Personal Affronts and Insults -- A Question

The older I get ( 52 now) the easier it is to ignore insults and the petty people who throw them.
And that is true wheither I am armed or unarmed.
Carrying a weapon means that he childish days of flashing the finger to a rude driver, making wisecracks to strangers, etc, are over.
If you use DPF to end a situation that you helped fuel then your rights to a claim of self defense may be null and void in court.
In other words, carrying a weapon is a wonderful excuse to
finally grow up.
Another couple of things to keep in mind is that you don't want to establish a record of having any kind of confrontations either. If you get into verbal contests and it comes to push and shove or worse, then you can be made to look like a hot head when the other guy's (or his family's) attorney has his say-so in court. Think ahead and keep a cool one.

A friend, who I don't always agree with, pointed out the usual rules for when to draw and when to fire. If the perp has the ability and intends to cause you grave physical harm or death, then that means you draw your weapon but do not fire. Add opportunity and then you fire to protect yourself because now, your life is in jeopardy. AOI ..ability, opportunity, intent. I already knew these rules, but my friend added an interesting twist ...whenever he said "intent", he winked and mumbled something about dead men telling no tales and that only 2 of the 3 above could be proven in court if a guy was dead (unless there were very close-by witnesses). Fortunately he doesn't carry, 'cuz that attitude worries me. I figure that if AOI is true and present, then shooting will be a 'need' more than a 'choice', and training is very important to for determining all three automatically's got to be automatic too, since you don't have time to sit there and evaluate it like you're sitting in a class somewhere. "Automatic" only comes from lots of training. Correct decisions come from both training and a high commitment to solid ethics. Let the law deal with someone unless your life really is threatened (or someone else's is). Learn to tell the difference.

Socially sanction violence inside of a controlled enviroment, and very harshly punish it outside. Make it dangerous...lethally so. It's not like there's such a shortage of humans on the planet that we can't afford to lose a few thousand or so every year to a violent sport.

Those who take the option available to them for release of their energies, get peer recognition and compensation (financial or otherwise) as rewards for 'keeping it in their pants' when amoungst polite and civil society.

Hey, it worked for the Romans. :D

Bring back the ARENA! :D