Poll: It's Mandated-Turn in your handguns!

Gun Grabbers are in power and It's mandated that everyone turns in their handguns.

  • Guns? What guns?

    Votes: 91 43.1%
  • Sorry, sold them a few months back.

    Votes: 69 32.7%
  • Cold dead hands.

    Votes: 58 27.5%
  • How much are you going to give me for them?

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Here take them, just don't arrest me.

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Book passage on a tramp steamer.

    Votes: 9 4.3%

  • Total voters
When the IRA went on the offensive in the early seventies there was a "temporary" custody order that said all handguns had to be handed in

Utter foolishness. As if the IRA couldn't obtain anything they needed from Lybia or East Germany.
I like the fact that Mossberg is already supplying the market for hideaway firearms:


I'm not sure about the usefullness of the pistol grip though.
As far as the anti guners getting ideas from threads like this..

I don't think they need us to get ideas. As if any of us would actually tell the truth in a public internet forum on a subject like this.


IF that ever comes to pass, they will be in for more trouble than they can realize. Just for the sake of argument, consider this; the easiest repeating firearm to make is actually a SMG. And they can be made in thousands of small shops (and home workshops) all over the country. When the penalty for having a gun is jail, there is no reason NOT to have SMGs. And they won't be able to eliminate ammo either, because they use it. They can sure reduce the available supply, but they won't be able to remove it from the planet. Guns may someday all be illegal, but no govt anywhere has ever been able to completely eradicate something they deem illegal, if the people have a desire and a need for it.
Lots of smart quips and internet dick waving here, but when they call for our guns, most people will just hand them over.

Most people won't even write letters to their congressperson, yet somehow everyone says they will go Red Dawn if guns are banned... yea right.
I am very sorry some of you feel that you have weapons only because the powers that be have said you can. If you think armed resistance on a large scale as a result of this type of legislation is unthinkable, I believe you are sadly mistaken. This is the attitude of a people ripe for a dictatorship. I for one WILL NOT live in that nation. The message I am hearing is 'freedom isn't worth my life.' A group of MEN not to long ago felt very differently and changed the world. I find it disturbing how low their heirs have fallen.
I'd rather go to prison and be a burden on them than be a productive member of that society.

What if one in 80 gun owners raised a stink and went to jail? That would be at least another million people in our already overflowing jails. Even if that number was lower, it would be a significant undertaking to jail all of them.

I may not be John Browning, but I know enough about firearms construction and design that they would probably have to jail me for life. That's allot of money they would have to spend.
The cold dead hands would be theirs. They will be treated as a foreign hostile enemy which that is none other than. Those who would do such constitute an enemy on our soil which our founders were impeccably clear on the necessity of removing. Any who attempt to impinge on my right to bear arms or any other measure of security for my life and that of my family constitutes a direct threat to my life and theirs and it is my responsibility to protect those lives from any threat of any form.
Be careful though. While I voted with you---it is this kind of openly brazen attitude that scares moderates away from us.
People here would have me believe that gun owners, most of whom will not do so much as write a letter to Congress, will suddenly all become insurgents when they come to take our guns?


Most people will hand their guns over, and at most make a post or two on the internet about how their rights were violated, and then turn on the NFL game and forget about it.

A few people will try to resist. They will be labeled domestic terrorists and whack jobs by the government, and then promptly killed. The networks will briefly interrupt the NFL game to cover the story, and the only outcry will from viewers who complain that the game was interrupted.

If we ever let it get to the point that the government is collecting up our guns, resistance will have become futile.
OK, so what is the line in the sand which we have to enforce? Where do we officially label it tyranny? What is the threshold? Can we even draw a line anymore?

...and why do I get the eerie feeling that no one here knows and/or wants to touch those questions with a ten foot pole? Got news for ya, folks: you may have to decide some day soon.
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Guns are one of the main things I enjoy in life. Shooting is incredibly important to me, my life would simply not be as enjoyable without them.

If there was an outright ban on handguns, I think some sort of protest should be staged in a fortified location somewhere. Lots of media coverage of police advancing on American citizens for peacefully protesting and displaying their now illegal handguns will really get to people. The police are going to have to make a move because they can't just surround a bunch of guys with illegal guns forever.

It will only take a few references to nazi Germany to get people thinking.

There are guys out there that make their living shooting handguns and hopefully they, and other gun industry icons will get wheels moving on some sort of resistance.

Why on earth would you claim to have buried or sold them?!? Do you intend to just hoard them and never shoot them?

Anyone go to a public range? They're sure to notice that you aren't shooting a rifle or shotgun.

Either do something pro-active like rebelling, or really sell your guns. At least you'll have some money in place of your lost rights instead of a hunk of steel that you can't use around other people.

Luckily, a handgun ban isn't likely. Think of the gun industries investment in the handgun market, as well as all of the competitive handgun competitions out there.
It will only take a few references to nazi Germany to get people thinking.
...And? That's it? They'll think about it? That's about all they or anyone does is think about it! I haven't seen any anti gun lawmakers thrown out of office. I haven't seen any of them publicly disgraced and treated like KKK members or child molesters. Compared to sending police after you and me, it doesn't look like a damn thing happens to them for calling in a handgun ban. NOTHING happens to them in Commieland (NYC, SF, Boston, etc.) except getting reelected!!! Your life and mine could be threatened by armed authority and you want the sheeple to think about it?? Not good enough.

Luckily, a handgun ban isn't likely. Think of the gun industries investment in the handgun market, as well as all of the competitive handgun competitions out there.
Well, where are they now? I don't see them putting up a fight where the fight is now, in the places where CCW is either outrightly forbidden or the priviledge of the microscopically few. Oh sure...yay, we have CCW in a lot of states. Good, I agree, it's good! I'm glad. BUT IT IS NOT GUARANTEED TO STAY. The threat of anti gun toads is not EXTINGUISHED. The infringements in the socialist states is tolerated. It's seen as an acceptable failure. It is failure. The overrunning of society by anti gun sentiment is failure, and its acceptance by the gun owning public is failure. Success is gun restriction and confiscation as being intolerable to society. To have pro-CCW as the only winning political position and that any politician of any inclination even mentioning restricting my 2nd Amendment rights in any way is instantly ostracized and their career instantly zapped is the success to be had which they have fallen grossly short of. Until that is met then it is utterly impossible to say that a pistol ban is unlikely enough for my liking.
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Guns for Guitars

Um, we turned all our guns in for Guitars. Yup, anonymous buyback program. Got a Martin, a Fender...hey, we even got a banjo! Let's all sing!

"If I had a hammer......

I sold them. They're dangerous for civilians like me, right?;)

Folks, you can posture all you want. You can also plan all you want. The GOV has been hearing this kind of talk for years and years. They know some will be buried. They know some will be hidden. Nothing can come out on this forum that they've not already heard. Just be mindful of how you phrase it, as it does make the bulk of us look like "democratic mascots" to the general public, and to new gun owners who lurk here.

And in agreeance with some previous posters, the fact that we're having this conversation does in fact just smack of failure. We've let ourselves down. The division between hunters and rec shooters, class 3 guys and BP fans, handgunners and riflemen, they've all served to damage our community. Because of that, gun owners have not been able to present a united front on any issue for decades. The blame could go all the way back to our grandparents who lost the battle in '34 and carries on all the way to us and, for some here, our children.

Gun owners have fallen into a tunnel-vision state, fighting only the battles that effect their chosen segment of the shooting world. That has cost us all bigtime. Some of the damage we've created is truly irreperable. That which can be changed will take a very long time, and a DRASTIC change of attitude.

I will grant that recently there has been a change in attitude in many gun owners, but it may be too little too late. Only lately as anti-gun legislation becomes more drastic and more public have minds begun to change. We still have a long way to go and a lot of eyes to open.

Before you give the standard "cold dead hands answer" here, or any answer for that matter, stop and consider where YOU stand, and what you've DONE to avoid what may be coming. Have you actively voted? Written letters? Joined a rights group or sigend a petition? Or have you calmly bided your time, enjoying your "hobby" whilst waiting for the end? If you are among the latter, perhaps you should stop thinking about the scenario presented here and focus your energy on what you might do to avoid the scenario ever presenting itself to begin with. If you are one of the more active or vocal, thanks and keep doing what you are doing.

I'm not advocating extremism folks, nor terrorism. Just saying that you have a vote, a voice, and a mind, all of which need to be exercised to keep our rights from becoming a privelege, and to keep the privilege from being revoked.

As for my answer, my family will not be defenseless.
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Sun Tzu said:
Warfare is the Way of deception.
Therefore, if able, appear unable,
if active, appear not active,
if near, appear far,
if far, appear near.
If they have advantage, entice them;
if they are confused, take them,
if they are substantial, prepare for them,
if they are strong, avoid them,
if they are angry, disturb them,
if they are humble, make them haughty,
if they are relaxed, toil them,
if they are united, separate them.
Attack where they are not prepared, go out to where they do not expect.

A government that mandates that personal defensive firearms be turned in has, quite simply, declared war on its citizens.
I can speak for myself in that being active in second amendment advocacy hasn't long been a priority for me because it wasn't until very recently that I became aware of the encroachment upon my world. I grew up active with hunting and shooting, then when I went away to school I didn't have as much access b/c of campus and distance from where I knew to go to hunt and shoot and wasn't among people for whom it was a priority. But upon getting away from that and back to my roots, and also meeting my future wife wanting to share it with her and get things going for the benefit of possible future kids it became a major priority again. Getting to know the people of her world opened my eyes to the reality of the non-firearm familiar, and that simple ignorance and indifference is vastly prevalent and presents a threat to the world I know. I didn't know how big it all was until then. So I can understand others not being so motivated--until now.