Pawn Shops in a few months

This thread reminds me of how things were at the LGS some 20 years ago & earlier.

Ohio - was a shotgun only deer hunting state.
West Virginia & Pennsylvania were (and still are) rifle deer hunting states.

Every year when hunting season was coming up, there would be a run on lever action rifles. They (the gun stores) couldn't order them fast enough to supply the demand.

Fast forward to January, February, March - - there was a glut of - - lever action rifles - some unfired - coming back too those stores.
The returns got to the point that most stores had so many used lever guns, they quit taking them back.

As a side not - a lot of used guns back then floated in as people were trying to pay off Christmas bills and put together enough money to pay their taxes.
a few houses down from me are a couple who had to have all the newest things, with 4-5 boats-cars and bikes along with the house bought 6-7 years ago(pretty high end). both work, but were on the edge with bills all the time. i talked to them many times and they said they were getting the things they did,t have growing up. both have been out of work now about 3 weeks and i known thimgs are getting tight. i do feel sorry for them.
No......but we did see a huge drop in demand and price

Apples and oranges with regards to the OP.

There wasn't a major economic disaster with Sandy Hook. If anything, the economic was in pretty good shape at that time

No major economic disaster, but, the economy was far from good IMOP
SHAME ON THEM!!! I was born in a Ghetto in theSouth Side of Chicago. Talk about not having??? I started saving early, invested well and retired early. I have over 200 firearms and live well BUT not like a idiot.
I wonder how many new gun buyers, the kind of folks that believed that they would never need a gun and had no love of guns, will look at the one gun that they bought during this pandemic and feel just a bit safer knowing that they have some means now of defending themselves and their family. Someone like that might think about selling, and then will remember that feeling of security that the gun gives them, glance at their family members quietly sleeping, and put the gun back in the underwear drawer and think "I never will be unable to defend my family again."
Academy Sports has some "Avail. for Shipping" ammo which is now seldom found in their stores.
And their prices have Not gone up, based on some I bought while "preparing" over the years for a crisis such as this.

Most people might not know about this shipping option?

*They seem to only be aware of ammo in their local retail stores.
I've been watching a few of the online retail ammunition sites and ammo that isn't at rape prices are flying off the shelves. Pallets of ammo sold in a matter of minutes. I don't think that guns will be the only thing showing up for sale if things slow down. Some might think they don't need a thousand rounds of ammo and look to sell a good portion. Those are the sales I'm looking forward too.
When I was LE a few of the local pawn shops would send us items/serial number of things taken in - the honest ones. Then there were the stores who scurried like cockroaches when you walked in.

Others can chime in, but It always baffled me when pawn shops would price a gun at or above retail cost, then act insulted when you tried to bargain. Most of the stuff around here looks like it came out from under grandpas truck seat.
a few houses down from me are a couple who had to have all the newest things, with 4-5 boats-cars and bikes along with the house bought 6-7 years ago(pretty high end). both work, but were on the edge with bills all the time. i talked to them many times and they said they were getting the things they did,t have growing up. both have been out of work now about 3 weeks and i known thimgs are getting tight. i do feel sorry for them.
My wife has been hounding me for two years to get a new $65,000 Expedition. I told her yesterday "I bet you glad you dont have an Expedition payment right now". (I sure was noy going to pay for it) She reluctantly agreed.
My grandparents grew up in the Great Depression. I heard it 10,000 times from them "You better save up enough to go a year without a paycheck " By the time I was 25 I had made that suggestion a reality. It was not because I made a lot of money. It was because I didnt spend much. Most people dont know needs from wants.
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I've got a couple or three coworkers who found the need to buy but because of the lockdown found out they can't. I told them how and where before everything came to a halt but they waited too long. Now they are wanting but the other hand is full.
I've got a couple or three coworkers who found the need to buy but because of the lockdown found out they can't. I told them how and where before everything came to a halt but they waited too long. Now they are wanting but the other hand is full.
Why cant they buy? Firearms are essential business.
Each state has made their own decision concerning letting gun shops stay open or not.

Sort of. Many did, but not all have even go so far as to imposing stay at home orders, much less shutting down any businesses. For the ones deeming gun businesses as non-essential, I think nearly all have fallen that have been challenged legally.

New York seems to be an exception. I wish y'all the best of luck.
New York seems to be an exception. I wish y'all the best of luck.

Add Massachusetts to the list of gun stores being ordered closed. Sucks. There is one store in Western MA that has told our Governor and AG to pound sand and has stayed open. Nothing really they can do to him as the town and local LEs seem to be backing him as well.
In my area the issue is two fold: most stores around here won't let people in to take the required test for the Firearms Safety Certificate due to "Social Distancing" and then they are busy clearing the backlog for all guns / ammo on order / DROS due to all of the paperwork involved. The big chain here only allows two people in the store at a time and only the person(s) who have friends / spouces / kids. They can only cycle 3-4 people per hour through the stores.

So if you had a gun on DROS, when it clears they call you to set an appointment to do all of the rest of Kommiefornia's paperwork so you can pick up your gun. In the mean time, no new guns are being sold, no person to person transfers, & no arranging a FFL transfer.