Pawn Shops in a few months

reynolds357 said:
The list has always been considered definitive.
That doesn't make it an order. Some state governors have chosen to follow the federal guidelines, other state governors have departed from them. As the heads of government in their respective states, that is their right and their duty.
That doesn't make it an order. Some state governors have chosen to follow the federal guidelines, other state governors have departed from them. As the heads of government in their respective states, that is their right and their duty.
Its not their right. Their duty is to uphold The Constitution of The United States. They are defying federal govt illegally. Crisis does not suspend The Constitution. These governors are technically interfering with interstate commerce by stopping these pawn shops
from selling guns . Preserving National security and economic viability is why the DHs list exists. The list is what the Federal govt deems necessary and essential for its function. State laws are subordinate to the LAWS that created DHS and gave it the authority to maintain the list of essential businesses and infrastructure.
I learned about this from my trade association lawyers because we are remaining open despite our state attempting to shut down some of the members of our trade association. Interstate commerce trumps state governors. The high court rulings on Fed Vs states have been consistent for the last 150 years. The governors are making an illegal and dangerous power grab. An individual state can not decide to throw a wrench in the war machine of the nation. When these cases finally make it to appeals court level in Federal court, this will be confirmed and damages will be awarded.
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reynolds357 said:
Its not their right. Their duty is to uphold The Constitution of The United States. They are defying federal govt illegally. Crisis does not suspend The Constitution. These governors are technically interfering with interstate commerce by stopping these pawn shops from selling guns .
How are they "defying the federal government"? As has been pointed out several times, the CDC and other federal guidelines are guidelines, they are not laws nor executive orders.

As to whether some governors' orders are unconstitutional ... it is my understanding that lawsuits have been filed in some states, and that's the established procedure for determining if/when something the government does is or isn't constitutional.

reynolds357 said:
Their duty is to uphold The Constitution of The United States.
No, the duty of a state governor goes beyond upholding the federal Constitution. To determine the extent of any particular governor's duties, you need to read that state's constitution.
How are they "defying the federal government"? As has been pointed out several times, the CDC and other federal guidelines are guidelines, they are not laws nor executive orders.

As to whether some governors' orders are unconstitutional ... it is my understanding that lawsuits have been filed in some states, and that's the established procedure for determining if/when something the government does is or isn't constitutional.

No, the duty of a state governor goes beyond upholding the federal Constitution. To determine the extent of any particular governor's duties, you need to read that state's constitution.
The State Constitution is trumped by the COTUS. The Constitutions of many States guaranteed the right to own slaves. Federal order, followed by COTUS Amendment overrode those State Constitutions.
A State can not simply decide to deny rights given by the COTUS. COTUS rights are guaranteed to All citizens of all states.
yes, the pawn shops will buy low, and sell high. we may still be able to get some items at very good prices, but i think the usual shopping around may be in order, if there are more than one pawn shops in your area. but then too, the gun stores themselves, may also see a flood or returned items as well.

and if you are a regular customer of a particular gun shop or two, or three, i think better deals can be had, as you are a known person, rather than just someone off the street.
reynolds357 said:
The State Constitution is trumped by the COTUS. The Constitutions of many States guaranteed the right to own slaves. Federal order, followed by COTUS Amendment overrode those State Constitutions.
A State can not simply decide to deny rights given by the COTUS. COTUS rights are guaranteed to All citizens of all states.
The 2nd Amendment supposedly guarantees us a right to keep and bear arms, yet the Supreme Court has not ruled that the practice of most states to require a permit or license to carry a handgun is unconstitutional.

Most observers agree that the president has at least some unilateral ability to take action necessary to respond to crisis, even though the Constitution is silent on the matter. However, there is disagreement as to the scope of such power. Advocates for broad presidential power argue that the president has “plenary” or absolute power when it comes to defending the nation—that decisions in this context are for the president alone to make.

Others conclude that presidents can initially act independently when they believe it is necessary to defend the nation; however, their actions must be retroactively approved by Congress and are subject to review by the courts.

And that's the problem. It is accepted that the President has some power to act in emergencies, but the extent of his powers has not been defined as yet. Stay tuned.
"KEEP AND BEAR ARMS?" Tell that to the people in New Orleans after Katrina!
42 U.S. Code § 5207. Firearms policies came about as pretty much a direct result of what happened in New Orleans.
Re the above. Regardless whether or not these people panic buying first time guns will become dyed in the wool 2A proponents.

I'm just glad that there are newly awakened people who, at long last, realize gun ownership is essential. They realize guns are tools and not inherently evil, and that nobody is going to protect them but themselves.

I saw a cartoon of a 30 something woman in a gun store with a shoulder bag full of toilet paper. She was exclaiming, "Why can't I have my gun now?! Why do I have to wait ten days?!"

The dealer said, "Do you believe in gun control?"

The lady said, "Well, yes, of course. But what does this have to do with gun control?"

The dealer said, "Lady, this is gun control."
Do most of you expect the "new gun owner" anxiety so cool off as they read (if literate) or hear about several states' governors planning to slowly allow most businesses to reopen?

As long as there are no solid signs weeks later of a Chinese Virus relapse/return, this could gradually deflate the 'anxiety bubble'?

My planning began in 2008 (lots of ammo for This type of situation), but am curious for the sake of Other people---
with dramatically reduced incomes who can't afford an extra gun for a spouse:(, and no cash for a decent ammo reserve.

Armslist can be a very good alternative. Many states still require No background check.
Tons of handguns and rifles are available in any city and so many towns-some seem to be at fairly 'normal' pre-virus prices.

If people don't have the correct common sense to use Armslist, they don't have enough common sense to own, or especially to carry a gun.
With a pawnshop, you will very seldom even see the previous owner.
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