Please Read
There is absolutely no problem with profiling or searching right now. Don’t carry bombs or be breaking the law and you would have nothing to worry about. The police doing the searches are our Dads, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters. Not mindless drones. We the people have the power to give them the right to search for suspicious behavior and packages, and we the people have the power to end those very same searches, whenever we want. Include yourself in this country! We all run this land. Every one of us does. Never forget that For God sakes VOTE, for who you WANT to represent you.
I do feel bad for some Muslims and peaceful citizens of Middle Eastern decent. However, they need to make themselves part of the solution, rather than whining about being searched too much. Head back to your country, mosque and families, and tell them, "hey, if we don't start to weed out the bad seeds among our people, we will ALL continue to be targeted" And of course there are, and will be "terrorists" of all different ethnicity and cultural backgrounds that will also carry out these acts of terror, but you need to destroy the "hive" to remove the threat of to speak.
The fundamentalist are sitting in their mosques, spouting off about a need for an Islamic revolution and the creation of extremists Muslim states, controlled by the "religious leaders" as many of the countries in the Middle East are now. It is by and large, a war or religious philosophies, the big difference is that the Muslims that are perpetuating these terror acts, would rather kill everyone who is not in line with their beliefs rather than be tolerant of their faiths. We should all be tolerant of any faith or culture, but not when that faith or culture involves taking away FREEDOM and the killing everyone not like themselves. You may practice your religion, but not at the price of my life. It's time to hold the threat of complete destruction, to the religions that continue to be violently intolerant. It seems that’s the only change they understand and want.