Poll: It's Mandated-Turn in your handguns!

Gun Grabbers are in power and It's mandated that everyone turns in their handguns.

  • Guns? What guns?

    Votes: 91 43.1%
  • Sorry, sold them a few months back.

    Votes: 69 32.7%
  • Cold dead hands.

    Votes: 58 27.5%
  • How much are you going to give me for them?

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Here take them, just don't arrest me.

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Book passage on a tramp steamer.

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
Most people will hand their guns over, and at most make a post or two on the internet about how their rights were violated, and then turn on the NFL game and forget about it.

A few people will try to resist. They will be labeled domestic terrorists and whack jobs by the government, and then promptly killed. The networks will briefly interrupt the NFL game to cover the story, and the only outcry will from viewers who complain that the game was interrupted.

As sad as it is, I'm with Unregistered on this one. I think the majority of gun owners will complain for a while, but wont do much other than talk about how their rights were violated.:(
Well lets look at the situation that went down in New Orleans, the Mayor and Police chief said no one would have guns but the police. They DID go door to door and physically take guns from us (American Citizen), yes the NRA did get involved and it was stopped but what happen NOTHING the people said OK here they are. They beat the crap out of an old lady. What happened to them NOTHING, has everyone received those guns back NOPE, will they NOPE. I honestly don't know what I would do have my wife and kids with me give up my guns and I can stay with them or keep them (my guns) put up a fight, get overpowered and now they are alone. Now if I am alone no family I would have to think twice about giving them up. I think that a class action law suit would have been filed by now for the VIOLATION of there Civil rights. Has it nope. That way he could be the head man in a chocolate prison.
sold most of mine at one of those awful gun shows ... I'll keep a junk gun to hand over, already have a safe place for the good ones ... surrendering your weapons is the first step; the last is a dictatorship where the only ones doing the shooting will be the government --and we'll be the targets ...


When they kick at your front door,
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun?
got rid of all mine at the last gift card for guns promotion. It was nice of them to make it so anonymous, they didn't even take my name down.

Wow! Me too. We must have passed each other there!
I also have to ask...

"tramp steamer?"

I haven't seen that term outside of books from sixty years or more ago.

Almost all the cargo vessels that come into our ports are registered in places like Liberia, Panama, and Hong Kong. The crews are third-world indigents hired for a few dollars a day. They're not interested in Americans "working" on board, and if you were to book passage as a passenger on a working ship, you'd need full travel documents. They don't want their port privileges revoked.

And there'd most certainly be no guns taken with you. Doing such a thing would require finding a smuggler, and they'd just kill you and take the guns as soon as you were in international waters, drop you overboard with a weight.

You're a little late, there. There's no such thing as escaping the country on an anonymous ship, not for American citizens.
So basically we are turning into the French. Great. If we're going to be surrender mongers, can you at least do me the courtesy of passing me the brie, fois gras, Bordeaux, and hot easy women?
Who said anything about surrendering?

See my post above about Sun Tzu.

Going toe-to-toe with an oppressive government means you lose, every time. That's why cunning and deviousness is necessary.
I don't understand the people who are making comments like "Guns, what guns? I sold them all to some guy a while back".

What do you want guns for in that situation? Obviously if you make a statement like that you don't plan on fighting back, just hiding away the guns. And if they are hidden away, then you will never get to use them again.

The best course of action would be to turn them in, get a receipt, and then sue in a court of law for civil rights infringement.
Didn't you see the movie "The Patriot?"

You don't fight the bloodthirsty and brutal British officer who is dragging your son off for summary execution on trumped-up charges when that officer is standing right there in front of you and you're surrounded by his armed minions.
I honestly do not know what I would do. Turn them in and stay with my kids...maybe, or not and go down in a hail of gunfire...these decisions are best to be left for the right time and the right place...when it happens. Anything else we say now before that day, is irrelevant, and not likely to happen.

Does it mean that we dont have a plan...of course not, I think everyone should have that SHTF plan when the government has gone to h*ll, and its on like Donkey Kong, but I am not disclosing my plan on here.
Didn't you see the movie "The Patriot?"

You don't fight the bloodthirsty and brutal British officer who is dragging your son off for summary execution on trumped-up charges when that officer is standing right there in front of you and you're surrounded by his armed minions.

OK, so what are you saying you would do then?

When they tell you they want to inspect your home what do you do?

After they leave (assuming you hid your guns well enough that they didnt find them), what are you going to do next? Quit your job and become a freedom fighter?
I also have to ask...

"tramp steamer?"

I haven't seen that term outside of books from sixty years or more ago.

Almost all the cargo vessels that come into our ports are registered in places like Liberia, Panama, and Hong Kong. The crews are third-world indigents hired for a few dollars a day. They're not interested in Americans "working" on board, and if you were to book passage as a passenger on a working ship, you'd need full travel documents. They don't want their port privileges revoked.

And there'd most certainly be no guns taken with you. Doing such a thing would require finding a smuggler, and they'd just kill you and take the guns as soon as you were in international waters, drop you overboard with a weight.

You're a little late, there. There's no such thing as escaping the country on an anonymous ship, not for American citizens.

I used that term as a figure of speech to infer that one would leave the country by any means necessary as all would appear to be lost and a search for greener pastures would be in order.

My intent of this poll was to gauge the Firing Lines members current thoughts and attitudes of such a mandate through the poll data and debate.

It would appear that some would rather not have this subject discussed in a public forum for fear of government watchdogs collecting ip's for the big gun owner roundup and if that's the case we have lost one of our most precious freedoms, the freedom of speech.

Others don't mind saying what they honestly think they would do if such a scenario came to pass and aren't afraid to say publicly. I admire your candor and courage to stand up and say so.

My position? No, the government cannot have my guns and I will not stand idly by while they try to confiscate them. I do and will continue to do everything in my power to promote responsible gun ownership to my friends and family and work with my elected representatives to prevent such a scenario from ever coming to pass.

Should such a day ever darken our doorsteps I thinks it impossible to say with certainty exactly how we will all react but I do believe any such attempt at gun confiscation will be a failure and would be a major turning point in our country.

The pressures and stresses we endure in our lives build on a daily basis. Everyday it's more bad news when I read the paper and listen to the news.
From the economy to immigration, from the war on terrorism to socialist propaganda being taught in our schools. From soaring fuel and food prices to outsourcing our countries industrial might.

A breaking point WILL come in the not too distant future and I think any attempt at gun confiscation would be the straw that would break the proverbial camel's back and the real men of this country, the real patriots who believe in the constitution and wisdom of the founding fathers, would stand and take our America back
Great Idea.

A breaking point WILL come in the not too distant future and I think any attempt at gun confiscation would be the straw that would break the proverbial camel's back and the real men of this country, the real patriots who believe in the constitution and wisdom of the founding fathers, would stand and take our America back

I sincerely hope you're right.
I really thought my previous post in this thread might hit a nerve with more people than it seems to have, and I really did expect lots of flaming. Glad that didn't happen.
I'm certain there will be a breaking point. The question is "how far will it go before that point arrives?". How far will our freedoms be eroded, what will be left? It's a question I fear the answer to. How many laws will we comply with before we say "enough"?
Will the whole country be like San Francisco, DC, or New York? If that is the turning point, then it might be too late.
The real fight is now. In the halls of Congress, on "The Hill". We're not fighting with bullets or blades, but votes, emails, and phone calls. We're fighting with letters. We're fighting by reminding the NRA where they came from and what they stand for. By supporting the grass roots groups and helping them organize. Most of all, we're fighting with SOCIAL ACTION as we work to educate the public and to portray ourselves in a professional and reasonable manner.
That is how the fight will be won, and it will not be easy.
I know that quite a few people have reacted to the NOLA situation by getting more concealable handguns and being more prepared to deny their presence.

I think threads like these do search a wonderful purpose; it is true that the more passive resistance they face, the more houses they have to rip apart to search, the more people who "lost"/"sold"/"turned in" their guns, the more time there will be for political and constitutional challenges before our gun culture is lost. And, I daresay, militias will rise up in the interim.

I can't see Americans lining up to turn 'em in like in England and Australia. We still are, as Ben Franklin explained, a rougher, more violent, less refined people. There will be resistance. Threads like these help us reassure each other that there will be massive resistance, and mostly non-violent. We already know we are different. That's why we fought a revolution, and why most of our ancestors fought tooth and nail to get over here in insane numbers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

This is not internet posturing, this is psychological preparation. This is reassurance that none of us are alone when there's that knock on the door.

And yeah, I'm being optimistic. But we have a lot to be optimistic about, even if we tend to forget it a lot. Beats the heck out of thinking like we've already lost.