Pennsylvania TFL shoot October 28th?

Pennsylvania TFL Shoot Sunday October 28thth

  • Your In

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Your Out

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • You have to buy ammo first

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • You have to ask your wife

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
Well, I went to the show. It was fair at best.
The good news is that the Valley Forge show is coming back! I spoke to a guy at this show (the dude who sits up real high and wears the funky hat) and he told me that the VF show will be back in December with a different promoter.
This show was/is very close to my abode and was always big. Very cool. With Ft. Washington next month and VF after that, it looks like a great way to end the year.
The VF show is comming back!!!???

I hope so!?! It always rocked. The xmas show was the best!! I heard that the reason it was cancled was one of two things. A) the promoter was shifty. 2) The hotel was anti-gun. I will go there again. Will be waiting to hear more!:D :D DAROGUE1
With all this jabbering about gun shows. The shoot on the 28th is still on isn't it?

I hope so, I just laid in some 10mm and cheap .45.

What are we going to shoot this time, seems I always bring the wrong guns:(

Geoff Ross
With all this jabbering about gun shows. The shoot on the 28th is still on isn't it?

I hope so, I just laid in some 10mm and cheap .45.

What are we going to shoot this time, seems I always bring the wrong guns:(

Geoff Ross
The Shoot is still on. We can't let Dead have a big ego and cancel this thing just because he's not man enought quit his job and go:p

Geoff just bring all your guns.

Darogue- Your absolutely correct about the Hotel being Anti-Gun. My Dad does some of the conventions there for non Gun related stuff and People at the Sheraton Bitched about the Lunatics with the Guns:rolleyes: I went to one of the last ones they had and absolutely miss it:(

The Gunshow was pretty good today. I finally got some Hirtenburger but it didn't work any better in my FAL. Geoff Check out the Rifle Forum for the Next Installment of my FAL Saga. The gun works but at a slightly lower setting than most other FALs.

I was thinking about taking a job in Collegeville for the company I currently work with. :)

I already put in the request for transfer, now I have to wait and see if I get what I need, and want. :eek:


Yeah bring all your guns, and sell the house.. Move to PA, you will love yourself for it!
package deal

my package:

rock-ola m1 carbine

colt 6601 post-ban

bush. carbine ar-15 post-ban9cool little weapon)

7mm rem mag.(wish the 500 yrds was up)

couple sigs,two 45acp, and a 9 mm.

and maybe a 308 fal.????????????
My Goal for the shoot is to learn how to hit something with Iron sights on an AR and try out an M1 Carbine.

Collegeville is 10minutes from me Dead:cool:
Collegeville used to be like 10 minutes from where I used to live too! It is a nice area. Yes come to PA! Looks like ther will be a bunch of M1 carbines and AR's at the shoot. It's only two weeks from today:cool: ! What time does it kick off? Do I sleep in or is it going to be another long day:p. By the way welcome sniper! Where do you hail from in PA? This may turn out to be a big get together. Any count on the number of people yet. Holding out for good weather.......DAROGUE1
"jabbering"? - :confused:

Collegeville is a stone's throw from me. Nice area.
So far, (still scheduled for a big to-do on Saturday), I will be at W&W along with two FAL-toting buddies.

Jabbering, well I never!

Well we have 9 people that gave a positive answer to this Poll. Plus Me:D

I talked to a few other guys yesterday and I told them to sign up here at TFL and to come out on the 28th so hopefully they will. I also have that guy Matt that has the 50BMG that said he was going to come out.

I will be there at 9am on the dot to make sure we get exactly what we want and Nobody else claims anything.

Dinosaur are you still in?
The way things are going today you young studs had better learn to shoot an AR with iron sights:D.

I can't bring everything Soda, I would have every BATF goon and FBI agent following me through New Joisey!

Decisions, Decisions:rolleyes:

Geoff Ross
I was thinking about posting something in the General Discussion Forum about how out of touch I am with the US Military. I know how to shoot every gun out there except the AR/M16 rifle. And I have only shot an M1A once. I guess They would send me into the Indian or Russian Military.

Just dont rent a Ryder truck to bring all your gear :p

Maybe a nice 18wheeler will work for you????

I dunno what I can get my hands on for this, but I will be there. I know one possibly two of my friend's will come out for this. Will have to wait and see.

You should join the Russian Military :p

You got enough trigger time with AK's SKS's, Mosin Nagat's.
Osama Might Capture me and make me a Gunsmith for his buddies. I'd have to sabatage all of their AK's and glue all the parts together.

Or I'll sneak some Chilean ammo into Aghanistan and then all there guns will blow up:D
By the way where is Dinosaur?

There's a rumor going around he's in Special Forces and hasn't been heard of since all this broke out. Ya think he's over there?

Nope, he is probably a sky marshall riding on commercial airliners and harassing the stewardesses:D

Geoff Ross

I guess I am going to have to give a class on the AR, by the numbers, military style.

Then everyone will forget what I said and learn to do it the right way:mad:

You guys better learn before the draft comes and you find your butt in BDU's.

Dinosaur and I will sit back here and cheer you on :D

Remember, don't stand in front of a camel, they spit nasty stuff all over you!

Geoff Ross
Since the gummit lifted the age limit on FAMs to hire ex cops,

I`ve been considering it. :cool: Not really, I`ve had just about enough of flying.

I went shooting with the local P.D. yesterday. Better get to the range boys cause we`re in trouble. They were never the best but man were they bad. Even the Chief who cleaned my clock in a competition a couple of years ago did lousy. I had high score out of everyone this time.

As long as the weather`s good I should be there. Since I`m not into cleaning too many guns I`ll probably only bring my carry gun and my M1A. If you read Blackhawk Down, you guys heading for Afghanistan know the M16`s weren`t too good for sending the Skinnies to Paradise. The 308 seemed to do the job real good though.:D
:cool: A course on the AR! Guess I better get her warmed up this week. Need to zero the 4x I bought for it. Ain't hitting jack with the scope. Do well with the iron sights though. I think that the Carbine will come along too. Anybody bringing handguns. I have a ACLS class the next day so I don't want to be up all night cleaning before the exam. I may also get questions about the Hoppes 9 or CLP "aftershave" during it!:p The question still remains though......HOW MUCH AMMO TO BRING!! Hope to hear from you guys soon. later.....DAROGUE1