Palin speech excerpts already on the net

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I`m watching Dirty Harry week on AMC instead of watching all the underhanded mud slinging.

Sarah says; Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Do you have a word for word transcript of her speech, cant get Youtube at work. Would really love to read her exact words.
I am sorry I should have been more clear, I am looking for a transcript of the speech she gave in church about "God's Plan"

My bad I was not clear enough. :o
Either the "God's Plan" speech was really, really short, or she simply did not say anything all that controversial and someone is using the God's Plan line to try and make her look worse than she really is. I am agnostic and to me it just sounded like a nervous mother desperately hoping that God is on our side while she watches her son volunteer to go to war.
She is a nutcase that has said in the past that the Iraq war was "a task from God."

1 Chronicles 16:21 - He suffered no man to oppress them, And reproved kings for their sakes,

Jeremiah 22:3 - Thus says the LORD: Execute justice and righteousness, and deliver him who is robbed out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence, to the foreigner, the fatherless, nor the widow; neither shed innocent blood in this place.

Malachi 3:5 - I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against the perjurers, and against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and who deprive the foreigner of justice, and don't fear me," says the LORD of hosts.

The Brutality of Saddam's Regime

"Nutcase?" Sounds to me she's the worst possible kind of Christian in the eyes of the radical left - an authentic one.

"Hoping" God is on our side? If anyone can seriously posit that God is on the side of the fillers of mass graves, then it's not Gov. Palin who's a "nutcase." Surely even an agnostic can recognize that.
"Hoping" God is on our side? If anyone can seriously posit that God is on the side of the fillers of mass graves, then it's not Gov. Palin who's a "nutcase." Surely even an agnostic can recognize that.

I don't think God is on anyone's side; I don't think God cares about the war at all. However, if Sarah Palin believes in God then I don't think it is unreasonable for her to speak out in a way that, to me, sounds like she is hoping that we are doing right in God's eyes.
I don't think this was a one line speech that Palin gave at church either. I think this is one line taken out of context in an otherwise unnoticable event.
I don't think God is on anyone's side; I don't think God cares about the war at all. However, if Sarah Palin believes in God then I don't think it is unreasonable for her to speak out in a way that, to me, sounds like she is hoping that we are doing right in God's eyes.
I agree...I do not believe in God but if I did I would hope they were not for any form of war or suffering.

I do think there is a big difference between hoping god thinks we are "doing right" and saying he set this task upon us. Anyone that twists religion to the point of justifying killing is a sicko in my book. Not saying she is doing that since I have not read enough about it yet, but if she is she will be very low in my eyes.
I do think there is a big difference between hoping god thinks we are "doing right" and saying he set this task upon us. Anyone that twists religion to the point of justifying killing is a sicko in my book. Not saying she is doing that since I have not read enough about it yet, but if she is she will be very low in my eyes.

PBP, not singling you out, but your post brings up an interesting point. A common interchageability of words that bothers me is "killing" and "murder" because they are two very different things. From a biblical standpoint, while murder is always wrong and can't be justified, killing for certain purposes can. Killing in defense of innocent life (be it yours or another's) is commonly accepted to be justifiable and likewise war is justifiable so long as the war is waged for a just cause. I think few would argue that the Allies waged WWII for an unjust cause, so therefore is would be biblically justified in the eyes of God. If Gov. Palin believes that we're waging this war for a just cause (which could very easily be argued) then I don't find it unreasonable that she could also believe that God set the task upon us.
PBP, not singling you out, but your post brings up an interesting point. A common interchageability of words that bothers me is "killing" and "murder" because they are two very different things. From a biblical standpoint, while murder is always wrong and can't be justified, killing for certain purposes can. Killing in defense of innocent life (be it yours or another's) is commonly accepted to be justifiable and likewise war is justifiable so long as the war is waged for a just cause. I think few would argue that the Allies waged WWII for an unjust cause, so therefore is would be biblically justified in the eyes of God. If Gov. Palin believes that we're waging this war for a just cause (which could very easily be argued) then I don't find it unreasonable that she could also believe that God set the task upon us.
I agree with most of that but I would never agree that any god wished anyone to kill anyone for any reason. Seems like he would just wish that the killing was not needed and that other means could be found. He would never task someone with killing someone else. Especially not in a way that killed countless innocents. I will never acknowledge anyone that claims god is on their side as they draw the blood. I would like to think God found the whole thing regrettable and wished it could have been avoided in every circumstance.
This thread isn't headed down a good path

He would never task someone with killing someone else.

First you say you don't believe in God, now you say with certainty, what God would not do.

What you are really saying is that if you were God or the God of your imagination, which is really an extension of your inner self, would not send someone to kill.
First you say you don't believe in God, now you say with certainty, what God would not do.

What you are really saying is that if you were God or the God of your imagination, which is really an extension of your inner self, would not send someone to kill.
Not quite. I am saying that if I believed in an omnipotent being i would like to think they are above such violence and pettiness.
I agree with most of that but I would never agree that any god wished anyone to kill anyone for any reason.

You're absolutely right. However, according to the bible, God also understands that sometimes there simply is no other way.

Seems like he would just wish that the killing was not needed and that other means could be found. He would never task someone with killing someone else. Especially not in a way that killed countless innocents.

Indeed I do believe that he wishes killing was not necessary and that some other means could be found. According to the bible, God loves all his children (even the most evil and disgusting) and it causes him great pain when any of them suffers. However, I also believe that God would and has tasked people with killing others when doing so is required in order to stop evil and the pain and suffering it will cause to his other children. God loves us so much that he gave us free will, but with that free will comes concequences for certain actions and death is one of them. He does not enjoy it, but he knows that sometimes it is necessary.

I will never acknowledge anyone that claims god is on their side as they draw the blood.

Yet again I must disagree. Once again I'll use the example of WWII, I fail to see how God could not have been on our side when we drew blood against the Nazis. I believe that the whole ordeal probably caused God tremendous pain, but I think he knew what had to be done in order to prevent further pain and suffering amongst humanity.

I would like to think God found the whole thing regrettable and wished it could have been avoided in every circumstance.

I think God, like you and I, always finds killing regrettable and wishes that it could be avoided, but I think he also understands that sometimes it cannot.
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