Pick your candidate 08!

Pick your Canidate

  • McCain

    Votes: 79 59.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • None of them, they are all crooks.

    Votes: 17 12.7%
  • I will write in for Ron Paul

    Votes: 27 20.1%

  • Total voters
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I am writing in Ron Paul. The Republicans here have made it clear they think they can win without the statistically insignificant lunatic fringe that support Ron Paul, and I feel compelled for them to prove this.
I'm writing in Ron Paul too.

I will not vote for a lesser evil or in the case of this election, one of the peas in the pod. :mad:
Unless the election is close, I'll be writing in Paul.

If it is close, my vote will go to Obama or McCain (in that order).
I will write in Paul for me it's a loss for America with any of the current candidates. The lessor of two evils is a no win for our country no matter how you spin it.
Let's see shall we.

Not one of them comes close to my political views

I'll vote third party.

I ain't going to vote for someone I don't agree with.
As for lesser of evils if you had to choose between Satan or a Demon who would you vote for? Either way your going to get evil. I find it ammusing how some would try to justify one as less evil then the other.
Cool, we have 19 votes for Mccain, none for hillary, only two for Obama and some wasted ones. :)

Wildwonderifobamasmokes420Alaska TM
I will do everything in my power to vote AGAINST Obama... with who I'm voting FOR really being a much lower concern.
some wasted ones
Being in Demofornia, a vote for anyone but a Democrat will be a wasted vote, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience.
However, if it really counted, I would probably vote for the Dem. My reasoning is that the Republicans in Congress would be more likely to fight the bad stuff that President Democrat would do, but would probably go along with the bad stuff that President McCain would do. Then, I'm "hope"ful for a backlash in '12 to track back toward Constitutional principles.

If not, we're pretty much done anyway, so it won't really matter.
Cool, we have 19 votes for Mccain, none for hillary, only two for Obama and some wasted ones.

They are not wasted, they are simply statistically insignificant. The Republicans have been saying all along that Ron Paul supporters are an inconsequential number and don't matter. Maybe that is true. We are just the lunatic fringe after all, and I suspect most of us like it that way. If we statistically don't exist, then there is no way that Ron Paul supporters will affect the election one way or another, and McCain will inevitably surge to victory without us. I think its pretty great that the Republican party can alienate various constituencies, and still expect victory. They must not expect this election to be anywhere near as close as the last couple of elections. So we can vote our conscience without fear of an Obama victory because of our wasted votes.
LOL...going down on your sword huh?:D

So by the way, so when you are done being petulent and gnashing your teeth over the repubs dissin you because you like Stormfront Ronnie, could you share with us the important thing?

Whats going on in your neck of the woods as far as Congress...focus, focus...

WildimsorrythemeanrepubshurtyourfeelingsAlaska TM
Whats going on in your neck of the woods as far as Congress...focus, focus

I am in Georgia, so I am up to my ass in pro-war, big government, big spending, more or less anti-gun Republicans who are owned by business interests in Atlanta.

I am not going down on my sword. McCain is going to beat Obama, and it isn't even going to be close. If was going to be close the Republican party would be trying to unite, not divide, itself.
I hate them all except Ron Paul but even he is not my perfect candidate. For you McCain voters I just wanted to bring some McCain votes to your attention.

Voted yes for amnesty to illegal immigrants

Voted no for a 5 year works program limit.

Voted no to establish English as the common language.

McCain is another Bush so if you like the current path that the Unite Sates is heading then go ahead and vote for McCain.

Party unified behind McCain?

Earlier, I made the comment that Ron Paul picked up 16% of Pennsylvania primary last Tuesday. McCain lost 27% of repub vote, what does that portend in November?

Now lookee what just happened in Nevada!


Nev. GOP recesses state convention, angering Paul supporters

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Outmaneuvered by raucous Ron Paul supporters, Nevada Republican Party leaders abruptly shut down their state convention and now must resume the event to complete a list of 31 delegates to the GOP national convention.

Outnumbered supporters of expected Republican presidential nominee John McCain faced off Saturday against well-organized Paul supporters. A large share of the more than 1,300 state convention delegates enabled Paul supporters to get a rule change positioning them for more national convention delegate slots than expected.

"I've seen factions walk out. I've never seen a party walk out," said Jeff Greenspan, regional coordinator for the Paul campaign.

Delegates cheered earlier in the day as former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney urged support for McCain. Later, though, Paul got even louder applause as he delivered his message of individual freedom and fiscal responsibility.

State Sen. Bob Beers, the convention chairman, was booed loudly as he called for a recess Saturday evening. He said that the party's rental contract for a big meeting room at a Reno hotel-casino had expired and there was too much work left to complete.

State GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden said the rules change wasn't anticipated. She denied any anti-Paul bias, saying expected slates of national delegates were prepared through a fair and open process by the convention's nominations committee and the party thought the convention would accept them.

Comment: Maybe the repub convention will be interesting after all! To what lengths will the party go, to give the appearance of unanimous support for McCain? Someone should clue the party bosses in on the ultimate weapon for settling disputes...simply declare all opposition to be "agenda driven net-noise" :o Yeah, that's the ticket! :D
If was going to be close the Republican party would be trying to unite, not divide, itself.

You mean accomodating a racsit, antisemitic loon ineffective loon like Ron paul?

You want the repubs to act like Democrats? Accomodating every lunatic fringe out there....?

Thats the type of systems that give you the Obamas, who, IMHO is as loony, rascist and antisemitic as Goosestepping Ronnie.....

O well, at least if Obama wins, I have a place to go for four years......:D

WilditalldependsonwhetheriwanttohavegunsAlaska TM
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