Palin speech excerpts already on the net

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I just finished watching Sarah Palin speak and.... wow. That is all I can say. Wow. I can see why she has 80% approval. I definitely like this woman.
I wonder if she says anything in her speach to address her husbands membership in the AIP ??? here is a quote from their website....

Her husband and she were both members of the Alaskan Independence Party. To me, that is a plus, not a minus. Their membership in a "states rights" party makes me like the Palins even more. I am all for the states having more power than the federal government.
I thought she was great. She took some very subtle shots, " I've always been proud to be an American". She addressed some very good issues.

Nice speech.
That was the best speech, writing, delivery, etc, by any candidate that I can think of in quite some time.
She said "BRING IT" in a very Lady like manner.
Tough lady---I think she did great!!
Biden better start practicing--it ain't going to be easy.
Pitbull!! Love it!:p

I wish Bob Barr had picked her as a running mate.

As it stands, I guess I can vote a split ticket--Barr and Palin.

Or I may "throw away my vote" and write in Ron Paul and Palin.

At the very least, I can sleep at night with either of the above choices. :rolleyes:
She will kill, skin, and eat Biden in the VP debates.

Biden will be too busy bloviating about himself (he already did that today, going on for an extra hour and 15 minutes after his aides were trying to get him to wrap it up) and won't notice the fact that he's being killed, skinned, and eaten.

Oh man.

She knocked one out of the park tonight. Too bad the MSM will continue to put her down no matter what. She hit all the right notes with reference to the empty suit running against McCain. I especially liked the line that "He has had time to write two memoirs, but did not write a single piece of legislation or reform".

I think that she showed that phony obama's facade is as fake as the "styrofoam Greek pillars that got returned to some hollywood lot"

Good job Mrs. Palin!

She is a nutcase that has said in the past that the Iraq war was "a task from God."
She has been given a free pass on that so far. She also has a crazy reverand and her husband is in the Alaska Independence Party. I haven't heard much mention of any of these things in the last few days. She has had it easy so far.

And you know if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant out of wedlock you would not hear the end of it from the "values voters".
She nailed it. All she really had to do was give a comprehensive reading of a prepared speech without her voice waivering too much. She went way, WAY beyond that. Hell hath no fury...
Well, I was VERY impressed with Mrs./Gov Palin tonight. She came across as very poised, tough, down to earth, and ready to get the job done.
She did really well, Pbp. I won't tell any spoilers but I will say that I was channel jumping (why do wives hate that so much?) Between CNN and FOX. In the space of 5 seconds, Wolf Blitzer and the guy from FOX (name?) said the EXACT same line- "We just witnessed a star being born on that stage tonight..." Don't let the lipstick fool ya, this lady has teeth!
And you know if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant out of wedlock you would not hear the end of it from the "values voters".
Yep, but the mainstream media wouldn't have been splashing subtle headlines like- IS PALIN'S UNDERAGE, UNWED PREGNANT DAUGHTER NEWSWORTHY? (Um, guys, you might want to decide on that BEFORE you splash it everywhere and then discuss its merits ON AIR.) Please. :barf:
..." Don't let the lipstick fool ya, this lady has teeth!
I doubt Obama can think fast enough to parry everything she'll throw at him. His only hope may be to suit up like Geiko45 and try to protect himself.
Overall a very good speech. A couple of slip ups but nothing too serious. I am very impressed by the way she spoke, and how confident she was in front of all those people. She almost seemed at home on the stage. Their is no doubt in my mind that she will help McCain win the Conservative base. Which was not a sure thing until tonight. I believe they are now sold on her. What sells her to the conservatives is a deterrent to Independents and Democrats. She has some very conservative view points, that will turn many moderates off, myself included. Giving a great speech is not a qualification to be a VP. She is still unproven in national politics. In the end, I am not sure if she will help win many independents or moderate women over to McCain ticket. Now she will have to shine in the debates with Biden, and in media circuit. She does not have as much to prove, but still has to live up to the expectations put on her by this speech.
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After watching her tonight I kind of wish it was Palin/McCain instead of the other way around.
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Since I am a knuckle dragging neo-Luddite in so many ways, like having no television service, I listened to Sarah Palin's speech on the radio at work tonight. I was further impressed with her and look forward to the rest of this race.
All in all, I believe that Palin will help McCain shore up the conservative base. Palin is likable and the American people are going to like her. She seems like one of us. She seems honest and believable.

I believe that tonight, for the first time, I believe McCain can win this election... even though I think he's a lemon.
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