Pennsylvania Shoot in May!!

Forgot to mention...

I'm havin a shoot at my club up here in Reading on Sunday, May 19th...
Noon 'till ???

No B.S., No cocky "benchrest" attitudes...

I go to this club to shoot, not to stand around and talk about guns...

Club President and I are good friends...

Full auto, and full mag bumpfiring has been OK'd just for the shoot...

If you bring any Class3 stuff, be smart and bring your form4 just to cover your ass...
If you have anything illegal, leave it at home...

Total cost will be $10 per person for the whole day...

I've got a thread started at and with all the details...

For directions, go to:

Club address is:

Daniel Boone Rod & Gun Club
301 Dautrich Rd.
Reading, PA 19606

Any questions, email me

Hope to see you there !

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He might have been pissed because there were empty benches, but no empty targets around there at 100 yards and I asked if I could squeeze a target somewhere over there. I guess that he was never in combat if that distracted him. I could be totally wrong, though. Usually the guys who were good in combat aren't so serious.
there was huge piece of plywood all the way over to the right. He had plenty of room on that board. We had the whole center zone for the entire day.
Which guy was this, the one with the Camo Shooting jacket?

I moved my targets for him so we would not cross shoot on the plywood backer at 100 yds.

Or the other guy on the far right bench. He is there every time we shoot, always seems to be pissed that anyone else is there.

We need to talk with the management about shell blockers on the benches.
It was the guy with the 30/30 that I shot up his targets. I was actually aiming at some 3 inch orange sticker targets just below his. I shot up the bottom left corner of his target. He yelled "Someone peppered My targets". I managed to piss two people off at one time.

The guy all the way over to the right with the really long varmint scope was the guy that said "How much longer are you going ot shoot that thing" to me. And I said "are you getting hit with brass?"

He was like 6 tables down and I was smacking him upside the head with My brass.
You been hangin' with Dead too much:D

I showered that same guy with brass from my AR :D

What kind of sniper can he be if hot brass distracts him:rolleyes:

BTW that levergun was a 45-70. Had ported barrels and a mean kick.
Sorry I didnt make it, but I was tried up so to speak.. Damn string bikini's, they are tricky to untangle one's self from!!!
Teacher got the note........

The Woodrow's sent in their absentee note about a week before the shoot. Sorry Guys. I will definitely be at the Delaware shoot with the wife in tow! See ya there!;)
Yes SodaPop, I'm bringing the whole clan. Daniel, 15 Amber, 13 Ray, 4 and Ryan 21 months. My inlaws just bought a retirement place down in Delaware so we will be staying there at night.