Personal Affronts and Insults -- A Question

how do they know what ive trained in? =)...... they dont.

and feelings of immortality? no... i just simply dont fear death. when its my time ill die and move onto the next phaze.
and BTW wheres the guy that originally started this thread? hope we didnt scare him off lol. as somewhere in here i think theres some advice on his questions
how do they know what ive trained in? =)...... they dont.

It doesn't matter if they knew before, after you have been shot, died, and buried, they will be walking out of court a free man (assuming charges were brought) simply because you were so well trained, and the shooter feared death. Believe me, if you are shot and killed, if charges are brought after you are shot and killed, your years of training will surface. Anything that could mitigate the charges will be brought up in court, and your training is mitigating in the extreme. It could actually be twisted to justify your otherwise unjust shooting. A jury schooled in kung fu movies is just as dangerous as a jury schooled in Hollywood firearms useage. You will be painted as the superhuman DarkKnight, so powerful and well trained that only a bullet could stop you.

Of course this might not matter to you, since you would be just as dead, but if you have children, it might matter to them. Growing up with the stigma of a father who was justly shot and killed is difficult. It would matter to a wife. Even if she did not love you, she could not collect on your life insurance policy. It would matter to a lot of people, but it would matter most of all to the man who killed you and walked away a free man.
I agree we need to cool it, I think Regular Daddy (original poster) is totally freaked out... Thanks for the good conversation DarkKnight. I've gained from it, I hope you have as well.
Best regards,
I have one like that, and one that covers suicide from day 1. Only death in commission of a felony, or a declared war is not covered. My friend sells insurance, and say the insurance company if you die within 2 years will dig up a fight with a girlfriend our spouse, and if you die in a car accident, etc. try to make it look like you offed yourself, something to think about.
i indeed learned alot from this thread XB, many of the questions answered here by mvpel and the other posters and such are things ive wondered for a good while, debating is always fun :) some may not think so, but i do :D
If some young buck full of testosterone gets it in his head that he needs to beat on some old man, or anyone else for that matter, simply to "prove his point" (however stupid it is), than he's more of a danger to society than a help.

And dangers to society need to be removed, otherwise the society collapses.

It used to be that young men had wars to fight, indians to kill, frontiers to tame, and all that good stuff to expend all their youthful energies on...external enemies...rather than turning it on their neighbors!

Not any more. All the wars are fought by remote control (as much as possible), the indians own casinos, there are no frontiers that you can explore now that don't require a shuttle, a sub, and $10M dollars, so there's no one left to fight by each other.

Perhaps what's needed is a national sport where the violent youth can have its 'fun' without endangering anyone else. Remember Rollerball (NOT the lame remake either)?

Socially sanction violence inside of a controlled enviroment, and very harshly punish it outside. Make it dangerous...lethally so. It's not like there's such a shortage of humans on the planet that we can't afford to lose a few thousand or so every year to a violent sport.

Those who take the option available to them for release of their energies, get peer recognition and compensation (financial or otherwise) as rewards for 'keeping it in their pants' when amoungst polite and civil society.

The ones who are so violent that they can't 'keep it in their pants' by participating in the game, are the ones who are too violent to let live amoungst the rest of the humans, thus earning permanent removal.

'Course, this isn't going to happen here anytime soon, as we've "for the childrens sake"ed ourselves into a nation of pansy-a**ed wimps.

So punk kids get coddled till they're no longer really children, but the sense of entitlement that they've come to expect lingers long after society says that they're no longer children.

Kids used to mine coal in the US as late as the '20's for Gods sake! Tell a kid nowadays that s/he is going to work in a mine for the next hour, let alone 12 hours of everyday for the next 10 years, and they'd be screaming about their 'rights'. :rolleyes:

As for someone like me coming to anybodies rescue, don't count on it. Most times, people get themselves into problems all of their own making, and it's not my job (nor anyone elses except the cops) to play Captain save-a-ho.

The 200 pound 'kid' beating the old man? Maybe the 'kid' is getting payback for having been molested by the old man years ago, or the old man is an addict and is getting robbed by the dealer. Either way, the old man deserves what he's getting, and I'm not risking my neck to save his skinny a**.

The woman on the bus,however, did not deserve the treatment she was getting, the punk just wanting to be randomly rude to the first person it felt safe to do so to.
Because... get this... the Democrats were lying.

I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

And it was the Dems who sponsored the draft bill in Congress, and they were the only ones to vote for it.
Responding to the original post.

I have had some experience with loud parties, etc. I used to bounce at a bar and came up with these observations.

1. most dangerous, alcohol fueled young man (AFYM) with his girl friend and with other AFYM, this situation is scary because he can not backdown with out major loss of face.
2. AFYM with buddies or AFYM with a girl, both of these can back down if properly defused, never question his manhood, just tell him him to be a man and not eff up in fromt of his buddies. Acting like a man is what they are trying to do.
3. AFYM's acting as idiots. Usually this can be defused by diversion...

As far as getting people to stay off your yard, water is good, landscaping can be good too, a few wild rosebushes planted where the people want to walk can help. My first house was a couple of blocks away from a major university, every friday night we had drunken frat boys around pissing in the bushes etc I put up signs that said "invisible fence" but instead went to the fleet and farm store and bought an electric fence charger and a small length of fence wire and ran it thru the bushes where all the drunks pissed.

The screams of pain were like music to my ears as several drunks found out you should never piss on an electric fence. For some reason, the seemed to stay out of our yard from then on.
Regular Daddy,

Social fighting should probably be more properly termed subcultural fighting. When you made the decision to take responsibility for the safety of you and yours, and to research and prepare for that responsibility, you left that subculture and joined this one. Of course the rules are different here, that's why you came, no?

Just last night. Driving home from the store. Narrow street. Van coming the other way "swerves" at me slightly. Probably to "send me a message" that I was being rude not letting him go first through a part of the street where parked cars on each side made it impossible for two cars to pass. Anyway I was just driving and not pay attention to being rude. Just listening to the radio and trying to get home.

When the dude swerved at me, he was clearly being agressive ON PURPOSE. I consider this aggravated assault because a car is certainly a deadly weapon. Scared me and certainly woke me up a bit. My natural response was to honk at him. When I honked, the van stopped. I stopped to see what he wanted Looking in rearview mirror because we'd already passed each other). The van's got two "tough" kids in their eary 20s and they're sticking their hands out the window as to say "what, you want some"?

Now, I was already burning mad about them swerving at me. Their taunting just about sent me through the roof. I was certainly mad enough to get out of the car and take them up on their offer. I'm usually a peaceful guy, but something about first being assaulted with a van, then taunted when I protested had me seeing red.

Anyway, at that point I realized I had my Taurus 85 on my hip, took a deep breath, and drove on (cussing to myself). Even if I didn't have a gun, I doubt I would have endulged my rage and gotten out of the car. Too much to loose (job, professional license etc.). BUT, HAVING THE GUN MEANT I DID NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO GET OUT OF THE CAR. It's that simple. If you carry a gun, you don't get to act on your temper!
Here's a pretty good essay by Eric S. Raymond that's germane to this subject:

Ethics from the Barrel of a Gun: What Bearing Weapons Teaches About the Good Life

Nothing most of us will ever do combines the moral weight of life-or-death choice with the concrete immediacy of the moment as thoroughly as the conscious handling of instruments deliberately designed to kill. As such, there are lessons both merciless and priceless to be learned from bearing arms — lessons which are not merely instructive to the intellect but transformative of one's whole emotional, reflexive, and moral character.