Palin speech excerpts already on the net

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I believe that tonight, for the first time, I believe McCain can win this election... even though I think he's a lemon.
FM, you're not alone. After hearing Governor Palin tonight I'll be pulling that M/P lever with a much less sour look on my face. She is indeed impressive. :cool:

They (Dems) were scared before tonight, now they're terrified. Berserk folks can do evil things and now they're really going to be coming after her. It really is a shame. Lay out Plan A for the future. Lay out Plan B for the future. Let America decide. I, for one, can't wait until Plan C is viable. ;)
She is a nutcase that has said in the past that the Iraq war was "a task from God."
She has been given a free pass on that so far. She also has a crazy reverand and her husband is in the Alaska Independence Party. I haven't heard much mention of any of these things in the last few days. She has had it easy so far.
If any of that is true it might be quite an obstacle for them during the campaign. That "task from god" stuff will not play well with anyone that is not on the far right.
I find her remarkable. I loved her speech. I now hope that McCain wins to Palin can be VP. She will be a shoe in for President in 4 years. Remarkable woman. I bet Obama is wishing he asked Hillary to be his VP now. This is going to be an interesting couple of months.
If any of that is true it might be quite an obstacle for them during the campaign. That "task from god" stuff will not play well with anyone that is not on the far right.

I am sure there are many of her comments like the one on You tube that are going to come back to haunt her. It remains to be seen if she can weather the storm that is brewing.
Lookin' Good

Gotta say, I wuz impressed.

Wife and I kept looking at one another . . . "wow, that's gonna leave a mark."

In fact, that's kind of my summary of the whole presentation.

Wow, that's gonna leave a mark.

Great speech! I have heard some of the media say she's almost like a female BHO. Might be a fair comparison, but Palin actually has substance and more experience.

McCain / Palin '08
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Seemed like she repeated a lot from her speech when McCain introduced her as his VP choice.

Not surprisingly she mentioned her kids a lot, the ones nobody is supposed to mention. I guess the Republican party is all gung ho for special needs kids now.

Most surprising to me was when Palin pledged Alaska's oil, gas and coal reserves to the lower 48. I can't wait till the first tanker is diverted from Japan to the US.

At least she wasn't as sleep inducing as deputy dog and holy joe were last night.
I have never been a McCain fan, but grudgingly decided to vote for him, because the alternative is so opposed to my political beliefs, and those of most Americans. But, after hearing the feisty Palin, seeing that the GOP is finally willing to take on the Dems and not just absorb left wing personal attacks, I contributed to the McCain/Palin campaign. Tomorrow, I am going to take my neighbor's offer to put a huge McCain sign on a piece of property I own on a busy street.

I now feel the GOP (I am an independent conservative myself) has the will and the way to win in November. Palin's energy and spunk has filled the GOP's tank, and I expect to see the polls start to change soon.
Tomsriv said:
She is a nutcase that has said in the past that the Iraq war was "a task from God."
She has been given a free pass on that so far. She also has a crazy reverand and her husband is in the Alaska Independence Party.
Why not? That's Barry's qualification to be President.

I should have added "and President". Obama and Palin should not be on their party's tickets. Neither one of them has enough experience to be President or VP.
Since when is being a Governor not the right experience for being President? I'd rather have a Governor than a Congressman. If I ran a large company and was looking for a new CEO I'd pick someone who successfully ran a division. I wouldn't pick someone out of middle management who had never delivered anything of note.
There, fixed it for you!

What, in your estimation, are the "experience" requirements for prez & vp?

Nice try, but it is not that easy. Her lack of an extensive resume is quite disturbing, for a person that wants to be a leader of the most powerful country in the world. I already posted in detail in other threads why she does not have enough experience to be VP. In my estimation the minimum requirements for VP is an extensive education, at least a Masters degree, and at least one full term as a Governor, Senator, or Mayor of a large city(500,000+). For President double the years. IMHO, neither one have the requirements to be President or VP. They both should be staying in their current job. All they are good at is public speaking.
Not Since Reagan!

Not since Reagan has a CONSERVATIVE dominated the stage, spoken their convictions, and shown such charisma. What the left hated about Reagan was his unapologetic statement of his beliefs. People saw his sincerity and flocked to it. Palin has the same type of but is younger and female. That scares the hell out of the left more than any one thing she could say. The left saw their enemy not just for this election but possibly for the next generation. No wonder they are attacking her so brutally.

She is proudly conservative, sincere, and likable.

FA, I completely disagree with you on the issue of VP. VP is where you put someone whose character you trust and you hope to have gain experience for the future. Palin is a shoe in for that.

I agree with you on Obama, he is nowhere near ready for the Presidency although I could have seen him as a VP candidate (who I would thoroughly oppose because he is a Marxist).
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