Pardner Protector Dilemma

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Wow dreaming, is this some form of denial? Some "870" armor's prefer plastic parts? :rolleyes: I dremeled my feed ramp and induced a feeding issue that was fixed before I left the bench :rolleyes: You make me laugh as you giggle and make stuff up.

And you're right, finding used barrels sure is tough. I mean, where is that used barrel market at? Looks like I may just have to buy my barrels new....

Notice to price.

And yes, it's a cheap gun, I treat it like crap... So what? Thats why I bought it. :rolleyes:
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I don't want this thread to turn argumentative:(, in fact everyone has made good points (both for and against a PP). I appreciate the advice.

Basically I wanted a shotgun that I can hand down to my kids and that will stay in the family for decades. That's why I really like the Police 870 magnum. I look at it as an investment. It's just that I am very tempted to get a PP, it seems like a decent gun, my concern is will it last. I'm new to all this so I thought I'd ask. On top of all this, the Waldo World employee told me the PP will wear down if used intensely, so again that's why I wanted to hear from some PP owners.

The local Mom and Pop gun store who can get me the Police Magnum gets their stuff from Davidson's. From what I was told (and after visiting Davidson's website) it looks like they have a very good lifetime warranty for the the stuff they sell. I would like to buy American, preferably, but if I go Chinese my concern was the servicing and longevity of the product.

Heck, maybe I should just get a Mossberg, LOL! :p
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response
The OP is not a troll.

If the OP wants something that can be handed down for generations, I'd would recommend a Winchester 1300 - NEW... yes, you can still find 'em. Not the run of the mill 870 nor an inexpensive Hawk, Maverick, or Pardner.
I'm issued a Rem 870 Police Mag at work. I have a PP for HD. I've had so many problems with the 870s heating up during quals and sticking that I take my PP to instructor recerts because it's been flawless. The Pardner has worked great for me.
I agree that the OP is not a troll, but do not understand how semi-problematic is going to buy his new barrel from H&R.

Additional barrels will be fitted to the proper frame if the frame passes a detailed inspection. This inspection is performed by the repairman at the time the frame is received

We do not sell additional barrels outright. All barrels must be factory fitted.

In order to obtain an additional barrel(s), the stock, forend and frame (receiver) must be sent to us so that they may be properly hand-fitted to the barrel, to be sure they are correctly head-spaced and proof-tested.
I guess I've officially been bestowed the title of "troll", I'm heartbroken:rolleyes:

Noreaster, your input is exactly what I was hoping to get. I planned on purchasing 2 Police Magnums (so my bill would be well above a thousand bucks). I am now seriously considering the PP. I figure if I purchase 2 of them, I'll be spending 400 bucks max. And if they do turn out to be lousy, it won't be too great of a loss, I'll consider it a learning experience.

Onward, I never even looked at the Winchester 1300, will do so now. Thank you everyone for the advice, even Soilwork.
Someone I respect just contacted me and suggested that a new thread be started about the cheapest place to buy a POSS (POS Shotgun). Do not get the wrong idea.

I do not think the Pardner is a POS, but I you are fooling yourself if you think you are getting an 870 for $200. If you don't care about the advantages of the 870, of which the majors are accessory barrels and the ability to use parts and accessories without fitting and modification, get a Pardner.
Noreaster, Understand the problem with department 870s. How much is due to them being abused by the department whereas you maintain your personal pp.

Which do you use for a regular duty weapon, the 870 or the PP. If the 870, why not the PP?
Dreaming, I understand exactly what your saying and respect that. If I end up getting the PP and it turns out to be a POS, it's on me.

If the 870 Police Magnum price would hit around $550, I'd purchase them in a heartbeat. The Mom and Pop store owner said it's very unlikely to happen.
It isn't a POS. The biggest problem I see with one is the barrels. While some say other 870 parts work on it, some say they need to be fitted. The bolt is supposed to be most troublesome but I don't know if that is true.

If you just want something for HD and nothing else, you might be happy. If you want a short barrel and a 28" VR, it isn't the way to go IMO. Some want more than two barrels (18.5, 28.4, 24, and a slug barrel). The pardner is definitely not for them. You may not know how many barrels you want until later.

What is it Spock said, "Be well and prosper."
The PP is so cheap you can just go buy a whole new gun for slightly more than a Remington accessory barrel-----barrel length problems solved.

My PP field model is a better gun than any new Express made---Remington should start stamping their name on the PP and be done with it. Sad to say.
My impression was that the Pardner is a pretty decent shotgun for the money. It could stand a little refinement; the trigger was gritty and the base of the sight bead just barely protruded into the bore, perhaps enough to queer the patterns a little. None of these are problems for the hobbyist gunsmith. I am tempted to buy one, clean up the rough spots and have a set of choke tubes installed.

No, it ain't a 870. It is worth its asking price.
I don't know...maybe it's rocket surgery. You send your gun in and say I want xxx barrel. They fit it and send it back.

Time and costs sending in.
How long does it take to check the frame and fit the gun?
Charges by H&R beyond price of barrels.
Time waiting for return shipment.

I want a barrel for my 870 I can order one from numerous online gun dealers, from Remington, from Mossberg which also makes barrels for the 870, or I can walk into many gun shops and buy one. For instance Bass Pro stocks them.

Forget that down the road a shooter decides they need another barrel. Perhaps they want to shoot clays or hunt birds or deer. Take the time and expense of dealing with H&R. But what if your barrel is suddenly damaged. It happens and sometimes just before your shooting trip.

If this is a dedicated defense gun, consider that if you really have need of it just when it is off in to the factory.

Then go back to the availability of used 870 barrels. I got one in great condition for $85 including shipping and a choke from a private party online.

You said you treat your pardner llke crap. I don't think it is crap, but it sounds like we know what you really think of your pp.

Sarge's assessment is fair. It is worth the $200 IF IT FILLS YOUR NEEDS and you can pay someone to smooth it out OR DO THE WORK YOURSELF LIKE SARGE. If you may be needing additional barrels it is a bad choice.

The PP is so cheap you can just go buy a whole new gun for slightly more than a Remington accessory barrel-----barrel length problems solved.

a. You don't have to buy a barrel from Remington. Less expensive ones are marketed for the 870 by Mossberg.

b. Buying another PP everytime you need a barrel can be expensive. Many need 4 or more barrels and you may find it difficult to even find a gun with a riled slug barrel or a 24 inch barrel.

c. Because the 870 is so popular you can often get a good deal on a slightly used barrel.

d. Consider resale value of both the guns and the barrels.
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I understand what your saying about the abuse of dept issued shotguns. We went from Benelli to Rem for whatever reason and the Rem (could just be a bad batch,) have been troublesome. The NEF is very smooth and always works for me. I only fire about 75 rds of slugs through it per year whereas the issued 870s see more during Dept. quals. I bought mine for sale at Dick's for under $200. Being in MA the replacement barrels are a short drive away in Gardner MA. I did have to wait a long time for my scope mount to come in the mail. It shoots Winchester 1oz slugs so well I use it deer hunting in zone 10.
Noreaster, What you say about the 870 sticking sounds like the chamber issues that for quite a while were common to the Express and I know one guy who had such a tight chamber on his new Wingmaster that the local
Remington service center had to ream it out. The problem is fixable but shouldn't exist. I hope your department gave Remington hell for it. Then again, how were the maintained? Have other departments had a similar problem with P guns as far as you know.
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