Pelosi and Illegal Immigration

Not only does an illegal immigrant cost less to hire, they put less of a drain on our community.

Totally wrong, a contractor in my area may hire an illegal for between 7-15 dollars per hour if the illegal has a wife and children they receive food stamps, some times federal rent supplements (depending on how savvy they are with paper work), WIC, free schooling, breakfast and lunches for the children.

All paid by property tax to a great extend so the contractors labor is supplemented by the homeowner.......................

On top of all this the illegal normally drive without license, insurance, with fake registration and vehicle inspection cheating the state out of tax and again the taxpayer, no sir you are incorrect the illegal does drain the community at large, all reports I have read have stated this fact so it is silly to think otherwise.
anecdotal evidence that is directly contradicted by the facts, but believe what you want to believe, just be aware that if the illegals did not provide an economic advantage they would be stopped tomorrow. That's the way our system works, follow the money and you find the truth.
anecdotal evidence that is directly contradicted by the facts, but believe what you want to believe, just be aware that if the illegals did not provide an economic advantage they would be stopped tomorrow. That's the way our system works, follow the money and you find the truth.

I believe you are incorrect with your "facts." Illegals do provide an economic advantage, but that advantage is not geared towards the common citizen. Just because the businesses and politicians benefit does not mean the cost is not present; it just means that us "commoners" pay the tab.

We deal with the rising crime rates, our taxes pay for their social services, our insurance rates cover their health services. All of those "jobs Americans won't do" like trucking, construction, welding, etc are filled with cheap uneducated labor, making it more difficult for US citizens to find work. The government and businesses love this; not only do they get cheap labor but there is also more of our money going back into their system to pay for the illegals. They make their profit on multiple levels while we pay on multiple levels.

Illegals provide an economic advantage if you reside in an elevated position and are willing to shaft US citizens for illegal foreigners who make you a buck. You may be ok with this, but I'd rather not sell my morals for a higher margin.
The best argument against the idea of a border fence I have seen was expressed on the HBO television show, Penn & Teller's "Bull****" (sorry about the language, but that IS the name of the show).

Here's a link to part 1 of 3 of the episode on YouTube:

As with every episode of Bull****, the language is... colorful. :)

For those without time or inclination to watch, they build a section of wall (by hiring undocumented day laborers) built to the proposed DHS specifications and then have three teams penetrate the wall: one team goes over, one goes under, and another goes through. It only took a matter of minutes to cross it.

In short, it's expensive and doesn't work.

I think we should deny amnesty, get rid of the income tax, and replace it with a national sales tax (fair tax). A fair tax means undocumented workers get taxed, too, when they buy stuff.

I also think we should streamline the citizenship program and visa process so those that want to work here won't resort to border jumping.
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In short, it's expensive and doesn't work.

In short it will work as a added tool along with boots on the ground,&
surveillance technology, no one thing will secure that long of a border,
but a proper barrier is a help.