Thanks, I didn't think you could point to any real benefit in this invasion; it just makes you "feel" better.
Anyone who can state:
"Truth be told Rich, it most likely won't do a damned thing."
demonstrates ear ringing cognitive dissonance in declaring:
"I am a big, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, overbearing, supporter of our Constitution and BOR"
The only way you can hold both those positions is thru lip service only dedication to the Bill of Rights; you can't truly believe in their importance, while insisting on their abrogation, absent benefit; rather you demonstrate a non-reasoned, emotional attachment to just one: the Second. This marginalizes your ability to support even that one.
Now I'll answer your question. How would I make things "safer"?
First I'd "enforce the laws that are already on the books". (Familiar ring?) I'm talking about Immigration Law and the Patriot Act that we have paid for with our tax dollars and our liberties. Until .gov hold up it's end of that deal, LAY OFF MY Bill of Rights. Period.
Additionally, I'd take that $100 mil per year search price and put it toward tracking down every single Visa Violator from a Muslim country. They do not enjoy the protections of the B.O.R., so "profiling" is not an issue. Even if it were, combining visa violation with countries known to export terrorism would probably pass muster under the "reasonable suspicion" standard.
I think that's a pretty good start.
Finally, I'd put "safety" into context. Americans are not in a "War on Terror"...there has been one attack in 4 years. American SOLDIERS are involved in that War. American subway riders are simply one possible target of a terror attack. In short, I'd outlaw the use of "War on Terror" in domestic policy; because it serves to brainwash and dumb down otherwise rational citizens into believing that we're the victims of daily attacks.
We're not; and while we are certain to be hit again, searching every 5th person, in one city, on one form of transportation provides nothing of benefit locally, yet sets precedent for future encroachments universally.
Finally, I'd remind people that even when this "War on Terror" is declared "over", it will, of necessity be replaced with a new Domestic War. That is my government's history over the past quarter century and I'm simply not tripping to the ruse.
ps: Please don't lay the LEO Bashing title on any of us. With one exception, no one here has criticized the cops doing the search. We're criticizing the bureaucrats placing them in that position. Similarly, nobody on this board EVER laid the blame for the 9-11 attacks at the foot of the NYPD. To portray us otherwise is simple fiction.