Pennsylvania Shoot in May!!

Where in the name of John Moses Browning is DINOSAUR????

I don't know.

Jeets the address is:

9173 Janes Lane
East Greenville PA 18041

Look it up on Mapquest. Its so easy to get too. If you are worried you'll get lost or something I can give you My cell phone number? I'll have it with me at the Range.
Is the date set?

Is the date set for the 11th?

One other thing.... Jeets, did you just attend LFI-1? If so, we are former classmates!

Thanks for any feedback!

It's tomorrow.

Bring your smokepoles and plenty of ammo. Bring the better half too! Bring a friend:D

Special bonus to anyone who kidnaps a TFL moderator and brings He/ She/ It to the shoot.

Rumor has it that Dead may bring the Swedish Bikini Team:D

C'mon you guys, show up this time!
What? It's this weekend? LOL

I have some things to take care of at the church in the AM but I will be up (alone) after that.
I am skipping a GSSF match at Target Master so we'd better have fun or I will be grouchy (or maybe grouchier). ;)

What are we shooting anyway?

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SodaPop... I should be able to find it, I am just down the road off of 663 above Pottstown. I look forward to being there and putting faces to some names.
I haven't been able to kidnap anyone yet. :( I'm slowly working on some of my co-workers, though, so maybe next time.

I'll try to get there shortly after 9AM, unless I oversleep (which is very possible). I'm bringing everything, even my khukuries. :eek: :D Look for the guy in the Himalayan Imports T-shirt.
Ths shoot is too close to home for me not to visit...

I'll try to stop down later in the day...

I'll bring a couple Glocks, a FAL and an AK along...
Maybe a shotgun for clays too...

See yoos there !
Hi guys, I got back safely, despite a tow truck on fire on the BW Parkway that blocked traffic for a while. The meet was fun and I'm glad to know my FAL really is sighted in for 300 yards.

Next time sporting clays!!! :)
I concur. Daver308 and I had a good time at the pistol range with anklepocket.
Man did I burn through a bunch of 9mm.
We really need to have an 870 meet.
Maybe, tactical 870 sporting clays? :)
Thanks for another fine day Soda.
Boy I'm really thinking about hiring a hit man for you NO SHOWS:p

I am sometimes amazed at how little I shoot at these TFL shoots. I think I only fired 15rds of 30/06,70rds of .223, and 15rds of .308. Oh and a box and a half of 38 Special.

I think I walked around eating hot dogs and beef jerky the whole time.:D

I'm all for a run on the sporting clays. I still have about a case of 16gauge sitting around. I'm not very good at clays so........................ no laughing.:)

Maybe sometime in the next month we can do it? Between the Delaware shoot and the Car shoot I'm going to, I don't think I can afford to shoot any other times.
Good show. Thanks for having me and nice to meet you all. I was only 45 minutes late relieving the baby sitter and my wife called frm work to express her disapproval for me having a great time. Sorry for ejecting hot brass on ya.
yea I was one of those 'no shows'.. :(
sorry soda but my family comes first.. We had a chance to see and ride on 'Thomas the Tank engine' train in Buckingham pa yesterday and we took out 8 year Son.. Wouldn't have missed that for the world:) Sorry!! Try to make the next one!!
Glad you guys had a good time ! Weather was great!
I didn't make it down there 'till after 3pm, so I missed most of you guys...

Got to meet SodaPop, and Jeff...
Can't remember any other names though...:)

One thing I will say...

If I was a "badguy", I sure as hell wouldn't want to be within 500 yards of Mr. Pop. :rolleyes:

5 holes center mass @ 500 yards with a "deer" gun is some serious shootin...

Really nice club too...
(Seemed a little "stuffy" on the scattergun side of the club though):)
I'd really enjoy walking the clay course with a shotgun, count me in on the next shindig...

Right now Im trying to talk the wife into a Delaware camping<coughandshootingcough>trip...

See you guys soon...
But you left out the fact I "peppered" some guys target accidentally ;) at 100yds. And I POed a bench shooting guy with hot Mini 14 brass.
I thought that was funny as hell...

Seems some of the "stuffy" folks found their way to the rifle range too...

The guy with the camo bolt gun on the end bench kept getting pissed because others were shooting while he was trying to concentrate...

I also saw the guy get the brass down the back of his shirt...
Funny as hell...

You won't find guys like that at my range...

The only three things you will find in the trash cans at my club is peppered targets, empty shells and beer cans... :D
The guy with the camo bolt gun on the end bench kept getting pissed because others were shooting while he was trying to concentrate...

I've seen that guy at the range just about every other time I go. For some reason he didn't seem to recognize me. He really was pretty pissed yesterday. I wonder if his wife kicked him out of the house or something. He was a really nice guy every other time I talked to him.

The peppering incedent really wasn't My fault. That guy was actually violating the "Crossfire Rules" at the range. He was shooting across 3 lanes and not directly in front of him. I was shooting directly in front of me. And directly under his targets.:D Too bad My gun was sighted in at 200yds. I sure shot the hell out of his targets:D :D :D