PENNSYLVANIA TFL MEMBERS!!!SodaPop's 22 Pop Festival January 27th

DonQatU sent us all a bunch of targets. They are all Man Size targets and should be great for 22 Rifle shooting. I think I have about 25-30 of them.

I've going to have to break the rules for the 22 shoot at some point for 45 seconds. I have to settle the score with a few people here and once and for all its got to end. I got about a half dozen cranky PM's from Mini bashers that I have got break the rules and Break out the Mini 14.

Atleast Jody Hudson is coming and the rest of you are going to have to tell DonQatU that you seen me shoot up his targets at 400yds. Maybe he'll send us more free targets next time too:)

Free targets? I love anything that has "free" attached to it. What's the cost again for the day, and do they have ammo and targets you can buy? Food?
Early Bird Catches The Worm


They throw you off the range at 4pm now so get there early.

$15 for the range and they do sell Some targets for like 35cents. YES you can buy hot dogs and junk food but Geoff Ross is going on a PIZZA RUN at some point during the day. Or was it Dead?
Hold It right there! Dead volunteered to do the Pizza run:D

I refuse to get involved in the "Trailer Park AR" soap opera. This time get some other witnesses:p

What is the weather forecast for the area:confused:
Targets are covered.........

Fellow Gunners,
I have the target situation under control. I have 8 different types of targets printed out 25 times each on 8 1/2 X 11 paper so unless you want bigger targets than what I'm gonna supply, the targets are on me.:D See ya Sunday!
I'm working on My friend.

She just applied for her CCW, but she has never fired a gun. I was hoping she would let me know by now, whether or not she was coming. I could have asked some of you to bring some CCW sized pistols for her. The only thing I got is My 38 Special snubby.

Heeeeey!!! Don't hold a Grudge Geoff!!!

You and Dinosaur already posted for me before, but I've failed to shut some people up, since I don't have a camera. Why don't you get in on those Debates. I get so much hate PM's and Emails from People every time I make My claims. Its got to end:barf:
See ya there folks. There will be two of us from southern Delaware there.
Digital Camera
Lots of long range military targets
Some .22 QuikShok ammo
Some other .22 ammo
Guns: Walther TPH, Mod. 41 S&W, Thompson Center rifle, AK 74

What else do I need to bring SodaPop, did I forget something?
No I don't have any pine SodaPop and my trunk may be full or nearly so, when I get there... :)

Hmmmm, if I see a building site with some scraps though I'll stop and see what I can find in pieces of cut off 2"x4" if that will help.