Pennsylvania/New Jeresey/Virginia TFL members

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How many of you went to the gun show?

I was pretty disappointed. Not one table had any .308 match ammo in boxes (only cases) and there wasn't one single pack of South African 5.56mm.:eek:

All I got was a big bottle of CLP and two AR mags. The SA80 mag worked!!!:D I think its a stronger mag than the GI ones and they were going for $20. Lots of used Beretta 92FS mags for $25 also.

Other than that, it was pretty weak. No ACOG scopes, no Sig 239.....

Years ago they use to have the National Guard there with TOW missiles and modern machine guns to fondle. Almost made me want to sign up. That was 8yrs ago.
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You guys just keep me informed where the flock goes. I haven't had time to scope out all the other sites. YOU TELL ME!!!

I've been dealing with 3am phone calls to pick up drunk relatives and pull them out of ditches.:mad:
Looks like January 18th is the tentative date. Who's in? If its not good then I think February would be better. I got a lot of weekends booked in Jan.
Yeah, took in the show....

... and while there were some items there that were interesting, you're right Soda, it isn't what it used to be. Well, everthing has it's highs and lows.

At least I got to check out the first CZ P-01 that I've seen. Not bad, so another pistol goes on the list. But alas, no Beretta 96 Brigadier Inox... sigh! The one thing I would like to know is why none of the AR vendors ever seem to have lower receivers? Also, darn few FAL receivers(at least none that interested me)!

Soda, I thought I saw the one vendor had PMP(South African produced) ammo? Were you looking for linked/bulk?

I did notice that of the vendors that had case lots, that the prices seemed up a few dollars per case from the last show.

The 18th might be doable. I'll check the schedule and post back.
"LastDefender" actually came out to one of our shoots. He came over from Gary, I think his name is.

I must admit I go over to a lot but I don't know if I'm up for fighting for territory over there. Great resource for information.

That PA thread does interest me. I think I'll settle on a date in the next 10 days and then post on a couple sites about a group shoot. Whoever has the "highest quality" of attendees will be our dwelling place.

When we first started out 2yrs ago I posted over at 1911Forums,AR15,Assaultweb, and TFL.

The TFL crowd has always been the classiest.

I emailed Oleg about his site. He doesn't have a forum for gatherings YET but will make modification on the "Tactics and Training forum".

I really like too.

The next gathering will pull from all of the sites.

January 18th???????????
Ok, Saturday January 18th from 9am-4pm at Water and Wings gun club.

Here is the location

I'll post more info in the next week (before TFL shutsdown).

I'm going to post this gathering at every gun board I can. 1911Forums,FNFal, AR15,AssaultWeb ect.................. so there will be more than TFL refugees most likely.

It will only be $15 to shoot at the rifle and pistol ranges all day.The normal non-member fee is $20 so make sure you tell them you are from TheFiringLine for the discount.

The range is:
100-500yd rifle range
7-50yd pistol range
Sporting clays galore.
Isn`t Saturday the 19th? At any rate I`ll be there! :) IS anyone planning on sporting clays? Are slug sighted riot guns welcome? ;) Marcus
Marcus- you can bring your shtf shotgun, but only if you let me try it!:D

BoyScout-there aren't any sissy 3rd limits like the state run ranges.:cool:
Uh huh huh, I was lookin at Jan. 2002.:rolleyes: You`re more than welcome to try it,but don`t blame me if your arms get tired. ;) Marcus
So far so good.
I will bring my riot SG(s) as well so Marcus does not feel out numbered.
Any theme for this shoot, Soda?

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