • Sorry, sold them a few months back.

    Votes: 69 32.7%
  • Cold dead hands.

    Votes: 58 27.5%
  • How much are you going to give me for them?

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Here take them, just don't arrest me.

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Book passage on a tramp steamer.

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
Delta 9

Delta 9,

First of all, welcome. It's always nice to have new members and the fresh ideas they bring.
Next, I'd just like to say that I hope you didn't think my posting was "defeatist". I'm not saying that we should all feel like we've already lost, or that everyone here is simply posturing or speaking off-hand. I'm just trying to point out that there is much to be done in the mean time before "the day" comes.

It's very relevant, and sometimes even a little fun, to consider the SHTF scenarios, but more often than not (I'm just as guilty as anyone else here) planning takes the place of prevention. It's worsened by the fact that so many things we could all be doing are so simple and could have a huge impact. Imagine if ALL gun owners, numbers in the millions mind you, sent letters to their representatives. Or if ALL gun owners were involved in the direction the NRA is taking. Even moreso, imagine if ALL gunowners were to contribute even just ONE DOLLAR to a pro-gun political candidate. Millions of dollars just from one dollar each.

The problem is not with the candidates (mostly) or even the system. It's that people expect the government to magically work on it's own, without providing any input or feedback. The government cannot be run based on the fundamental priciples we all respect UNLESS we stand up and remind them of those preciples and their relevance in todays America.

We should not be thinking like we've already lost. Far from it. What we need to do is be more active in the political and social realms.

As always, with anything from housepaint to taxes, the problem is getting everyone on the same page.
There's a poll option missing:

Option 7: That's what rifles are for.

(Not that that option is my particular choice... but it IS missing)
The problem is not with the candidates (mostly) or even the system. It's that people expect the government to magically work on it's own, without providing any input or feedback. The government cannot be run based on the fundamental priciples we all respect UNLESS we stand up and remind them of those preciples and their relevance in todays America.

I don't know about that... I have a sense that our elected representatives only rarely pay much attention to direct input. They likely rely on polled data to gauge public opinion -- and polls are much more accurate in general.
Accurate polls????

They likely rely on polled data to gauge public opinion -- and polls are much more accurate in general.

Perhaps there are some, but if there are, they are seldom listened to. Polls are often crafted to point to one or another predetermined answer. I believe the individuals in govt spend way too much time looking at the "polls" when the only one that really counts is held every 2 and 4 years in November.

I have personal experience with skewed polls, and while it is a temptation to tar all with the same brush, there are so many that do deserve it that those who don't must suffer. Kind of like gun owners. We get blamed for every evil act committed with a firearm, and while we are the numerical majority, we are the visual minority, and we suffer as a result.

To the OP, I highly recommend you read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross (who has visited on this forum before). While a novel, it is very well written and is focused on the (fictional) results of abuse of some gun owners, along with a few good lessons about cause and effect. While becoming somewhat dated due to current world/US events, it is a good book, and considering the question you posed, I feel you would find it a good (if somewhat lengthy) read.
Mass input.

I don't know about that... I have a sense that our elected representatives only rarely pay much attention to direct input. They likely rely on polled data to gauge public opinion -- and polls are much more accurate in general.

That is true, but I think it's due to the VOLUME of input they receive. A few letters here and there. Even a few dozen here and there, may not make a difference. I'm referring to numbers in the thousands or more, if gun owners could get organized enough for something like that. Flooding voicemail, email, and snail mail while overloading the secretaries and interns. Forcing the issue to the front, as it were.

And that is not the only solution. Call the NRA and ask them what they've been doing on any one issue that you feel is important. Call the grassroots groups and see what they're up to. Check with you elected officials at the local level about what gun legislation may be coming in the near future, if any.

In many ways the national battle is less important than the state and local struggles. Changing national laws may not fix Cali or NY, but changing a city alderman's mind might keep your town from going down the same road. And let's not forget that your state congressman's agenda will reflect what's going on at the state level.

Just some thoughts. All is not lost, and the end is not yet here. Plenty of time to avoid it, just depends on how active we're all willing to be.
Me: Hello! I would like to report a burglary. My TVs, a laptop, and guns were stolen.
Someone taking my call: Huh! Uhh... OK be calm and tell me how many guns were stolen.
Me: All of them, but they left a note.
Someone taking my call: A note? What does it say?
Me: Ahhh... Go &*#@ yourself!!!

You know what I think...

In Australia, it was a gun turn in, with people being compensated..

evidentely crime has gone up..

I think the majority of people would turn in thier guns, as on most of these boards, most people are more worried about going to jail then shooting a burgler.
The truth is, we've reached the first time in history where there's no place left to escape to. America, England, Israel, Canada, there was always a beacon of hope somewhere. Now there's just one world and it's all bad.

There's no place to run, not anymore.

Also, bonus points to whomever catches the reference.
"I sold them the minute I heard there might be a ban...That nice boy with the baggy pants, sideways cap and always smells funny bought them..YES..he is older than 21."
Tragic boating accident last week... I was on a shooting expedition on the lake.... wanted to shoot everything I had at least once. Too bad about the boat and guns.... complete loss.....

Until they try to enter......
I got no problem with government buying my pistols from me. They aren't anymore important to me than a snow skiers skis.
My rifle and shotgun are more important because the sport they're used in supply me with food and help the government control the ecosystem.
Even the USSR allowed hunting so I'm not too worried about that.
Even if they did take my hunting guns it'd mean there were entrepreneurial opportunities for professional hunters or civil service openings for "Animal population control officers".
So as far as that goes I'd probably be not much different than now. Better if I got a job hunting.

I'm not really worried about gun grabbing as you might have guessed.

Considering how many of our rights have been trammeled by the current administration. An administration that is very popular with most 2nd amendment absolutists by the way. I think I'll worry about the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th.
When the 2nd starts protecting all the other rights (like I'm told it does) I'll thank it then ask why it took so long for it to get off its ass.
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